Tempest of the Stellar War

Hardworking Recruit

Hardworking Recruit

0"It seems that the Red Fox has been called for meetings several times recently. However, the Silver Fox was also called. I'm afraid that there will be competition"     

"I heard from Lao Zhuo that you have a new student soldier in the section. Are there any problems? The Silver Fox's newly replenished underlings are all famous, ruthless characters."     

"There's nothing to be afraid of. We could let the student soldier be in charge of the back end, or be the bait... Why are we talking about this? There will always be a path. With our Red Fox Section, the Silver Fox can forget about it. Hehe. The bottom line is that we will have benefits as long as it isn't the Silver Fox who gets promoted."     

"You are right. Damn! However, we should still be careful of the Silver Fox. That a**hole is different from our captain….. He is fond of using underhanded methods and is not someone to be trifled with..."     

"Damn!" exclaimed the muscular guy. "With the Red Fox at the front, who would be scared?" he shouted.     

Everyone finished their drinks. If they were drunk, they would just sleep in the bar. Chen Qiang had no other strengths other than his secret recipe for a hangover cure that could guarantee one to not have a headache when they woke up the next day.     

There were a few who were dead drunk. Those who visited Bald Head Qiang's bar were single individuals without a family.     

In the morning, some of the members of the third section arrived at the bar. They happily kicked awake those that were soundly asleep. Bald Head Qiang had already prepared his sobering soup. After drinking a big bowl of it, they were invigorated immediately. At this time, the car heading towards the base was already waiting at the door.     

The group of people boarded the car and were humming a song and chatting about things that had happened over the weekend. Those that arrived at the bar in the morning were those that had a family in Canyon City. Some of them had come to this city with their wives, while others had found girlfriends among the immigrants.     

The topic that was most discussed would clearly be women. As they chatted, one consensus was that no woman had boobs bigger than the Red Fox's...     

It was only at this moment that they dared to make a joke about the Red Fox. No one dared to speak a word in front of her unless they were looking to be tortured.     

Soon, the group of people was back in the camped. After passing through the verification at the gate, they headed to the changing room and changed into their military uniforms. It was almost time to report in.     

"Oh yeah, muscular man, where is the new guy? The Red Fox left you in charge of him."     

"Damn, I have long forgotten about him. You guys can go to the gathering point first. I will go look for him."     

The muscular guy knocked his head and headed towards the lounge of the third section to look for Wang Zheng. However, he did not see Wang Zheng. Also, looking at the bed, it didn't seem like anyone had used it. Jing Long was stunned. Where could a student soldier be in this highly secure Milky Way Alliance base?     

Jing Long blinked his eyes and looked at the time. It was only thirty minutes before the time for assembly. He scratched his head and could only remember that Wang Zheng was last seen in the mecha garage. He had left him there on his own to familiarize himself. Could that brat be still inside there...     

Jing Long jogged and arrived at the garage. The door was indeed still open. No one would have come to this place at this time. Other than that kid, there shouldn't be another person.     

Jing Long was a little annoyed. What was this about? The mecha garage was a restricted area in the military camp. How could one stay around for such a long time when there wasn't any mission? When he said "familiarize," he wasn't telling him to stay inside!     

He rushed into the garage. Jing Long's muscles were bursting out and he wanted to give the new student soldier a lesson he would never forget. If anything were to happen to the garage, he would be fully responsible for it!     

As he approached the area with the mecha, a person was lying flat on the ground with his arms and legs fully spread. The face full of machine oil and stains was still wearing a smile. He seemed to be having a nice dream.     

How could one have a nice dream in such a place?     

The muscular guy was pissed. Initially, he had only intended to scream. It seemed that he had to resort to something more harsh this time.     

However, after a few steps, the furious muscular man was stunned. The lights of the garage had been switched off manually, leaving two lights shining on the 15 mecha. These were the security lights and were equipped with CCTV. Under the lighting, those mecha, which looked dirty before, seemed just like new mecha that had just exited the factory.     

The jaws of the muscular man dropped. Could it be that this brat had been here all along...     

Being someone who had progressed from being a private, the muscular guy clearly knew that cleaning a mech was a huge project. That was the reason why those brats were slacking off and were just simply cleaning the exterior. As for the stains hidden within the dented areas, they would just wipe them casually. If one was serious, a mech would take an experienced person over three hours to clean. However, the mecha he saw were shining! Did he apply the protective film too?     


The muscular guy still kicked Wang Zheng on his thigh. However, the strength he used was at least 100x smaller than he originally intended.     

"Lazy bum, get up! The sun is already shining on your buttocks. Your holidays are over."     

Wang Zheng opened his eyes and blinked a few times. Yeah?     

He was too tired. He did not even know how he had fallen asleep. Nevertheless, looking at the 15 mecha looking clean and neat and arranged nicely together, he felt really good about it. This was a simple feeling. It was just like when he solved a math question that he was stuck on for three days when he was still a kid and received a mech model from the Old Merchant as a prize. He still could remember it till today that it was a Light Cavalry Type D mech model holding a weapon for heavy sniping. It wasn't scientific at all and was against all the common knowledge. Its making was also rough, but the type of happiness he felt was pure without any impurities.     

