Otherworldly Evil Monarch

The Killer Leng Ao

The Killer Leng Ao

0"Pa! Pa! Pa!" Jun Moxie just raised his palm and Han Yanmeng had already hit him three times on his palm very quickly. She laughed happily. It was like a cat stealing fish. She winked and raised her eyebrows triumphantly.     

"Ha!" the little girl giggled and announced. "Let me tell you, game over for you!"     

"How can that be?" Jun Moxie looked at this girl who had just sold herself in disbelief, and said in certainty, "How can I lose?"     

"Hmm, you won't? Hehe, but the person you want doesn't even exist! Now, your aunt I will teach you a lesson. The entire thing is under my discretion, you see? If I say there isn't then there isn't even if there is! Do you understand now?" The little girl laughed profusely.     

"How can that be? There definitely is a suitable person. How can it be 'there isn't even if there is'? Aren't there two princesses of the Silver City?" Jun Moxie hugged his own shoulders and gave a sinister smile. "Besides your sister, isn't there still you? My little aunt Han? Am I wrong? Aren't you a princess as well? Or are you not a girl?"     

"You are not a girl! Ah? Ah… What did you say? Me? I… I…?!!!" Han Yanmeng blurted out but was immediately stunned. She covered her mouth and her arrogant smile faded and was replaced by panic.     

She missed herself! In fact, she did not even realize she was a suitable person…     

"Miss Han, I'm sure you know who she is now? Then why don't you kidnap her and send her to my room?"     

Jun Moxie said seriously, "This is about the supreme reputation of the Silver City alright? I hope you will quickly do what you have to. I know you can do it! Because Miss Han always keep your promise, right?"     

Han Yanmeng was dumbfounded. Her fingers trembled and her gaze was sliding everywhere. She then finally flushed. She thought for a short while and suddenly hugged her own stomach and said with a painful facial expression. "Aya… how did I suddenly get a stomachache! I need to go back to have a rest… Ah, so painful!" She left slouching as she finished.     

"Miss Han, it's okay, but don't forget about being my mistress! I will be waiting!… Hahaha, all tied up…" Jun Moxie reminded her loudly from behind. Han Yanmeng pretended to not have heard and was totally gone…     

Little girl, who told you to pretend to be my elder all day long? Is it so easy to be my elder? I must teach you a lesson and you will behave properly!     

Jun Moxie was feeling very comfortable. How's she going to face me again? Haha.     

I am being bullied around for a few days and now I've finally returned the favor…     

"Hahaha…" Jun Wuyi emerged amidst the laughter. He was laughing so badly that he was holding his tummy. He raised his thumb and said, "Nice one, Moxie! You just made her sell herself! That was really hilarious, hahaha…"     

Jun Moxie rubbed his nose and laughed. "Third Uncle, I also had no choice! She's pretended to be my elder for so many days, and she always calls me nephew. How can I bear that! Perhaps now she will behave properly for a few days."     

"Probably not only a few days!" Jun Wuyi laughed out loud, "She probably can't face you ever again and doesn't dare to see you anymore! Erm… Moxie… don't tell me you are really interested in her?"     

"No!" Jun Moxie shook his head profusely, "Leave me alone third uncle! Don't randomly pick girls for me anymore, I have had a lot…"     

"Haha…" Jun Wuyi let out two meaningful laughs and warned him, "You guys are honestly not suitable. You guys have a generation difference after all…"     

Jun Wuyi was gone after saying so.     

"I haven't said anything and you're already helping out your little sister-in-law… besides, Yang Guo still can marry his teacher… how is the generation difference even important…" Jun Moxie murmured, feeling slightly guilty. Suddenly, someone came to notify him. "Young Master, someone is here looking for you. He said his teacher asked him to come."     

"Let him in!" Jun Moxie had become excited. He's finally here!     

That dude really scared me badly that time; I will see how he actually looked like!     

"Young Master Jun." Appearing in front of Jun Moxie was a skinny teenager who was not very tall. He was roughly 160 centimeters, but seemed to have good coordination!     

"What's your name? You came to assassinate me before? You are Chu Qihun's apprentice?" Jun Moxie eyed this young man. The young man was slightly uneasy and stared in front, emotionless, with his eyes like those of dead fish, which could not turn at all.     

