Elixir Supplier

Kill Them

Kill Them

0At the police station, this group of people was interrogated separately. What surprised the police officers during questioning was that none of them had seen who stunned them to the ground.     

"I saw a figure," a young man said.     

"What kind of the appearance and body shape?" a police officer asked.     

"I didn't see it clearly," the young man said. "The figure flashed like a gust of wind passing by, and then I fainted. When I woke up, I was already at the police station."     

"Do you know whether it was a man or a woman?" the police officer asked.     

"I don't even know whether it was a ghost or a human," the young man seriously said.     

In another interrogation room, a police officer was asking the same question.     

"You really didn't see it?" he asked.     

"I really didn't see it," the young man said. "Why would I lie to you if I saw it?"     

This was the most bizarre incident since they had begun their careers. They fainted without seeing who the person was. If it went by principles, it would be impossible to see ghosts during the daytime.     

It had to be a master!     

This was the common belief held by the arrested men, but it was not for the police officers responsible for questioning them. The possibility of being haunted during the day could be ignored.     

Wang Yao returned to the mountain village. First, he found Zhong Liuchuan. He was in a tree at the foot of Dongshan Hill. From that position, he could watch Wang Yao's home. If something was going wrong, he could rush there as soon as possible.     

"It must be very hard for you," Wang Yao said. It looked uncomfortable to stay in a tree in such weather.     

"Mr. Wang, you are too polite," Zhong Liuchuan said. "Is the matter going well?"     

"It goes very well," Wang Yao said. "They have all been invited by the police to drink tea."     

"Mr. Wang, don't be careless with these people," Zhong Liuchuan kindly said. "These two people have relationships with officials and gangsters. I heard that they are very famous in the northeast. It seems that their family is an official at a mid-level. Otherwise, they would have died seven or eight times for what they have done."     

"Well, you reminded me of that," Wang Yao said. He had to watch them closely to prevent being harmed by them. "Do you have any relationship in this regard?"     

"What do you mean?" Zhong Liuchuan asked.     

"I want to know his movements," Wang Yao replied. "Who he has contacted and what to do."     

"That is simple," Zhong Liuchuan said. "Leave it to me."     

"Thank you," Wang Yao said.     

He was considering how to thank Zhong Liuchuan. After all, this had been a troublesome thing, and he could have refused him.     

Wang Yao parked the car and went home to talk with his parents before heading to the clinic.     

In the Lianshan County police station, Nan found that his body had severe problems. He first thought of the doctor, the man he had never seen. It had to be due to him.     

"I want to see my lawyer!" he insistently yelled.     

His men were not so good. They all had problems with their bodies. Some of them felt sore, and some felt bloated. Some of them weren't even able to get up. These things were not his concern. He was concerned with where to go from here and how to retaliate against the guy. He had to make him and his family feel worse than death.     

It was not the first time he had been taken to a police station. Although it was a little different this time, he could still solve it in his view.     


Everything could be done with money. That had been his experience, both with gangsters and officials.     

The lawyer he requested soon arrived. Nan said, "I want to get out of here as soon as possible."     

"No problem," said the lawyer, who was wearing glasses.     

He had already known about the situation before he came. As for the matter, everything could be blamed on one person. Those with guns had to be sacrificed. That was all.     

"Other things can be discussed after I leave," Nan said.     

"Brother Nan, your face does not look very good," the lawyer said.     

"Worry about your own things," Nan said.     

The lawyer was very efficient. He quickly finished everything up. Soon, Nan was carried out of the police station.     

"I heard that he is a scumbag who engages in murder and other illegal activities," a police officer said. "If we let him go, is it equivalent to allowing future trouble?"     

"What do you think we can do?" another police officer asked. "Arrest him and give him a gunshot? He engaged a lawyer and blamed everything on others. We have to act according to the law. Everything is nonsense without evidence."     

Sometimes police officers were helpless. They could only be angry about this matter since they could not bring the bad person to justice.     

"I think there is something wrong with him," a young police officer said.     

"What do you mean?" another police officer asked.     

"Did you see him?" the young police officer asked. "He could not walk and was carried out by others. He must have a big problem. I heard that it was Dr. Wang who they provoked!"     

"Don't talk nonsense!" The police officer waved his hand.     

They knew the doctor in the mountain village. His medical skills were very good. Their families saw him for treatment. He was very effective. They also knew the doctor was not just talented in medical treatment. He was also very competent in dealing with bad people the police had no way to deal with.     

"Brother Nan, are you looking for me?" Sen asked.     

"Sen, help me with some things," Nan said.     

"Tell me what to do," Sen said.     

"This man and his family, kill them for me!" Nan took out a photo and handed it to Sen, who looked very ordinary. He was dressed in plain clothes. His height was also ordinary. The kind of person entering a crowd would not attract attention at all.     

"Understood." Sen took the photo and had a closer look before handing it back. "Brother Nan, don't you want any of them alive? What's wrong with your body?"     

"I will go to the provincial city," Nan said. "Sen, I will hand it over to you. Jiu, arrange a few people to stay with Sen."     

"I will, Brother Nan," Jiu said.     

"Damn it!" After finishing his words, Nan felt his stomach begin to hurt again. it was as if many small snakes were biting him. It felt extremely painful.     

"Wait, call Sen back!" he shouted to the person beside him.     

After a while, Sen returned. "Brother Nan."     

"Keep the doctor alive, but let his family die in pain," he said with a groan.     

"Understood," Sen said with no facial expression.     

"OK, do it as soon as possible," Nan said. "I can't wait!"     

He took a deep breath and laid down gritting his teeth. A young man next to him rushed to dry his sweat.     

"What about your tie?" Nan asked, staring at his neckline.     

"My wife washed it, Brother Nan," the man said.     

"Being a dog is a dog," Nan replied.     

He left hidden among a crowd of more than 20 people and several cars. He went through the referral procedures for Wen, who had an operation several days before. They would go to the provincial city together.     

In a teahouse, an ordinary middle-aged man was quietly drinking tea. It was a good tea, the most expensive tea there.     

"Sen, Nan is very anxious," he whispered to the young man opposite him.     

He didn't understand why such a pot of tea cost so much in a small teahouse in a small mountain city. What was more, there was nothing joyous in drinking tea in his view, but the person in front of him enjoyed it. He was very leisurely and not anxious at all.     

"You know Nan's temper," Jiu said     

"I know. Don't worry," Sen said.     

"Have some tea. It is as good as local camellia." Jiu pointed to the tea in the cup. "So, what do you need me to prepare?"     

"The specific location of his home," Sen said.     

"Anything else?" Jiu asked.     

"No, that is enough," Sen replied.     

"It is not easy to deal with him since he knows a lot of martial arts," Jiu reminded him.     

"I know," Sen said. "It is not necessary to use a gun to kill him. We must rely on intelligence in this society!"     

If this matter was not done well, he would be punished. He knew what happened when Nan got angry.     

Jiu wanted to say, "You are not afraid of anything, but I am afraid of him!" But he did not dare. He knew the terrible man in front of him. He seemed to be ordinary, but he knew a lot, especially the means of killing, which were beyond his imagination.     

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