Otherworldly Evil Monarch

It Really wasn't Me...

It Really wasn't Me...

0"Jun Moxie was a great worry for the three Holy Lands! This old man indeed felt some shame about the manner in which I killed the boy back then, but for the three Holy Lands, I had ridden us of a future lethal threat! Although this old man had lost some reputation because of it, my conscience remains clear! If I had to choose again, this old man would still make the same choice! Compared to the prosperity of the three Holy Lands, what is the reputation of a mere old man like me worth?"     

"Well said! Even a despicable act like that can be portrayed in such a noble way in your mouth. Zhan Mubai, from your words just now—anything that could threaten the existence of your three Holy Lands should be neutralized with any methods? No matter how despicable the method is?" Bai Qifeng, who was standing at the side, asked.     

"Indeed! Is there anything wrong with that? Could it be that you are capable of remaining unfazed by a lethal threat to your Misty Illusory Manor? All of us are the same; what are you so shocked about?" Zhan Mubai shouted with rage, his chest puffed up with self righteousness.     

The moment Zhan Mubai's words rang out, everyone from the three Holy Lands looked at him with a kind of sincere admiration. Only a few people noticed that the look in the seven Misty Illusory Manor Saint Emperors' eyes had changed yet again. If their eyes could be said to have been concealing a murderous intent earlier, it was now blazing with a naked declaration to kill!     

"Good, good, you've said it really well, Zhan Mubai! You've finally admitted to killing the joint disciple of us seven, right? Looks like it was our disciple who deserved to die! He's the other mortal threat of your three Holy Lands, so as long as you get rid of him, the three Holy Lands can rest peacefully from here on!" Bai Qifeng's voice was cold and sharp, like a poisonous viper.     

Zhan Mubai coughed violently and widened his eyes with rage and some confusion. At this time, he finally regained some clarity of the situation and remembering the earlier sentences, he spluttered. "What did you say just now…? What removing a mortal threat? And you said I killed your disciple in front of you? This… where did those words come from? What nonsense are you spouting?!"     

"At this point, you still want to deny it! Didn't you confess it very clearly just now? Aren't you just afraid that my disciple would become a huge threat to your three Holy Lands in the future?" Cao Guofeng was so enraged that he nearly spat out a mouthful of blood: "This old man saw with my own eyes and even pursued you here. Then, we all saw you holding the blood-stained shirt with our own eyes; you still want to deny? Could it be that you think you're still capable of escaping responsibility?"     

"Deny? What am I denying? I killed your disciple? What?" Zhan Mubai shook his head vigorously. This fellow was first cursed at and then beaten up; after which a heap of confounding accusations were thrown at him, causing him to be exceedingly confused. "Your disciple? Since when did you have a disciple?"     

"You're still trying to play dumb? It's that kid with the Free and Natural Physique!" Cao Guofeng was practically jumping with fury as he hollered. From the looks of it, another fight was about to break out. When he uttered the words Free and Natural Physique, Cao Guofeng felt as if his heart was being cut by knives. Six hundred years ah… and he'd only discovered that single disciple…     

Cao Guofeng hadn't even charged over, when Zhan Mubai jumped up with shock. Widening his eyes to a new impossible limit, he demanded, "What did you say, what did you say?! The Free and Natural Physique kid was killed by me? Cao Guofeng, what nightmare came into your sleep last night? What nonsense, that kid…"     

As he spoke to this point, he stopped with a start. "That kid… is dead?!"     

Bai Qifeng looked at him coldly and scoffed. "Zhan Mubai, keep pretending! Act with all your might! Why didn't you go and become an actor back then? With your acting skills, you would have definitely been extremely famous, with accomplishments far surpassing your measly attainments as a Saint Emperor!"     

"I act your mother's head!" Zhan Mubai was so angry that he could hardly form his words. "How could I have possibly killed him? I can't even begin to treasure the boy enough, so how could I have the heart to kill him? Just last night, I specifically sought Brother Hai and Brother He out to discuss a plan about the matter, and I even took out two thousand year old spirit herbs, and two divine weapons and gave it to them. We discussed all the way until midnight, and only then did I manage to convince them to help me. We were just about to look for you to determine who the disciple should belong to. How did he get killed by me in the blink of an eye? What kind of ridiculous nonsense is this?!"     

As he talked, Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu nodded repeatedly, their faces showing faint awkwardness. Although the two of them had agreed to help, they had also received some benefits in return. Now that Zhan Mubai had disclosed this information so clearly in front of everyone, they felt somewhat embarrassed.     

But, they also knew that Zhan Mubai had done it out of desperation. He had to bring out the best evidence in this critical moment. Although it was not a comfortable feeling to be exposed like that, there was nothing strange about it.     

"With Brother Hai and Brother He as witnesses, there is naturally no need to doubt this point. But who the f*ck knows what you wretched thing went to do after your meeting with them? You think that by creating a cover with those actions, you'd be completely unfaultable? Thinking that you've created the perfect alibi, you changed into a set of sneaky black clothes and snuck into our manor, abducting the boy away. However, you were discovered by us and seeing that it was impossible to escape with him, you committed this atrocious crime! Since there's no longer any hope that he will be your disciple, you ruthlessly killed him instead to prevent him from becoming a future threat to your three Holy Lands! You thought that if you didn't admit to it, it would have nothing to do with you? Zhan Mubai! You dare to commit the crime, but are scared to admit to it, attempting to deny and find excuses to cover yourself. You are despicable to the extreme!"     