"Yes!" the young man straightened up, and there was no change in his emotions. "I'm Leng Ao."     

"Leng Ao… What a name!" Jun Moxie smiled faintly. He suddenly bent forward, and his eyes suddenly looked cold, staring straight at Leng Ao with great momentum. It all came down at him without any sign!     

The murderous intent poured out like a tsunami. It was like countless deadly daggers raging through the air. Several guards at the door felt only a slight portion of it and uncontrollably sat on the ground, their faces turning pale instantly.     

Instantly, a heartfelt shock and horror flashed through Leng Ao's silent eyes. He tried his best to resist Jun Moxie's momentum and tried to fight it, but found that everything was in vain. He had no room to resist.     

One moment, one single moment! The whole person, the whole body, the whole soul, had been swallowed up. He was shivering all over in the cold.     

"Who ordered you to assassinate me then?" Jun Moxie asked, word by word.     


He looked up at him coldly and stubbornly, but he had no intention of speaking at all. With a strong bite on the tip of the tongue, he hoped he could hold the last trace of clarity in his thoughts. Blood inevitably flowed down from the corners of my mouth. But Leng Ao found that he still couldn't keep his mind clear. He felt that his consciousness was becoming more and more blurred, as if he would fall into endless darkness at any time…     

"Haha, not bad!" Jun Moxie laughed, the murderous intent suddenly disappeared. "Sure enough, you're Chu Qihun's apprentice. You didn't learn much from him, but you did learn his stubbornness!"     

"You shouldn't have asked me," he said slowly, gasping with difficulty. "Although I'm here to serve you, it's only by my master's command that I had to come; as a killer, I would never reveal the name of my client, which is the rule. Life and death are no big deal, but the rules are absolutely unbreakable!"     

"I won't ask you any more!" Jun Moxie smiled coldly. "When you assassinated me, I had many enemies who wanted to kill me; but now, they are no longer worthy of being my opponents. It doesn't matter whether I know it or not. But what I want is your future obedience and loyalty!     

"I can give you what you always wanted but couldn't get, and I can teach you everything that your master can't point out to you; I can also make your cultivation improve by leaps and bounds, but if you can't give me what I want, then even if you're Chu Qihun's apprentice, I don't want you. Do you understand?"     

"Yes!" There was sweat on Leng Ao's face. The young man in front of him brought him more pressure than his master Chu Qihun did. At the very least, Chu Qihun did not have so much murderous intent! As the only apprentice of Chu Qihun, he was very clear on this.     

No wonder Master said that he was only a killer and there was no doubt in this, but it was also only limited to this. If he came here, he could meet the king of the killers!     

Is the king of the killers this young man before me?     

"Very well! Bring Baili Luoyun, Tian Can, and Di Que to me in five days," Jun Moxie said firmly. "If you can do it, I will let you stay and give you everything you want. If you can't, you will have to continue your wandering."     

He stared at Leng Ao's eyes and said, word for word. "Apprentice of Chu Qihun, can you do it?"     

"Yes I can! I will accomplish it!" Leng Ao knew that this was a test of his abilities. But what Jun Moxie had said really inspired him. If I can't do it, won't I be losing Teacher's face?     

"Your movements are fast and are different from you teacher; your teacher moves like a ghost, fast and elusive, but you are only fast—purely fast! Why is this so?" Jun Moxie asked, looking at him.     

"I don't know. When Teacher adopted me and taught me Mystic Qi, he always asked me to be fast." Leng Ao himself was also confused.     

"Oh?" Jun Moxie stood up and placed his hand on Leng Ao's shoulder. A trace of mystical Spirit Energy flowed into Leng Ao's body, blending with Jun Moxie's godly senses. Suddenly, Jun Moxie's eyes sparkled and shouted. "Incomparable ligaments? No wonder! Chu Qihun really knows this stuff well and taught him in the most suitable way! Bravo!"     

Leng Ao was stunned; he had no idea what Jun Moxie was talking about.     

Jun Moxie raised his head and waved. "Go, remember, five days!"     

"Yes!" Leng Ao turned around and stepped out.     

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