Elixir Supplier



0After taking a small bowl of decoction, the man soon felt better, especially in his head. The numbness and pins and needles had significantly been reduced. The discomfort in his eyes and the terrible feeling that his eyeballs were about to pop out had also diminished.     

The decoction was very effective, and the effect was lasting.     

"Come here. Let me take a look at your wound," Wang Yao said.     

He applied some decoction on the man's wound with a cotton ball. The decoction was a diluted connection ointment. He had used the ointment on many patients, which worked really well.     

"OK, you should be fine now," Wang Yao said.     

"How much should I pay you?" the man asked.     

"$11,000," Wang Yao said.     

Without whining, the man paid the fee.     

"Take the decoction back and drink one small cup three times a day. The toxins will be completely expelled from your body after you finish drinking this." Wang Yao gave the rest of the detox powder to the man.     

"Thank you!" The man stood up and bowed to Wang Yao.     

"You have aggression on you. It's not so good," Wang Yao kindly said.     

He presumed the man's role was similar to Hao's. His hands were perhaps even dirtier than Hao's. Wang Yao could feel it. A calming mind led to a healthy body. Some diseases were caused by personality or temper.     

"Let me know if you need me to do anything for you. I'm just a phone call away." The man left a piece of paper with his number on it.     

Wang Yao didn't say anything. The man quietly left.     

At the connection of point of Nanshan and Dongshan hills, Wang Yao planted two lines of trees. They were the same type of trees he planted elsewhere on Nanshan Hill to form an open fence.     

The next morning, he found seven cars parking outside his clinic.     

Hmm? How come there are so many people waiting? Wang Yao wondered.     

He didn't know some of them had already been to the clinic the previous afternoon.     

"See, I told you to come here. We won't be able to see the doctor until lunchtime." A woman was scolding her son.     

"How was I supposed to know there would be so many patients today?" a young man asked in a low voice. "There were never this many people the other times I was here."     

"Let's just wait here!" One of the patients was Feng, who was in a good mood.     

"I'll take a walk first. It's nice here." He opened the car door and got out. The movement of his affected leg had improved. The movement was no longer in circles, although he was still limping.     

"Hello, are you here to see Dr. Wang?" A man in his 30s greeted Feng with a smile.     

"Yes," Feng said.     

"What happened to you?" the man in his 30s asked     

"I had a stroke." Feng pointed to his head.     

"Can he really treat stroke patients?" the man in his 30s asked with amazement.     

"Yes. I couldn't speak or walk in the beginning. I also had facial paralysis. Look at me now, I'm much better," Feng happily said.     

"I see. I thought he could only treat people suffering from headaches and leg pain," the man in his 30s said.     

"Who's first?" Wang Yao asked.     

All of his patients automatically formed a queue.     

The first patient was a woman in her 40s. Wang Yao could tell what her problem was by observing the way she walked. The woman had a problem in her neck.     

"Hello, Dr. Wang, I've been having pain in my neck. I can barely move it," the woman said.     

"I see. Let me take a look," Wang Yao said.     

He thoroughly checked the woman and found the muscles in her neck were stiff. The skin on her neck was cold, even though the weather was warm.     

"What do you do for a living?" Wang Yao asked.     

"I work at a clothing factory," the woman said.     

"Your condition is closely related to your work because you have to maintain the same posture for long periods of time at work. It has caused a blockage in your blood circulation," Wang Yao said.     

This was considered a vocational illness.     

"Sit here. I'll give you a massage," Wang Yao said.     

The treatment was not complicated.     

"Ouch!" the woman shouted as Wang Yao was massaging her neck.     

"Painful?" Wang Yao asked.     

"It's a little bit sore," the woman said.     

"Bear with me. It won't take long," Wang Yao said.     

As he massaged her, the muscles in her neck gradually softened. Her skin no longer felt cold. Wang Yao had rebalanced her blood circulation.     

"You need to move around and avoid maintaining the same posture at work," Wang Yao said.     

It was important to keep mobile. Movements could improve one's blood circulation. Sitting, lying down, or standing for too long was not good. One shouldn't maintain the same posture for too long.     

"I see," the woman said.     

Although she promised to be aware of her posture, her wage was based on her productivity. If she rested too often, her productivity would be affected. That would affect her wage.     

