God Of Slaughter



0Shi Yan suddenly became elated.     

Ice Cold Flame was indeed very precious, but for Shi Yan the memories obtained from the many God realm warriors and the knowledge about martial arts were even rarer!     

If the Ice Cold Flame was really willing to bequeath the memories from the God realm warriors and the knowledge of martial arts to him, then wouldn't his acquisition be similar to the Reincarnation Martial Spirit from the Xia family?     

The reason why the reincarnation martial spirit from Xia family was so mighty was because they can use the memories and knowledge from their past lives, which allowed them to not only take detour during cultivation but also reduce or even completely avoid the bottleneck during cultivation.     

This was indeed a horrid talent.     

If he can obtain the insights of martial arts from the God realm warriors through the Ice Cold Flame then Shi Yan's cultivation will definitely skyrocket.     

In order to merge with the Ice Cold Flame, in addition to gather nine extremely hot Yang powered treasures and materials, he needed to also step into a higher realm.     

For Shi Yan, these conditions were still in an unforeseeable future and he doesn't know when he can attain them.     

However, after the deal between him and the Ice Cold Flame, he will immediately get benefits from the Ice Cold Flame and also a chance to merge with the Core Fire that was transforming into the Sky fire.     

After weighing the pros and cons for a while, Shi Yan felt that this deal was beneficial.     

"I promise you!"     

After being idle for a long time, Shi Yan finally agreed the agreement to the Ice Cold Flame within the Blood Vein Ring.     


The Ice Cold Flame was more excited than him, and immediately replied: "You will not be dissapointed, believe me. With my knowledge, your cultivation will be faster than the others! With my help, your insight toward the martial arts, may even become deeper than the current God realm warriors!"     

"What do I do now? I mean, how can I merge with the Core Fire."     

"At this moment, the Core Fire is in the process of becoming a Sky fire, the current Core Fire is very pure, just like a newborn baby. At this time, as long as you constantly communicate with it and send a friendly thought, it will deeply remember you and treat you like a loved one!"     

Shi Yan was stunned.     

"You are really lucky." Ice Cold Flame continued: "After it evelves into a Sky Fire, you can only merge with it by force. This would require your power to completely suppress it! Make it fear you and never dare to revolt against you. With that, you can merge with it, enslave it, and then make it become a part of your strength and control it as you want".     

"This kind of merger is very dictatorial; even if you had merged with it, once you are seriously injured and can't control it anymore, it will immediately revolt and will try to detach from you or maybe kill you. This method has its advantages and disadvantages. Currently, you don't have the required power, so don't even think about it."     

"Before its consciousness is formed, use my method and keep sending a friendly thought to it and treat it as your closest friend. Thus, before it's consciousness is formed, you can leave your imprint in its soul. After it successfully evolves into Sky Fire, the imprint that you left in its soul will never disappear; it will you treat as a loved one and later, you can obtain its power and help to fight with your enemy, even when you are seriously injured. It even has the power to detach from you; but instead of doing that it will help you."     

"Of course, this method also has a weakness; because you are in the parallel relationship, it's difficult for you to sacrifice it in order to live when you are in danger. When it meets with its natural nemesis, it won't listen to you and will probably hide in a battle battle. This means that you can't control it as you want or sacrifice it."     

"I just released my spirit power to search it, but it was aware and immediately counterattacked; I can't get close to it at all."     

"That was because there is my presence in your spirit power just now. My element is the exact opposite from it, so it instinctively loathe me. Next time when you use your spirit power, don't add my presence to it. Slowly close in after sending a friendly thought and be sure not to scare it. You do that and it will gradually accept you."     

" I see..." Shi Yan was stunned at first and then immediately said: "I will try."     

"Ok. Remember, don't get close to it too fast. At this moment, it is very cautious and defensive; you need to take it easy and not be too hasty. Let it recognize you first so that it will not be wary of you. Also, keep sending friendly thoughts and after it has felt that you really don't want to hurt it, it will lift its guard against you."     

Shi Yan was secretly surprised.     

The method to merge with the Core Fire from Ice Cold Flame, was in fact, the same as to tame a ferocious cub. You need to step by step make it accept you, and gradually let it adapt to you. After that it will put down its guard and will instead take the initiative to get close to you and will treat you as the closest friend.     

After communicating with Ice Cold Flame, Shi Yan felt he has benefited greatly, this guy has lived for how many years, plus has also obtained the life experience from many God realm warriors and has a profound understanding toward oddity of heaven and earth.     

