Tempest of the Stellar War

Super Disciple

Super Disciple

0Charcoal was different from Bonehead. Bonehead couldn't wait to impart everything he knew to Wang Zheng. As for Charcoal, he was a little silly and would want Wang Zheng to achieve enlightenment on his own most of the time.     

The only pitiful thing was that Wang Zheng was really interested in learning more about spiritual power. However, Charcoal wasn't able to help him in this aspect. The Primordial Regression Technique could help to raise one's spiritual power, but it was mainly used in physical battles. Wang Zheng had always felt that he was lacking in something. However, it could also be because he had not reached the realm yet. Perhaps if he could achieve a breakthrough, he could further control spiritual power. Hopefully, he would at least be able to control his own Ability X and have complete micro control. This would significantly increase his battle abilities.     

In the battle with Bordia, he was able to understand quite a lot about Spiritual Demolition, Spiritual Imprint, and Imprint Removal. However, practically speaking, with respect to the techniques, Wang Zheng was not far from Bordia. On the other hand, his understanding and battle experiences with mecha was much higher than Bordia's, allowing Wang Zheng to achieve a victory in the end. Deep inside his mind, Bordia had not placed Wang Zheng at the same level as him. If they were to battle again, Wang Zheng would not know how it would turn out. There was also Olivios to consider.     

If there was disappointment from the IG, it would be to not be able to have a battle with Olivios. They should be similar types of people, and Olivios must have felt the same type of disappointment.     

During the trip, Wang Zheng was spending most of his time with Rara Durai. Towards the end, Wang Zheng decided to just sit on the shoulders of Rara Durai. Giants did not have a strong sense of curiosity in the first place. However, Rara Durai was able to find out more about Wang Zheng by asking a lot of questions. His notion of the world had almost completely flipped over, and he couldn't understand why he would be defeated by such a small-sized Ada. He desired such strength to make himself stronger.     

Just like the wise ones would pursue intelligence, giants pursuing strength was also innate to them.     

Lan Ling had no option but to accept the truth that she had been "abandoned." A single man with an unmarried woman travelling together would have a great opportunity to develop a relationship. She would not have wasted such opportunities if she was a guy. Could it be that she had zero charm?     

Wang Zheng was fonder of being together with the giants. This was beyond her expectations. Initially, there were some objections within the Lan family when they learned that Wang Zheng and Lan Ling would be travelling together. They felt that it was inappropriate. Lan Ling had to go against all objections and critiques as it was rare to receive an invitation from the people of Tita. She would definitely want to go on this trip.     

Mu Sen knew he couldn't be neglecting his distinguished guest. "Is it really boring to have a chat with an old man like me?" said Mu Sen teasingly.     

He took a look at Wang Zheng and Rara Durai, who were walking at the front. The two of them were having a good time chatting, and Rara Durai was even nodding his head from time to time.     

"How could that be? I would like to learn from Elder," Lan Ling replied with a smile.     

"Haha, I would not doubt that. Are you curious about why I would allow Wang Zheng to tag along?" asked Mu Sen suddenly.     

Lan Ling was slightly taken aback. "Yeah, I am really curious about it. I know that the people of Tita have been keeping a distance from the humans. The Lan family is a little special. Why would you have such high regard for him?"     

Lan Ling did not feel that it was because Wang Zheng had defeated Rara Durai. This would not have amount to anything and would not be enough to attract the attention of the wise ones.     

"When we look at humans, we use a different perspective from the humans. Wang Zheng is very similar to us."     

Lan Ling was stunned. Very similar? Wang Zheng was from Earth, a typical human. How would he be similar to the people of Tita?     

Mu Sen smiled gently and said, "The people of Tita emphasize on being one with the nature. Humans place more emphasis on being in control and controlling oneself. However, Wang Zheng is similar to us, and he is one with the nature too."     

Mu Sen said this in a mysterious way, making Lan Ling confused. This was inevitable. In the early years of humankind, there was no lack of people who aimed to become one with nature. However, these people had died off in the age where there had been great technological advancement. Cultivation of one's inner self and the traditions had gradually diminished.     

In the Solar System, these perspectives would still be easily understandable. However, on other planets, those where the later immigrants were the majority, such perspectives would be incomprehensible to them.     

"However, isn't allowing Wang Zheng to become the Ada of Rara Durai a little too much?" asked Lan Ling with a smile. Being friendly with the Lan family was because the wise ones recognized the need to have communication with the humans. However, this wasn't the case for Wang Zheng.     

"That was Rara Durai's own decision. I respect him. Humans have their own viewpoints. The people of Tita also have our own judgment. There's no doubt that life is precious, but trust is even more important. Some things will be proven with time."     

Lan Ling had never expected Mu Sen to have such a high regard for Wang Zheng and did not attempt to rebuttal. After all, the people of Tita weren't humans. In the world of humans, personal strength was not as important as influence and being in control. However, Lan Ling did not dislike it. This was because the relationship between the people of Tita was simple and pure.     

Love, hate, glory, battle, etc…...     

"Ada, are you saying that we do not need to put in all our strength in a battle? If we do not use our full strength, how could we defeat the opponent?" Rara Durai felt that it was impossible.     

Wang Zheng smiled and said, "Simply said, use approximately 70% of your strength in the first punch. The remaining 30% of your strength isn't supposed to be held back, it has to be in ready. This 30% could be used in varying your attacks, to be used in your follow up attack or defense. In other words, you have more combinations and choices than your opponent."     

