Tempest of the Stellar War

One Would Have Wasted His Youth If He Did Not Try Doing Domething Crazy

One Would Have Wasted His Youth If He Did Not Try Doing Domething Crazy

0Ye Zisu smiled as she shook his hands. "I'm Ye Zisu, Wang Zheng's best friend."     

People from Astina were known to be bold and unconstrained. However, Otaku Barry seemed to be on the other extreme. Once he saw a beautiful girl, he couldn't even speak properly.     

"Let's get in the car! I have arranged for your accommodations," said Wang Zheng as he took over the luggage. Wang Zheng and Ye Zisu shared a car, while Otaku Barry and the two accompanying staff members took another car.     

Ye Zisu was travelling light for this trip. She felt that Wang Zheng wanted to accomplish certain things but weren't sure what he was thinking of doing.     

"How do you feel about the Star? Isn't this Star beautiful?"     

"Yeah, it hasn't been polluted by humans and is really beautiful." Ye Zisu stood up and extended her arms. She was enjoying the wind on the Titatitan Star.     

The SUV left the space station. The retro feeling was something familiar to Wang Zheng. He had a similar experience during the desert training of the IG. A maglev vehicle was fast, but it did not have the great feeling of an SUV when the tires were rubbing against the ground. The SUV felt wilder.     

This was what Jing Long preferred most. His love for his car had reached the extent for his love for women, and he had decorated it in a wild way.     

Ye Zisu took a glance at Wang Zheng and Wang Zheng laughed. "How is it? Isn't it pretty good?"     

"It is better than I imagined."     

"Haha, I wouldn't be depressed over a small setback. This trip will be for both leisure and work. We have to do some things," said Wang Zheng.     

Ye Zisu sat down and asked, "What is your plan?"     

Ye Zisu knew in her heart that Wang Zheng had not asked her to come for a holiday or a chat. He probably had a plan.     

Wang Zheng explained the complicated situation of the Titatitan Star to Ye Zisu. "This star will definitely become one of the hottest immigration stars in the next twenty and even fifty years. Therefore, we have to strike first!"     

There were many fields where one could specialize in, but investment wasn't something that Wang Zheng was adept in. However, he had researched into the field of mecha. This was especially so after seeing the current regular mecha, and he felt that they were not good enough. With the big development of Tita, no matter if it were defensive-type mecha or those that could burst out with explosive power, their uses would mainly be for defense. Super mecha would definitely be popular purchases for various superpowers.     

At this stage, neither the Lan family nor any other power had managed to come up with better mecha through their research.     

"It seems that I have to gain a better understanding in this period of time. Do you already have a prototype?" Ye Zisu laughed.      

"I had some ideas about it. Since this star suppresses every Ability X except for wind element Ability Xs, this will be our opportunity to develop something unique."     

"I like the wind," said Ye Zisu sincerely as she gently tugged at her hair. She liked this feeling of freedom and truly hoped that this car would never stop.     

"Haha, Great! I will be accelerating now. Let's go!" With a crackle of laughter, the engine roared. The SUV accelerated suddenly and charged towards the distance as Jing Long rammed the pedal.     

Shortly after, Wang Zheng helped Ye Zisu settle down. The place where she was living was close to where Wang Zheng was stationed. On the way back, Otaku Barry had erupted. "Wang Zheng, how are you related to that girl? She is so beautiful and has the disposition of a fairy!"     

"Cough cough. Can you not exaggerate it? Have you not see a girl before?" Wang Zheng shook his head. Otaku Barry was three years older than him, but ironically it felt more like Otaku Barry was six years younger than him. He was completely mesmerized by the research world of mecha. Wang Zheng was curious why he would enter the military. If he were to become a designer, he would definitely have a bright future. After a simple chat, Wang Zheng knew that Otaku Barry knew his stuff. However, the job of a mech support soldier wasn't suitable for him at all.     

"What are you saying? Obviously I have seen girls before and have even seen great beauties. Do you know about Lan Ling? Hmm, it seems that you wouldn't know about her since you've just arrived. Nonetheless, the important point is that she is the mistress of the Lan family and is the little princess of our Titatitan Star. The looks and disposition of your best friend could definitely compete with the mistress of the Lan family!" said Otaku Barry fluently. There weren't signs of stammering like before.     

Was Lan Ling very beautiful?... Wang Zheng had not given much thoughts on this issue…     

"Could it be that... you prefer guys?" said Otaku Barry as he shivered.     

"F*ck you. You are the gay one."     

"Hehe, I really didn't exaggerate. The missy of the Lan family visited our base a year ago. It seemed that it was to discuss major matters with the management, and I happened to see her once. I couldn't have expected that your friend could compete with her. How lucky are you!"     

Otaku Barry was in his own dreamland. How great would it be if he could have such a girl as his girlfriend?     

"Ah, why have you returned with me? Weren't you going to accompany your girlfriend?" said Otaku Barry as he snapped out of his thoughts.     

"She isn't my girlfriend but my best friend. She is my sister."     

"Related by blood?" Otaku Barry wasn't stammering at this moment.     

"Sworn sister."     

"Che! Still putting on an act!"     

Wang Zheng felt helpless as he really had no way to explain. "I have taken leave for this, and the captain has arranged for me to be on duty tonight."     

"Oh! You must be so miserable. I can't help you with it."     

The Red Fox was smiling and laughing most of the time but was extremely serious when she was doing work, and so Wang Zheng didn't have any leeway to escape.     

"Otaku Barry, I'm curious as to why you would come here. I feel that you were more suitable in designing mecha," Wang Zheng said casually.     