Shi Yan held his breath and after dissipating his spirit power, he quietly approach that area.     

This time, without the presence of Ice Cold Flame in his spirit power, there was only friendly thought in his mind.     

Gradually, Shi Yan spirit power approached that intense and dire fire field.     

The intense Flame, like a group of dazzling sun, continued to release fire energies and among those fire energies, there was a very weak consciousness     

Shi Yan carefully made his spirit power which was full of friendly thoughts, go inch by inch toward that fire field as directed by the Ice Cold Flame.     

At the moment when his spirit power and that fire energy came in contact, the weak consciousness in that fire energy suddenly became alert, seemingly ready to attack Shi Yan's consciousness.     

Shi Yan was a little shocked and he became more cautious.     

Without being too hasty, Shi Yan didn't made his spirit power go near it again, instead he just kept sending out friendly thoughts from his mind.     

The simple consciousness in that fire energy seemed to be a bit confused, and didn't immediately initiated an attack, but it became like a thin bubble and covered Shi Yan's spirit power as it slowly felt out the friendly thoughts from Shi Yan.     

The Core Fire's awareness and instinctive guard were more than what Shi Yan had previously thought. Although the spirit halo that was covering Shi Yan's spirit power didn't immediately attack, but it was ready to attack at any time if it sensed even a tinge of hostile intentions in it.     

Shi Yan was a bit nervous, fearing that Core Fire might suddenly attack anytime, he didn't dare to act frivolous and only keep sending friendly thoughts.     

"Come back first, try again after a while. Try to give it some space to think, and when the next time your spirit power will approach it, it will not be so tense again. At this moment, its consciousness isn't complete, so making it think will also help in speeding its evolving process" Ice Cold Flame conveyed its thoughts.     

Shi Yan slowly withdrew his spirit power and clearly felt that when he withdrew his spirit power, it seems hesitant, hesitating whether to attack or not     

Shi Yan became nervous and he slowed down his withdrawing process as if pulling a thread inch by inch     

He understood that the fire energy from Core Fire was enough to burn his spirit power without a trace, and it can even directly kill his soul through the link of his soul and spirit power.     

If the Core Fire really does so, then his soul probably will be seriously injured or maybe even completely burned.     

This was extremely dangerous.     

Shi Yan concentration was at it at most and he didn't dare to relax a bit, but he also didn't dare to be too nervous, in fear that he will startle the Core Fire and it might launch an attack.     

Just like passing a thread through needle's eye, it must be extremely accurate and if you became a little careless, then it's possible to fail.     

If he failed, then the price that he needs to pay may be his life.     

Time passed quietly.     

Shi Yan felt afraid that even after a century passed, the spirit power that he had released into the Core Fire might not be pulled back completely.     

In this whole process, the Core Fire awareness didn't relax for a bit, until when he completely withdrew all of his spirit power, the Core Fire stopped its pursuit.     


Covered in the weird soft ice that the Ice Cold Flame constructed, Shi Yan sighed from feeling the fatigue from his spirit power and said, "It was so dangerous, this is more difficult than fighting a warrior that is one level higher than me"     

"Not bad, the first step has already met the expected result, next time when your spirit power approaches it, it will not be so tense again and when you will withdraw your spirit power, just follow this rhythm and you will be okay." The Ice Cold Flame assured him.     


At the next period, Shi Yan followed the Ice Cold Flame's guidance by separately releasing his friendly thoughts and gentle spirit power and slowly approaching the Core Fire spirit halo.     

At the second time, it was really easier than the first time, after the Core Fire felt Shi Yan spirit power approach again, although it was still quite cautious, but it seemed to really relaxed a bit.     

And when Shi Yan withdrew his spirit power, the Core Fire's attitude appeared a bit softer, as if it had no mood to attack him.     

At the third time, the Core Fire was even more relaxed.     

When Shi Yan's spirit power approached Core Fire, the Core Fire completely put down its awareness and didn't even plan to fight back.     

Shi Yan was secretly surprised, and kept using this method while releasing his friendly thoughts towards the Core Fire.     

After for a long time, Shi Yan also didn't know how much time has passed.     

This time, when Shi Yan withdrew his spirit power from Core Fire, he felt for the first time that the Core Fire was a bit unwilling to be separated from him!     

'It was unwilling!!'     

This feeling was so clear, like Shi Yan was seeing a child who felt sad when his friend left him.     

"Good! It has already started to accept you, as long as you continue again, It won't be too long before we can get closer to it."     

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