Cao Guofeng pointed at him with rage and with a flash, he grabbed the black shirt on the ground and held it up. "Zhan Mubai, the seven of us chased you all the way to this place, and when we came in, we also saw you taking off this black shirt… Do you still want to deny! This old man is truly blind, to have ever treated you as a friend…"     

"Black clothes… black clothes…" Zhan Mubai's eyes grew rigid with shock. At long last, he realized that he'd been ruthlessly set up by another person this time! All the events from before flashed before his eyes one by one: the loud voice, him coming out, the wall collapsing, the appearance of a black shirt, and him catching it… Right after that, Cao Guofeng and the other seven arrived…     

The methods of this hidden person were truly ruthless. One thing after another, every single factor was lined up flawlessly and meticulously to the extreme, leaving him no chances to clear his name as he fell into the middle of the giant plot, forcing him to stand in opposition to the several Saint Emperors.     

Zhan Mubai choked violently and sprand up, nearly vomiting out a mouthful of blood. "Someone threw this shirt to me; this is a scheme! Someone wants to frame me! How could I possibly do such a despicable thing!"     

"Frame you!? HAHAHA…" Cao Guofeng was so angry that he ended up laughing hysterically instead. "Zhan Mubai, there's no need for you to try denying any further! If you dare to do something, you should have the courage to bear responsibility for it. That's the way a man should be! Daring to do something yet being too fearful to admit it is the ways of a coward! Tonight, even if you are capable of making flowers bloom with your tongue, you should not dream about escaping. My dear disciple, hopefully your soul has not departed far away yet. Watch your master take revenge for you and make this scoundrel pay the price of your death with his blood!"     

"This wasn't done by me!" Saint Emperor Zhan's body trembled intensely, and his eyes grew panicked. The grief and indignation, along with the bruises and cuts on his blood drenched face formed an extremely stark image of desperation. Yet, the injustice was impossible to wash away. As his eyes darted around, he shouted pitifully. "It really wasn't me ah…!"     

Bai Qifeng sneered coldly and looked at him in a mocking manner. "Zhan Mubai, regardless of what your original intention was, the fact remains that you've destroyed the hope of the seven of us. Did you think that a single 'it wasn't me' will be enough to prove your innocence? Truly too laughable! Even the entire Elusive World of Immortals' ability at distorting the truth is likely not as formidable as you? To think that you even dared to call yourself open and aboveboard, having a clear conscience! Just how did those words manage to come out of your mouth?"     

"You say that I did it? Where's the proof? Where's the corpse? Just a single sentence from you all, and you want to proclaim me guilty? What's the motive? Why would I want to murder that kid?" Zhan Mubai roared hysterically, the veins on his temples bulging exaggeratedly.     

"The truth has already been laid bare; is there anyone with eyes that is still not clear about it? As for the motive, you yourself admitted it just now. What a powerful motive that was, and you still want me to repeat it again for you? As for the evidence, it's that black shirt right there! And the body?" Bai Qifeng snorted coldly and said, "Old Sixth, go and bring the corpse here; Saint Emperor Zhan wants to look at his own work! Brothers, the rest of you get ready, we are fighting for vengeance this time; it's not a sparring session. On my command, we will act together, and tear this shameless Zhan Mubai into pieces! Whoever dares to obstruct us will be an enemy of the Misty Illusory Manor and will form a death grudge with the seven of us!"     

A white shadow flashed out and in a short time, returned with a body. This corpse did not have a head, and it looked extremely pitiful. It was only dressed in undergarments, and one could at most discern that it was the body of a youth. Whether it was from the muscle structure or the current state of growth, this person was definitely not beyond 20 years old!     

"Pu!" With a loud sound, the body was thrown onto the floor. Glaring icily, Bai Qifeng pointed at the corpse on the ground. "Now that the human testimony and material evidence is all here, what does the open and aboveboard Saint Emperor Zhan still have to say?"     

Zhan Mubai's body shook, and he looked with disbelief at the unrecognizable body on the ground. He swayed lightly on the spot, completely speechless.     

"Do it!" Bai Qifeng waved his hand, and six shadows flashed through the sky, their ultimate techniques all prepared in their hands!     

All of a sudden—     

"Yang'er?? AHHH!!! Yang'er, my Yang'er…" The Chen Family's Chen Qingtian, who had been standing at the side and watching the show quietly, suddenly screamed aloud as he saw the corpse. Completely disregarding the numerous super experts present, he rushed out in a crazed manner.     

Anxiously picking up the body, he examined it carefully. Suddenly, with a wa sound, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and he collapsed to the ground…     

When he picked up the body, the left knee of the youth was slightly exposed, revealing a glaring black birthmark! Earlier, only half of it was exposed when the body was lying on the ground. Now that it was picked up, the entire thing was fully revealed.     

This person was the Chen Family's second son, Chen Yang!     

This sudden change in the situation caused everyone in the crowd to instantly turn silent as dumb wooden chickens. Everyone's movements stopped.     

Jun Moxie who was hiding in the sky had an ugly expression on his face. F*ck! They were at the most crucial point, and this f*cking corpse was suddenly recognized?! So it's true that the Heavens never acts in accordance to man's will… At that time, I was only focusing on selecting a youth with the correct age and figure and didn't pay attention to other things. Godd*mn…     

A long time later, Chen Qingtian finally woke up, and he howled aloud with grief. After a round of examination by the Chen Family, and the personal confirmation by the Chen Family Madam, and tens of Chen Family servant girls, it was unanimously determined that this corpse did not belong to Saint Emperor Cao's Free and Natural Physique disciple, but the Chen Family's second son, Chen Yang.     

There were at least 50, 60 maid servants who came forward to identify this body. From the looks of it, this Chen Second Young Master had enjoyed plenty of comfort in his life…     

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