Elixir Supplier



0"What happened to the child?" Wang Yao asked.     

"I don't know. His fever won't go down. Can you please take a look at him? He's also got a wound here." The family members carefully placed the child on the bed and showed Wang Yao his arm. There were two tiny pinprick wounds on his arm. The surrounding skin had turned purple.     

The child's body was hot. He was not conscious.     

Hmm! Wang Yao was a bit surprised to see the wounds because they looked familiar. He remembered that Guo Zhenghe's wounds were like this after being bitten by something. Guo Zhenghe also had similar symptoms.     

"Wait a minute," Wang Yao said.     

He went to fetch a leaf of detox grass and placed the leaf in the water. The water immediately turned green. He gave the child a bowl of detox water to drink.     

After drinking the water, the child slowly woke up.     

"Wow! This is amazing," one of the child's family members said.     

"This is great," another family member said.     

All the family members were thrilled. The two young men coming to see what happened were also impressed.     

"Which village are you guys from?" Wang Yao asked.     

"Li Family Creek," the child's father said.     

"Li Family Creek? Is that the one with the hot springs facility?" Wang Yao asked.     

"Yes, Dr. Wang. If you want to enjoy the hot springs, come to me," the child's father said.     

"Where was your son bitten?" Wang Yao asked. The child's father had misunderstood Wang Yao.     

"I see. He was bitten on the hill," the child's father said.     

"Can you tell me more details?" Wang Yao asked.     

"I'm not sure. You can ask him when he's more alert," the child's father said.     

"OK, let me know when he is better," Wang Yao said.     

"Sure," the child's father said. "By the way, how much should I pay you?"     

"$10,000," Wang Yao said.     

"How much?" the child's father asked in shock.     

Not only were the child's family members shocked, but the two young men watching also were.     

"What medication costs so much?" one of the two young men asked.     

"Exactly! Young man, you are robbing us!" The child's family members were not happy.     

Before they came, they had heard Wang Yao was an extraordinary doctor. They didn't expect to pay so much. The cost of the detox water really put them off. The gratitude suddenly became bitterness.     

"It is my fault," Wang Yao said.     

He had only thought about saving the child. He forgot to tell the family members the cost of detox grass. Licorice roots were too precious to put a price on. They were invaluable.     

"That's too expensive," the child's father complained.     

"How much do you think your child's life is worth? To tell you the truth. I've cured someone with a similar condition before. At that time, I charged $100,000 for the same decoction." Wang Yao's words surprised everyone in the room.     

"This is easy money," one of the family members said.     

"We didn't bring that much money with us," the child's father grumpily said. He thought the cost of Wang Yao's decoction was ridiculous. It was just a bowl of water. How could a bowl of water cost so much?     

Wang Yao laughed. He charged different fees for different people. If the detox water was for a person with whom he was familiar, such as Wang Fengming from his village, he wouldn't charge a penny. However, these people came in three cars for a child. Two of the cars cost over $200,000. They had the money to buy cars but were reluctant to pay for the medication.     

They knew the cars were expensive but didn't know the medication could be equally expensive.     

"I just brought $300 with me." The child's father took out $300 in cash and threw it on the table. For him. He thought $300 was already too much.     

"This is ridiculous," an old woman in her 60s said. "As a young doctor, how can you be so greedy?"     

The child's family angrily left Wang Yao's clinic like they had been treated unfairly. The child's parents, grandparents, and uncle all came to the clinic. It seemed the child was very precious.     

Wang Yao didn't stop them. He kept the face of every single one of them in his mind. From now on, none of them would be allowed to enter his clinic again.     

Only the two young men were left in the clinic. They were looking at Wang Yao.     

"What can I do for you?" Wang Yao asked as he looked at the two young men.     

"Tell the doctor what's wrong with you," said the shorter young man.     

"Well, I suffer from chronic stomach pain. When I have an episode, I roll on the floor," said the other young man, who looked tall and strong.     

