Tempest of the Stellar War

Apperception of the Wind Element

Apperception of the Wind Element

0At the crack of dawn, Wang Zheng woke up naturally. However, the people of Tita woke up earlier. Obviously, Lan Ling would not be awake at such an early time as she was still enjoying her sweet dreams.     

Rara Durai was sleeping beside the wooden house beside Wang Zheng. The practical matters concerning the people of Tita would be discussed with Lan Ling, and Wang Zheng had no business in it. Wang Zheng's main focus would be imparting cultivation techniques to Rara Durai. He was considered more of a tourist.     

"Rara, how many people are there in the Pool Tribe?" asked Wang Zheng. Rara Durai was bringing Wang Zheng on a tour around the Pool Tribe. The people of Tita had great planning skills, with the area clearly divided into residential areas, hunting areas, and training areas.     

"We could be considered a large tribe in this area with over twenty thousand people," replied Rara Durai proudly.     

Twenty thousand giants... If they were to gather, it would be a spectacular view.     

"Elder Mu Sen is the pride of our Pool Tribe. He is one of the 8 Great Elders for the entire Tita planet!"     

"What about Khalifa? Is he an Elder too?"     

"He is the Elder of our tribe and would be equivalent to the head of the race in human words."     

Between their words, a swarm of butterfly-looking creatures flew past, leaving behind a red glow in the air. It was beautiful!     

Suddenly, Wang Zheng felt that he was a frog in a well. Within the Milky Way Alliance, there were many similar planets with such unique sceneries. However, he had not seen any of it before. Having a long life could be a great thing too. He wondered if there was anyone having the ambitions to travel to the entire Milky Way Alliance.     

"How many giants are there on Tita?"     

It was a question that Rara Durai had no idea of. He scratched his head and said, "I'm not too sure about that. There should be a lot. Tita is very big and broad. Elder Mu Sen would know more about the details. Ada, you could ask him about it."     

Wang Zheng smiled and replied, "I was just asking casually. Come, let me examine the results of your training."     

The Plum Blossom Stakes training was not suitable for Rara Durai, and he did not have the conditions for it. However, Wang Zheng still imparted to him some basic combat techniques and some sets of moves that were more practical. This would allow Rara Durai to have an advantage in battle.     

From his understanding, the Pool Tribe would be considered to be not too shabby in this area. However, it wouldn't be considered as big amongst the other Tita Tribes. They were more well-known because of the existence of Elder Mu Sen.     

He also felt that between the people of Tita, it was filled with competition and the battle for glory.     

Moreover, it would be the annual Battle of the Warriors between the Pool Tribe and the Ling Shan Tribe in just a few days. This was also the reason why the Pool Tribe had to elect their number one warrior. The Battle of the Warriors between the tribes was an important activity to both tribes.     

They were born for battle and wished to die in a battle.     

This was a line that Rara Durai often said. Wang Zheng could agree more with the first half of the sentence but couldn't accept the latter half of it.     

Whenever he saw Rara Durai banging the stone wall, he felt both awe-struck and satisfied. Wang Zheng adjusted Rara Durai's angle and posture and Rara Durai was able to understand it quickly. It might also be because the moves were more suitable for a giant. Wang Zheng felt that Rara Durai's progress was good, and with more frequent training, he would be able to crush a mech in just one blow.     

Rara Durai's appetite had been increasing recently. He did not have to eat so much in the past.     

Mu Sen appeared beside Wang Zheng quietly, and this surprised Wang Zheng. "Elder Mu Sen, it seems that you have some skills!"     

With his current condition, Wang Zheng was surprised that he only noticed Mu Sen when he was within three meters of him.     

Mu Sen smiled gently and the wrinkles on his face became relaxed. "The wise ones of Tita planet do not know how to battle. It is just that I have a very calm heart."     

"A calm heart?"     

"Yes, Mr. Wang Zheng. Don't you feel that the world of Tita is very beautiful?"     

"Yes, this is the most beautiful place that I have ever seen, and it is brimming with life!" exclaimed Wang Zheng.     