"But couldn't I just defeat him with my full strength?"     

"Hehe, could you defeat all your opponents in a single strike?"     

Rara Durai scratched his head and said, "That is not possible. Although I am strong within the Pool Tribe, there are many other strong warriors in various tribes. The Pool Tribe is not known for its strength."     

Wang Zheng was feeling a little dizzy. Although Rara Durai was already so strong, his tribe was not known for its strength. How strong would a tribe known for their strength be?     

"This is only the concept. You could think about it more later. As for the actual use of it, I will show it to you through practice. Also, I want to impart to you a killer move."     

"Killer move?"     

"It means an ultimate move for a one-hit K.O. With your situation, if you were to master it, I'm afraid no one would be able to block it. What it means to use your full strength is that once you use it, you have to defeat your opponent. At that moment, it wouldn't be 70% of your strength, but 120% of your strength. It would be to charge ahead with no fear of death and be reborn with victory!"     

"Ada, I want to learn it. I like one-hit K.O moves!" Rara Durai opened his big mouth. He was delighted even before learning it.     

Wang Zheng also smiled. This was because what he would like to teach Rara Durai was the Leaning Landslide. With Rara Durai's strength and size, it would definitely be a real leaning landslide.     

This move was made for a giant!     

"Elder Mu Sen, the current situation is a little delicate. The Lan family has been trying our best to communicate. You know about the complexity and extensity of the human world. However, I would like to ask for your dear tribe to remain restrained and not allow the other party to get hold of anything that would be disadvantageous to you."     

"Hehe, we had assessed the strengths of the Commerce Organization. They are not on par with us."     

Lan Ling smiled and said, "What you have seen is just the tip of the iceberg. Although the unique environment of Tita places many restrictions on their battle strength, the Commerce Organization's alliance is too huge. Their strength could easily destroy a planet. The reason they are not doing so is because of the constitution of the Milky Way Alliance. I know that the people of Tita aren't afraid of battle or dying, but your goals are the same as ours, the Lan family. We want to protect this beautiful planet. Obviously, there will be a time when we should be tough. I know that dear Elder understands this very clearly."     

Mu Sen nodded his head and said, "All I can do is try my best. Not every single person of Tita is willing to do so. Some of them aren't looking that far ahead."     

Mu Sen and the Pool Tribe knew the humans well and therefore were clear about the ambitions and fearsomeness of humans. This race should have been exterminated quickly. However, they had used a set of rules to bind themselves and were able to achieve developments in a strange way. However, some of the people of Tita failed to recognize it. They weren't afraid of battle, and some even wanted to battle them.     

For a long time, Mu Sen had tried to understand the world of humans through different ways. However, the more he learned, the more terrified he became. The only possible solution might be to enter the Milky Way Alliance as soon as possible so that the Tita Star could receive better protection and allow them to go beyond the Tita Star.     

Lan Ling did not disrupt Mu Sen's thoughts. She gently touched her silky hair, which had become messy because of the wind. She knew about the dilemma Elder Mu Sen was facing and the internal conflict within the people of Tita. This had made it hard for him to do anything. It was hard to convince a conservative race to make the step for change.     

For the massive Milky Way Alliance, this wasn't something that would bother them.     

The Lan family had great influence on the Tita Star but had little influence in the Milky Way Alliance. However, the Tita Star had the potential to become an important force in the Milky Way Alliance. They had terrifying resources for tourism, and the mineral mines were like a gold mine waiting to be developed. The only different aspect was that planet Tita was similar to a world built on a gold mine. Once it entered a stage of disciplined excavation, it would definitely become a force to be reckoned with. This was something that the Lan family knew more clearly than the Commerce Organization. However, this was highly confidential as the benefits involved were too huge and would attract different powers that would exterminate the Lan family or even planet Tita.     

Looking at the carefree figures of Wang Zheng and Rara Durai, who were in front of them, Lan Ling suddenly was envious of them. That was a life that she desired, but when could she achieve it?     

Suddenly, a fruit was thrown towards her and accurately landed in her hand.     

Wang Zheng was standing on the shoulders of Rara Durai. He waved and shouted, "Try it, it's delicious. It's definitely natural without harm."     

Lan Ling smiled and said, "It seems that the guest has been more hardworking than the host!"     

"I understood something today!"     

"Oh, what did you realize?"     

"The higher you stand, the further you can see!"     

The crowd burst into laughter... Sometimes, Wang Zheng could be cute when he was acting silly.     

Lan Ling suddenly felt relieved. There was no doubt that Wang Zheng had many things that were bothering him. However, he was able to let them go. This was something that she had to learn from him. She would eventually have to face and solve these matters. However, she had to continue with her life.     

This was for living, and not just living it.     

"Wang Zheng, I would like to stand tall and look far ahead!"     

"Rara, please pick up Lan Ling."     

"Yes, Ada." Rara Durai walked over. He stretched his huge hand and place Lan Ling on the other shoulder.     

Clearly, this was the first time Lan Ling had had such an experience, and she almost fell off. This was something new to her, even though she was terrified.     

Mu Sen looked from afar at the playful teenagers and revealed a smile. There were also a friendly side to the humans. He could only hope that everything would go on smoothly.     

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