Pursuit of the Truth

The Barren Lands of Divine Source

The Barren Lands of Divine Source

0Arc 4: Rising in power in the Barren Lands of Divine Source     

Su Ming's body was gradually covered by snow as he walked into the distance in the midst of snow. At the moment he wore the mask on his face, his level of cultivation immediately started rising and reached great completion in Life Matrix from the later stage of that Realm. As he left, the presence belonging to Life Privation filled his body.     

A thick wave of aura of death turned into a ring in his body, but even though he was in Life Privation Realm, Su Ming still did not stop moving. Instead, he walked into the distance coldly.     

As he walked into the distance, the blue sky within the land of Berserkers started withdrawing layer by layer to reveal the gigantic Yin Death Vortex behind him. That vortex was rotating slowly and letting out booming sounds.     

Those sounds were like roars as they reverberated in the air, as if they were screaming a chant that no one could understand.     

Soon, the vortex in the sky started rotating faster. As it spun, Su Ming lifted his head amidst the snow and wind falling around him. The black mask he wore on his face was incredibly cold, causing Su Ming's gaze to also show mercilessness and heartlessness.     

He was dressed entirely in white. At that moment, besides feeling cold, there was also an apathetic air about him towards life. He flew up slowly into the sky as he walked towards the vortex in the sky.     

"Welcome, Yin Death's Child of Yin Death's Fragmented Worlds… I didn't expect that you would wear the mask before seven days…" The ancient voice travelled out slowly from the vortex, and there was not a hint of emotion that could be detected within it.     

"Noisy." The masked Su Ming spoke coldly. The icy chill in his words seemed to be able to make even that vortex freeze for a moment for it. This blunt manner of speech also contained absolutely no hint of emotion, causing the old voice in the vortex to pause for a moment for it.     

However, after that one pause, he let out a loud bark of laughter.     

"Good. As expected of Yin Death's Child, who lost his feelings for love and his feelings for pain. I will open the path for you and send you to the Barren Lands of Divine Source. This relocation will spend up a large amount of energy we've stored over a countless number of years in Yin Death's Fragmented Worlds. I… wish success upon you!" As that old voice laughed, Yin Death Vortex started rotating swiftly in the sky. Very soon, a large hole appeared at the center of the vortex.     

That hole was pitch black, but there were bolts of purple lightning swimming within it. At the instant it appeared, Su Ming turned into a long arc and charged into the hole.     

Su Ming continued getting closer to the hole, and he soon appeared beyond the hole. At the instant he got there, he stopped moving for a moment and turned his head to look at the ground beneath him.     

At the highest spot in the sky, the continents in the land of Berserkers seemed to have shrank several times. He could see all of them. Su Ming's gaze travelled from the Alliance of the Western Region to South Morning. As he looked at South Morning, he could vaguely see the ninth summit.     

He could see his second senior brother walking out of the cave abode in the ninth summit. Hu Zi was right behind him… as well as his eldest senior brother, who had recovered from his petrified state.     

However, Su Ming's gaze was aloof, so aloof that it would make all those who were familiar with him feel that he become an unfamiliar presence. Su Ming turned his head back and no longer looked at the ground. He lifted his foot and stepped into the hole.     

Almost at the instant Su Ming stepped into the hole, the bald crane in the air behind him let out a piercing roar. Its body turned into a long arc that could slice through air, and at the moment Su Ming stepped into the hole, it followed closely behind him and charged forward… to rush into the hole with him.     

The Barren Lands of Divine Source.     

It existed in the vast galaxy. It was not a part of Yin Death Region. More accurately speaking, it existed in the same galaxy as Bright Yang Emptiness, which was where the four True Great Worlds were, and which was located outside Yin Death Region.     

This place was the place where the criminals who had committed heinous crimes but were difficult to be killed off were banished to throughout the years in the four Great True Worlds. There were all sorts of malicious fiends in there, and big armies formed by numerous powerful warriors from the four Great True Worlds would take turns once every five thousand years to fend against the Barren Lands of Divine Source.     

They were not just fending against the place to prevent those who had been judged as criminals (wonder if I made this clear enough, but it means that there is a possibility that there is someone who have been misjudged) to return to the four Great True Worlds. They were also fending against the members of the alien race from the Barren Lands of Divine Source.     

There was an endless amount of abandoned cultivation planets within the galaxy in the Barren Lands of Divine Source. A large amount of poisonous air filled the entire abandoned galaxy. The strength of that air would even immediately cause those who were slightly weaker to begin rotting away until they died.     

The Barren Lands of Divine Source was incredibly big, but very few knew just how big it was. Rumors had it that it was once an incredibly fertile place, but the war between the four Great True Worlds against the so called alien races had caused this place to become a barren piece of land.     

There were plenty of entrances to the Barren Lands of Divine Source, but only one exit was discovered over the years. There was a seal at the exit. This seal was placed by the four Great True Worlds, and it was also the spot where a large number of powerful warriors from the four Great True Worlds had gathered to fend against this place.     

It was like a ravine, and it had withstood plenty of attacks that were sent from the Barren Lands of Divine Source over the years.     

That was a ravine formed by more than thousands of cultivation planets. They had gathered together to form a huge Rune to seal off space and lock down space, causing this Barren Lands of Divine Source to be sealed up tightly.     

In fact, there was a powerful suppressive Art at this exit. All of these were to fend against the alien races from the Barren Lands of Divine Source.     