"Fortunately, your cervical spine hasn't been affected, but it will become a problem if you continue to stay in the same posture for too long," Wang Yao said.     

"OK, I'll try to avoid sitting for too long," the woman said.     

She stood up and turned her head to both sides. "My neck is fine now!" The pain had gone. She also had a warm feeling in her neck, which made her very comfortable. "Thank you."     

"You are welcome," Wang Yao said.     

The woman left the clinic after paying $100.     

The second patient was a man in his 50s. He had come with his son. He had problems with his lumbar spine, including a lumbar disc herniation.     

"How did you get this?" Wang Yao asked.     

"I tried to carry a heavy item one day. I guess I tried too hard and ended up like this," the patient said.     

"Please lay on your stomach," Wang Yao said.     

The man went to lie on his stomach. Wang Yao pressed on the man's lumbar spine. He soon found the spot and pressed down on it. Crack! The man heard a small sound.     

"Done, get up," Wang Yao said.     

"OK." The man stood up and felt much better at his waist. All the discomfort was gone.     

"Don't do any heavy duties in the next few weeks. Don't add any stress to your lumbar. You are no longer young," Wang Yao said.     

Since his health had started to decline, it was important to no longer make reckless movements.     

"OK, thank you," the man said.     

The third patient was a woman in her 50s.     

"Dr. Wang, I haven't slept well recently," she said. "I've been feeling restless, and my eyelids are easily swollen. Can you take a look?"     

"Please have a seat," Wang Yao said.     

He checked her pulse as she sat down. The woman's blood pressure was a bit high. She also lacked vital energy. Otherwise, she was fine.     

"When you did your sleeping become troublesome?" Wang Yao asked.     

"About 10 days ago," the woman said.     

She had seen other doctors and taken herbal decoctions. However, the problem hadn't been resolved.     

"Your symptoms are caused by menopause," Wang Yao said.     

"Really?" The woman looked distracted for a moment. She had suspected that she was having menopause before she came to see Wang Yao. One of the doctors she had seen also had the same suspicion. "How do I reduce these symptoms?"     

"You'll get better after a while. You need to exercise regularly and have a foot spa every night," Wang Yao said.     

"Can you prescribe some medication for me?" she asked.     

"Try not to take any medication," Wang Yao said. "See how you feel in the next month. If the symptoms persist, come back here."     

"OK, thank you," she said.     

The fourth patient was a man in his 30s. He looked pale, and his eyes were drifting.     

"Hello, how can I help you?" Wang Yao asked.     

"Dr. Wang, I think I saw a ghost," the man said.     

"What?" Wang Yao was surprised. "When did you see the ghost? Tell me about it."     

"I'm a taxi driver," the man said. "I drove a client to a small village with over 1,000 years of history three days ago. He got in my taxi from the street. After I took him where he told me to, he disappeared after he got out of the car. I've been having nightmares every night since."     

"What have you been dreaming about?" Wang Yao asked.     

"In my dream, I always drive to the same place to pick up the same person, who has no face." The patient shivered as his face became paler.     

"Seriously? Dr. Wang can treat something like this?" All the other patients waiting were surprised.     

"What time did you pick the client up the other day?" Wang Yao asked.     

"About 11 p.m.," the man said.     

He had burned paper money, consulted spirits, and raised a flag. However, nothing worked.     

"What? Did you go out at 11 p.m.?" someone standing by asked.     

"Please take a seat. Let me have a look." Wang Yao checked his pulse.     

The man's plus was strange. It lacked strength, which indicated a deficiency of vital energy. This kind of pulse often happened with people who lost a lot of blood or had just recovered from a serious illness.     

"Sit still," Wang Yao said.     

He pressed the patient's head with his hands and massaged part of his head.     

"Alright, go back to rest and see if you still have nightmares," Wang Yao said.     

"Is that it?" the man asked.     

"You don't have to pay this time. If you still have nightmares, come back here," Wang Yao said.     

The patient's condition was weird. Wang Yao had never come across anything like it before. It was different from Chen Zhou's delusion.     

"OK." The patient left with a big question mark in his head.     

"Dr. Wang, you seem to be able to treat any condition," a patient said.     

"Ha-ha, I'm not sure about that," Wang Yao replied.     


That patient wasn't really sick, he was just frightened.     

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