Mu Sen took a look at Rara Durai, who was training seriously. "The humans' pace of conquering the Milky Way seems to have never stopped. In fact, they have missed out on a lot of beautiful things as a result. We are fortunate to have this star."     

"Elder Mu Sen, why do you always address yourself as the 'people of Tita?' If I remember correctly, your planet should be called 'Titatitan Star.'"     

Mu Sen smiled and replied, "It is true that we are called Titatitan. However, it was only so during the times when we still had Titans."     

"I have heard from Rara Durai. It seems to be a legend about gods."     

"This isn't just a legend. Titans were a real existence. Moreover, they have appeared in the history of the people of Titan twice. However, it was a very long time ago. The strongest Tita warrior had the chance to become a Titan," said Mu Sen.     

Mu Sen looked at Rara Durai with eyes filled with compassion. "Thank you, Mr. Wang Zheng, for being willing to impart such strength to our tribesmen. With your perceptive abilities, you will definitely be able to accept the grace of our god, Titan."     

Wang Zheng wouldn't deny Mu Sen's words. In fact, the abundance of Yuan Qi had allowed his body to recover quickly. This had an impact on his explosiveness and endurance abilities as well. With the Primordial Regression Technique, his body was able to recover constantly. He had felt very comfortable since waking up yesterday.     

"What is the grace from your god about?" asked Wang Zheng casually.     

Mu Sen pointed at the sky and said, "Wind."     


Mu Sen then left. It was at this point that Wang Zheng suddenly thought back to the battle with Rara Durai, and he was suddenly enlightened!     

It seemed that giants were able to control the air flow around them. However, it seemed to be an innate ability. This was a planet that had inclination to the Wood Element of the Phase of Five Elements. It was brimming with life and the power of wind and thunder.     

The Primordial Regression Technique was about combining the power of the five elements. He had grasped the Fire and Water elements. Although it wasn't a full understanding, he was able to use it in his Ability X. Since he was on a planet with strong inclination to the Wood Element, how could he waste such an opportunity?     

The theory of the five elements was extensive and deep. What he was trying to achieve wasn't a full understanding as this would cause him to be trapped. He should try to go with the flow and use his heart to understand it instead.     

At one side, Rara Durai was training hard. On the other side, Wang Zheng started strolling around relaxingly...     

The human moved as the wind moved, and the wind moved according to how the heart moved....     


Wang Zheng's body started to feel different. With every step, there was a mysterious tempo. Moreover, the space around him seemed to move as he moved. It was slow at times and accelerated at times.     

Naturally, Wang Zheng was moving in the foot work of Plum Blossom Stakes. He was moving with the wind and the wind was moving according to what he desired.      

Spinning, a sudden lunge, dancing, floating, silent killing, ice-cold, raging...     

These were the desires of the wind.     

Wang Zheng was completely immersed in it, and he had become one with the environment. It was a mysterious feeling. He knew that the enlightenment this time was much deeper than the previous times when he utilized Ice and Fire. For the first two times, it was more of him recreating the elements after knowing about the methods and achieving enlightenment. However, he understood Wind on a much deeper level this time.     

This was the Wind of the Wood Element in the five Phases.     

It was just the tip of the iceberg, and this had benefitted Wang Zheng much. There seemed to be no longer any restrictions on him in the world as he moved as the wind moved!     

Everything went silent.     

It wasn't the wind moving, but the heart.     

Wang Zheng had gone completely still, and time seemed to have stopped at this moment.     

One couldn't be sure how much time had passed. When Wang Zheng opened his eyes, the sky had already started to turn dark. A beautiful sunset could be seen afar and was mesmerizing.     

Rara Durai stood at a side seriously, holding a huge, wooden club in his hand.     

Wang Zheng couldn't help but ask, "Rara, what are you doing?"     

"Ada, you are too great. I have heard that only the greatest wise ones could achieve enlightenment. In our Pool Tribe, only Elder Mu Sen was able to achieve it, and that was the reason for him becoming our Elder. You are the second person to achieve it."     