"Brat, seems that you are fond of doing chores and not resting during your leave. Stop dreaming and get up. The holidays are over!"     

"Ah?" Wang Zheng crawled up and rubbed his neck. "Leave? There was leave?"     

"Didn't you read about the rules and regulations given to you about the base? Unless we are on alert of grade 3 and above, the weekends are rest days. If there were no rest days, we would also be informed. Hurry up and wash your face... It would be best if you took a shower. There is training today. You will be finished if Boss Red Fox gets angry. Don't just stare at the 36Ds. If the 36Ds were to go off, she would also be very scary."     

Jing Long wanted to kick Wang Zheng's butt, and he lifted his leg to do so. However, Wang Zheng move two steps aside and dodged it. He quickly ran towards the outside. After taking a few steps, he turned around and asked, "Where is the bathhouse?"     

"...Forget it. I will bring you there."     

Jing Long thought about it and was not at ease. He felt that this brat was a little stupid and silly and that he would have to pay more attention to him.     

On the training ground, Wang Zheng and Jing Long were able to reach the assembly point at the very last minute.     

A flag with a blazing fox was inserted on the ground. Under the scrutiny of the Red Fox, the 10 members stood upright in a single line.     

"Reporting for duty!"     

Wang Zheng and Jing Long stepped forward and reported attendance together.     

The Red Fox looked at the time and nodded. "Return to the team."     

Her voice was a little cold.     


Wang Zheng naturally moved to the end of the section, while Jing Long stood below the flag. During training, the responsibility of the deputy leader was to hold the flag. The flag was the soul of the army. As long as the flag was around, the team remained. The section that lost their flag would be disbanded and would have their members removed.     

This was a relaxing two hours. Following which was technique training, shooting, climbing...     

Wang Zheng's performance was average. He wasn't outstanding but was not at the bottom either. This had impressed some of his section mates.     

"Eh, the student soldiers aren't too bad; they can follow the tempo of the training. It seems that you are from a good military school. Let's get to know each other. I'm Chang Danqing. You can just call me Dadan"     

A hunk over two meters tall laughed. "Mr. Chang, are you trying to pretend to be Dadan in front of the new guy even though you are timid? Aren't you shameless? Student soldier, you can call me Lao Xiong. Don't be misled by my appearance. Similar to you, I'm a scout. You can follow me from now on. If there is anything you do not know, you can ask me directly."     

Wang Zheng nodded his head and said, "Thank you, Lao Xiong. I will be in your care in the future."     

"You're welcome. Oh, right, are you intending to keep staying in the bunks at the base?" Xiong Tao was approximately 30 years old. He had a huge stature of over two meters and his large beard covered almost half of his face. His arms were almost as thick as his thighs. When throwing grenades, others would have to exert a lot to be able to throw a them hundred meters. However, he could easily throw over 150 meters. And this was on the Titatitan Star, where the force of gravity was slightly stronger.     

Wang Zheng was stunned. "Could we stay in other places?"     

"You can do so if you send in an application. I live outside and arrive every morning for training. After eight hours of duty, I can go home and do what I want."     

"That is really convenient."     

"Hehe. There is a need for some benefits for having to be stationed on the Titatitan Star for a long period of time. Moreover, our mission is to monitor and not stand guard. Our responsibilities are similar to that of a policeman. One has to have a life. However, you are still young and might not understand." Lao Xiong made a wink that every old man could understand.     

"What is so hard to understand? You are just talking about women." Dadan scorned at Lao Xiong. "I am also supporting someone to wash my clothes, cook my meals, and warm my bed."     

"Pui. You are supporting her? She's earning more than you!"     

"Stop your nonsense and take your training seriously!"     

When it came to the topic of women, Dadan and Lao Xiong were clearly louder. They were being stared at by Jing Long.     

Chang Danqing lowered his voice and told Wang Zheng, "If you're interested, I could introduce you to... even a household woman would be possible."     

Wang Zheng smiled and nodded. "It wouldn't be nice if I applied to stay out when I have just arrived. I think that it would be better for me to stay in the base for now. We shall see again if there will be a need in the future."     

"You are right. It would be better for you to stay low when you just arrive."     

The last event was a 10km run. Other than carrying weapons, one had to also carry a backpack of the standard combat load.     

When they arrived at the starting point, it was no longer within the base, but the countryside of Canyon City. Although it was still within the city walls, it was a huge, restricted area. Thick vegetation was covering this area, highlighting the unparalleled control of nature.     

They did not start immediately but allowed everyone five minutes to make their preparations.     

Everyone was doing their warm-ups leisurely.     

Lao Xiong pulled the shortest guy at the back aside and said, "Wang Zheng, let me introduce you to Barry. He is 22 years old and came to Titatitan Star right after he graduated. He is a little nerdy."     

Lao Xiong patted the chest of Barry as he introduced him to Wang Zheng. "Both of you were students of military school and should have quite a number of common topics."     

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