"Sit down," Wang Yao said. The young man's pulse shocked Wang Yao. "When did it start?"     

"About four years ago," the young man said.     

"Has your body shape changed in the last four years? Have you lost any weight?" Wang Yao asked.     

"Well, no," the young man said.     

Strange! "Have you had multiple surgeries before?" Wang Yao asked.     

"Yes, they were all small operations," the young man said.     

"Did your stomach pain stop after the operations?" Wang Yao asked.     

"No," the young man said.     

"There is a tumor in your abdominal area. Fortunately, it is benign. However, it keeps growing," Wang Yao said.     

"You are right," the young man said.     

He had suffered from this weird condition for some time. A benign tumor had started growing in his abdominal area. Every time he had it removed, it would grow back in the same area. He had had it removed twice. One of the operations was done in Beijing. Even the specialists in Beijing couldn't figure out what was going on since the tumor grew back so soon.     

Surgery, even a small surgery, damaged the human body. Plus, he was a sick man. Through checking the man's pulse, Wang Yao found that his Qi and blood flow were hyperactive, which was why he looked so big. Wang Yao was a bit confused about the young man's symptoms.     

"What do you like to normally eat?" Wang Yao asked.     

"A bit of everything, particularly meat," the young man said.     

"Do you have any hobbies?" Wang Yao asked.     

"I like exercising, especially playing basketball," the young man said.     

"Look, let me prescribe you a formula. Come back at this time tomorrow," Wang Yao said.     

"OK," the young man said.     

"I have to let you know in advance that the formula costs a lot. You've seen what happens," Wang Yao said.     

"Ha-ha. I can afford it," the young man said with a smile.     

"It will probably cost more than $10,000," Wang Yao said.     

"No problem," the young man said.     

"That's good," Wang Yao said.     

The formula would contain a medium-class licorice root. It was more than just a leaf of detox grass.     

The two young men left the clinic.     

"Do you believe in him?" the shorter man asked.     

"You are the person who brought me here. You saw what happened to that child," the other young man said. "The young doctor is truly capable. Besides, even if the monk escapes, the temple is still there. If his formula doesn't work and he charges me ridiculous amounts of money, his clinic and his family are still here. Why should I worry?"     

"You are right," the shorter man said.     

"This is the first time I've come across a formula that costs $10,000," the other man said.     

Strange condition! Wang Yao was still thinking about that young man's illness. Normally, sick people lacked Qi and blood, especially those who had surgery. The young man had several surgeries and was ill, but he didn't lose any weight. It was really strange.     

However, the priority was to remove the tumor. Two available licorice roots could remove the tumor. One of them was pear grass, which could cure ulcers. The other one was Cizhan, which could remove tumors.     

Which one should I use?     

Given that young man's condition, he decided to use Cizhan as the main herb supported by other common herbs.     


In a Lianshan clinic, Pan Jun was giving an old man massage therapy. The old patient had chronic pain in his shoulder. He had taken medications and injections, but they didn't help reduce the pain.     

"How do you feel?" Pan Jun asked.     

"Not bad," the old patient said.     

He was a regular patient. Every time he didn't feel well, caught a cold, or had a headache, he would come to Pan Mei's clinic. He lived close to the clinic, which had a good reputation.     

After the massage therapy, the old man moved his shoulder a bit.     

"Hmm, I feel no pain now. You are good," the old man said. "I've never seen you give people massages!"     

"I just learned it," Pan Jun said with a smile.     

"I will come here often to see you then," the old patient said.     

"No problem," Pan Jun said.     

The old patient left after paying the fee.     

"What do you think, Sis?" Pan Jun asked.     

"Did you learn from Wang Yao?" Pan Mei asked.     

"Yes, I just learned some basics. No, probably not even basics," Pan Jun said.     

"Since when did you become so modest?" Pan Mei teased her brother.     

"It's true. The more I spend time with Dr. Wang, the more I find he knows a lot, especially in regards to Chinese Traditional Medicine. I really admire him," Pan Jun said.     

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