From the eyes of Rara Durai, one could see that it was no longer just respect, but admiration. There were even signs of fear.     

Among the people of Tita, there was a distinction between warriors and the wise ones. Warriors would not be able to achieved enlightenment but would obtain power. The wise ones would lose strength but achieved intelligence. As for enlightenment, it was the pinnacle of intelligence.     

Wang Zheng smiled and asked, "How could you tell that I have achieved enlightenment?"     

Rara Durai scratched his head and answered, "Ada seemed to have become one with the world just moments ago. You felt just like the wind, although it wasn't exactly the same."     

Wang Zheng was taken aback slightly. He had not expected Rara Durai to be able to understand things so well. "Perhaps there will be a day where you will be able to do just so."     

"Me?" Rara Durai pointed at himself. He quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no. Ada, I'm very stupid. All I want is to master the techniques you have imparted to me."     

If a warrior and a wise one were to become one, the shock it would bring would be unmatched.     

"It's getting late, let's go back. I'm hungry," said Wang Zheng as he was touching his growling stomach. From what Charcoal had said, once you have reached a certain level of training, food wouldn't be that essential... Without the joy of eating, life would likely be very boring.      

If it was up to Wang Zheng to make a decision, he would definitely choose food over other things…     

A giant and a small figure headed towards the tribe, leaving behind mottled shadows in the forest, seemingly a prelude to something…...     

Lan Ling and Khalifa had gained a better understanding of the situation of the Pool Tribe. She wasn't here for a tour but to explore the developmental opportunities for the Pool Tribe. The Pool Tribe could be considered to be one of the friendliest tribes with the humans and was a good representative of the people of Tita. Through interactions with the Pool Tribe, they could conclude where the baselines were for both parties and establish the boundaries for future interactions. For a cordial relationship among two races, this was very important.     

The development of the Pool Tribe was quite advanced, and there were applications of human technology, especially in battle armor. Such giant-sized suits of battle armor came with mobility devices. The metal weapons were the most fearsome and were more useful than the primitive weapons that the people of Tita were using. However, Lan Ling found out that these metal weapons had been sealed and the primitive weapons were used for common training of the people of Tita. The primitive weapons were a form of solid wood.     

"Elder Khalifa, are the current sets of weapon systems not good enough? I noticed that no one was using it during training," asked Lan Ling. If one were to use the weapons of humans during hunting, it would be much easier. On Tita, other than giants, the fearsome beasts were also gigantic. One could easily spot one that weighed a few tons. Obviously, there were some that were harmless, while some possessed extremely strong attacking abilities. This was also the reason why humans mainly stayed within the cities.     

Khalifa shook his head and said, "Your weapons are great and terrifying. However, we have a different reason to using weapons. Humans use them for conquering, while we use them for survival. Our strength is enough for everyday hunting. We wish to survive through our own hard work. This is also a form of giving back to the natural world. We wouldn't want to use it unless it was the last resort."     

Lan Ling nodded her head and said, "I understand."     

Khalifa smiled and replied, "We know that the Lan family has helped us a great deal over the years. We will do regular training sessions with that equipment. Has the approval from the Milky Way Alliance been processed?     

"The Commerce Organization has created a fuss over it and it is still being delayed. Our people have also been working hard, but the strength of our enemies should not be underestimated. Therefore, we have to make ample preparations." Lan Ling was exceptionally serious at the moment.     

Khalifa stood up and took deep bow at Lan Ling. Lan Ling immediately stood up to stop him, but Khalifa were determined. "Miss Lan Ling, I would like to thank you all on behalf of the people of Tita for staying with us till the end. Tita wasn't just ours to begin with. It also belongs to you. Let's protect our home together!"     

Lan Ling knew that she had been officially accepted by the people of Tita and had become the representative of the humans to the people of Tita.     

At this moment, a loud voice could be heard from outside the house. "I'm so hungry, is dinner ready?"     

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