The criminals who had committed heinous crimes from the four Great True Worlds had been banished to this place because they wanted to make these people get into a confrontation against the alien races in the Barren Lands of Divine Source. They wanted to make them fight amongst themselves and make them fight for the chance to survive in this abandoned galaxy that was barren of resources.     

Living was a desire in the Barren Lands of Divine Source. Only if they lived would they have endless possibilities. However, the absence of resources, lack of food, and chaos in the spiritual energy in the world had caused devastating fights to frequently occur in this place as these people fought for resources.     

All of these were what the four Great True Worlds wished to see and would be overjoyed to see. As long as they sealed the exit and often sent criminals in there, then as time passed, this place would slowly fall to ruin.     

It was not as if there were no loopholes to this plan, but over the countless years the four Great True Worlds fended against this place, almost all loopholes had been slowly filled up using all sorts of methods, causing this place to turn into a sort of hell.     

This place was indeed hell. It was a cage, a crazed wasteland of all resources that would help a person become a deity. The battle between the four Great True Worlds and the alien races and the deaths over the countless years had caused the Barren Lands of Divine Source to be filled with boundless aura of death. The density of the aura of death in this place might not be able to compare to that in Yin Death Region, but there was not much of a difference between them.     

In fact, there were certain places where the aura of death was even thicker than that in Yin Death Region, but similarly, there were also certain regions where the aura of death was thin.     

Su Ming laid on a ground that bloody red in color. A bloody stench that would make anyone nauseous spread out and filled the air as it was mixed with heat. This was an abandoned cultivation planet that was filled with volcanoes. In fact, there were quite some volcanoes that were eternally erupting, causing the air to be filled with a smell that would burn in the body once someone breathed it in.     

Su Ming had been lying there for three days. This was also the place he first appeared once he entered the Barren Lands of Divine Source. The large amount of poisonous air and that thin aura of death caused this planet to not be very suitable for habitation in the Barren Lands of Divine Source. However, it still could be marginally accepted as a place where people could live.     

Yet to Su Ming, this thin aura of death had immediately caused his body to look as if he was melting at the moment he appeared. A large amount of black aura spread out from his body. This was not the first time Su Ming ran into this condition. This meant that the density of the aura of death in this place was not thick enough, causing his body, which originated from Yin Death, to be unable to get used to it. This was a form of aging that would appear because of it.     

Usually, at this point of time, pain would appear in Su Ming's body and try to submerge him within it like tidal waves, but this time… Su Ming looked at the sky calmly and watched the muddled sky quietly. Not a single part of his body was aching.     

Because he had lost his pain.     

The sky here might be muddled, and it gave off a feeling of authenticity which Su Ming had never sensed before. That was a real sky filled with stars, not the sky that was an illusion formed based on Yin Death Vortex above the land of Berserkers.     

The aging and melting in his body had lasted three days. The vast amounts of poisonous air in the area caused Su Ming's clothes to rot. As his body melted and recovered, hideous boils gradually appeared on his skin.     

However, Su Ming seemed to be completely unaware of this. He continued lying there silently while looking at the sky. No one knew what he was thinking about. The mask on his face had also slowly melted away once he arrived in the Barren Lands of Divine Source, as if it had been buried deep into Su Ming's skin. It looked as if it had disappeared, causing Su Ming's pale face to be revealed, but in truth, Su Ming could sense its existence.     

The bald crane was lying by the side in the form of a red stone. There was a pair of eyes on the stone that were staring at Su Ming anxiously. The poisonous air in this place made it feel extremely uncomfortable, but it did not begin melting and aging like Su Ming due to the lack of aura of death in this place.     

It had turned into a stone because this place had given it an incredibly familiar feeling for some unknown reason after it came to this place. It was as if… if it continued remaining in the form of the bald crane, then once someone noticed it, it would end up in a very wretched state.     

That was why it had instinctively chosen to turn into this form beside Su Ming.     

Time trickled by. When the third evening arrived and when the heat and poisonous air in the world dispersed slightly. A glint suddenly appeared in Su Ming's eyes. When he looked into the sky in the distance coldly, the eyes on the stone that was the bald crane were also immediately hidden.     

Soon, the sounds of rapid footsteps travelled from the distance. Those were from eight thin people. They were all carrying corpses over their shoulders, and as they charged forward from the distance, they seemed to be about to pass by the place.     

Suddenly, a frail middle-aged man who was the leader of this group of people and who was so thin that he was just skin and bones but had incredibly bright eyes that was shining brilliantly while he carried a rotting corpse over his shoulders stopped moving. As he stopped, the seven people behind him also stopped moving.     

The middle-aged man was dressed in a purple long robe. There were many areas that had been damaged on that robe, and it was also incredibly large, a telling sign that this did not originally belong to the frail middle-aged man.     

As he stopped moving, the purple robed man's eyes sparkled and he looked towards Su Ming lying in the distance. At the same time he looked over, a person behind him put down the corpse he had over his shoulder and charged towards Su Ming.     

He was so quick that he instantly closed a distance of several thousands of feet within a moment. A wave of power that would not lose to Su Ming's own circled around him. That was a thin, emaciated old man with a hunchback. Once he arrived beside Su Ming, he looked into Su Ming's aloof eyes and suddenly started laughing.     

"Leader, there is one more offering here we can sacrifice to our god, especially since he hasn't died."     

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