Barry's eyes dimmed. Suddenly, he laughed and said, "What would such a stupid person like me know about designing mecha? It is just an amateur hobby. You are the one who is truly wasting your talent here."     

Wang Zheng did not probe further. "I guess you still didn't know what Zisu works as. Have you heard of the Wind God mech?"     

"Of course I've heard about it before. It could be considered as the only mech that was innovative. Rumors have it that the designer is a great beauty from a military school and that her family has a mecha company. A classical case of a fair, rich, and beautiful girl... Could it be...???" Otaku Barry's jaw had dropped.     

"You are right. Zisu is here to study the situation on the Titatitan Star in order to design a super mech suitable for use here. What do you think about it? Would you be interested in being part of it?" invited Wang Zheng.     

Barry's eyes seemed to be on fire, but his excitement seemed to be doused by a pail of cold water. Stop joking about it. I guess I should continue to be a soldier.     

The supply line on the Moon was always a great view to behold.     

On this line, cargo ships seemed like they would never stop. The cargo ships were moving at a constant speed between Earth and the Moon and played an integral role in the interactions between Earth and the Moon.     

At the center portion of this supply line was a space station controlled by the Moon. This was also the where the Iron Fleet of the Moon was stationed. They were locked onto and were responsible for the surrounding area.     

The mission of the Iron Fleet was not just to protect the supply line but also to tackle smugglers and pirates.     

Cargo ship ZB198 was undergoing routine checks at the center portion of the space station.     

"The goods are natural cotton and organic vegetables..."     

The captain of the cargo ship was reporting to the soldiers at the checkpoint about the list of cargo goods.     


After a simple look through the goods and passing the scans that proved that the goods on the cargo ship had the supporting documents, the cargo ship was released and allowed to go.     

The clamps that were used to fix the position of the cargo ship were released from the bottom of cargo ship ZB198. Soon, the cargo ship restarted its engine and continued its journey along the supplies line.     

At this moment, a patrol fleet appeared on the side of the cargo ship from a far away place. The patrol fleet moved slightly along the arched path and returned to the military ships' docking bay within the space station.     

On the side of the battleship was a huge flag.     

"The First Section!"     

Within the cargo ship, cheers from the crew erupted.     

"It is the First Section led by Achilles!" cheered the crew.     

The cargo ship sent out a welcome and tribute light signal towards the patrol.     

Both parties moved past each other slowly. The crew on the cargo ship was excited. Achilles, the pride of the Moon.     

"Disregarding other matters, in just a month since he arrived, he had destroyed the RU Gang using the battle force of the First Section. That was a power with links to some committee members and had been a leech along the supplies line."     

"It is over for Committee Member Huton. I heard that he is under investigation."     

"The rise of the Solar System still has to depend on the Moon!"     

"You are right. As long as Achilles is around, it is only a matter of time."     

At the same time, Achilles was looking at the light signal from the far away cargo ship on the main battle ship, Matos. That was a primitive way to exchange messages. During the Space Colonial Era, there were many areas where there were disruptions to the use of radio waves. Light signals were the main means for people to explore and communicate.     

Masasi walked over with a stack of documents that required Achilles' signature in his hands.     

When he lifted his head and saw the light signal from outside, Masasi laughed and said, "Boss, it seems that the matter with Committee Member Huton was enough to gain the hearts of these people."     

"It wasn't ruthless enough." Achilles shook his head and received the electronic document device from Masasi's hands. When he opened the documents and browsed through, the contents had already been processed by Masasi. After a quick look through, Achilles inputted his electronic signature at the bottom of the document.      

The reform on the Moon had begun ahead of time. Families around Achilles had started to take action, and Masasi and the rest were naturally the core team of Achilles. This was also the common way the Moon had used to groom the next successor.     

There were also many areas on the Moon that had been corrupted. Bureaucracy and hidden interests were too deeply entrenched. A single Committee Member Huton had already made him felt an extremely strong resistance and he had no choice but to stop for the moment.     

However, the strategic objectives had been achieved. The remaining objectives had to be achieved slowly over time. Achilles had understood that from the latest IG, Wang Zheng was placed at the greatest disadvantage. Lear and him and earned a lot from it. The truth was that Meng Ao and other Solar System military groups from the Reform Party had high hopes for Wang Zheng. Achilles also knew that there were some underhanded moves happening in the dark. The faction he represented had supported Meng Ao in the dark, and this had finally made the Chronos faction stop their actions. To sum it up, Achilles admired Wang Zheng but could not see eye to eye with Lear's style.     

Milo had walked out from the side. She looked extremely pretty in her military uniform. After undergoing the IG training camp, she had grown up and was currently the vice-officer beside Achilles in the First Section.     

Milo looked at the light signal from the cargo ship and smiled gently. "Let's go for a drink later?"     

Achilles smiled and nodded his head. After getting rid of a committee member, it was time for him to lay low and wait for the right opportunity.     

"Oh, right, I have just received information regarding Wang Zheng. He is currently doing quite well," said Milo calmly.     

"Wang Zheng is an on opponent that deserves respect." Masasi sighed. "He seems wild but is in fact a very calm person. Why is he so irrational in his relationships?"     

"One would have wasted his youth if he did not try doing something crazy, Masasi. On the contrary, I respect Wang Zheng for daring to love and hate. A man should be able to take on this burden!"     

Achilles smiled gently.     

"Could these two virgin men stop talking about men as though you understand what it means to be a man? Well?" Milo couldn't help but tease them. Suddenly, Achilles and Masasi withered. This was too ruthless!     

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