Otherworldly Evil Monarch

I’m a Selfish Man!

I’m a Selfish Man!

0"Offend me? How could a brat with such low skill levels offend me? I just don't like him; that's all!"     

The first voice became somewhat embarrassed for a second. Then, it quickly reinstating its composure, and said, "Don't ever think that I will have any affection for such a lecherous face! I only faked those feelings! I wish to beat him up and teach him a proper lesson. And, I will feel very happy once I've taught him a lesson that my heart desires!"     

The other voice fell silent. It was clearly shocked. [What happened to the eldest's voice-tone when she was speaking that sentence…?]     

A long time passed before the second voice spoke again, "Then… what are you going to do, Eldest Sister?"     

"The aim of our trip is to travel the world. So, we can follow these people for now. And, didn't you hear Dongfang Wenqing? He said that they might take that brat to hide with the Dongfang Family… This means that these people might part ways with the Jun Family's troops later. You see how I handle that brat when that time comes! I'll give him worse than death!" the first voice snorted.     

"So, why didn't Eldest Sister intervene when Dugu Xiaoyi had given him that ridiculous medicine?" the sharp voice sounded confused, "He wouldn't have been able to do anything if we had stepped-in at that time. We would've gotten to see him choke on his urine. In fact, it would've been one of the worst ways of torture. Wouldn't that have been an interesting thing…?"     

Watching him choke on his urine would've been one of the worst ways of torture… Wouldn't that have been an interesting thing…? These two women who were speaking these words seemed more ruthless than the other…     

The strength of these two mysterious women was extremely high; they were exceptionally formidable!     

"Intervene? Why would you wish to intervene then?" the first voice again seemed to have a strain of embarrassment in its usually cold texture, "Green Hunter… you and I have taken this form… we are in the form of women at the moment. So, we couldn't have stopped him from doing that… scandal! We could've killed him with ease… but, stopping him… we couldn't have done that!"     

"Eldest Sister is right! We shouldn't have intervened since we couldn't have stopped him…" the second voice turned out to be that of Green Hunter's. She had given this angle some thought, and couldn't help but become a bit embarrassed as a result…     

"That man is despicable, and he's in need of a lesson. But, he still has some importance, and he doesn't really need to die." The first voice snorted and said, "Moreover, the pills involved in the transaction with the Sacred Fruit might come via him. Didn't you hear the Solitary Eagle speak that the mysterious man is that brat's master? And, didn't you report that the mysterious person has made a solemn vow to give us those efficacious pills in exchange for the Sacred Fruit?"     

"That's right! I had almost forgotten…" The Snake King's eyes shone, "Things change a lot if we consider that! That mysterious person's power is amazing and mystical! I still feel a bit traumatic at the thought of that previous experience! I feel that even elder sister might have a tough time in competing with that towering strength!"     

"My meeting with that mysterious man was short. Moreover, he didn't fight for real. He merely moved and killed Li Juetian in the most deceptive of ways. Yes, I can't compare with such skills. I can't even figure out what technique that man had used. I think it was something like the 'Flame of Enlightenment'… or some other form of 'Pure Fire'. It will be good if such a skilled person doesn't have any hatred for us. And, we can ensure that this person gives us more pills if we control his young disciple. We will at least have some cards in our hands in that case!" the person speaking these words was the Lord of Heavenly Punishment—Venerable Mei.     

"Therefore, we can't afford to be careless with this matter! We heard them say that he might go to the Dongfang Family. But, there are many issues relating to that as well. And, one of them is the oath that family had to take. He he… Our departure from the Heavenly Punishment Forest has already completed half of their oath. The remaining part relates to the crumbling of the Snow Sword Mountain in those Snowy Peaks. That would need some planning. In any case, this is a very interesting matter."     

"So that's how it is! You have already thought of so much, eldest…! The Eldest genuinely deserves to be called the Lord!" the Snake King said cheerfully, "So, we just watch the fun now…?"     

"Watch the fun? Not necessarily. Perhaps we might have the opportunity to join-in on the fun!" Venerable Mei smiled lightly.     

Everything became quiet. The two didn't speak any longer. Suddenly, it seemed as if they had never existed.     

Anyone looking at the tree from the side would've been amazed to notice that their shadows hadn't been visible this entire time… even though there were sounds coming from the tree. In fact, not a single twig on the branches of that tree had shaken this entire time…     

Jun Moxie was in a difficult situation at the moment. In fact, he was in a very difficult situation.     

He had just entered his tent when he had seen an elegant figure standing in front of his bed. It seemed like a beautiful and graceful figurine.     

Guan Qinghan!     

Her face was expressionless. It was as cold as it had been in the past. She was staring at the bed in a daze. And, she held her tattered clothes in her hand. The sign of her chastity had been smeared on them…     

She was dressed in white clothes. Her current dressing had belonged to Jun Moxie. So, they were quite wide for her. However, they clung to her slender waist even better, and made it looked even lovelier. Her expression was complicated and somewhat sorrowful… somewhat shy… a little distracted… and even a little disappointed…     

Guan Qinghan's body trembled slightly as she heard Jun Moxie enter. Her face had become red, but she didn't turn around. However, her face soon became pale again.     

Jun Moxie stationed himself behind her. Neither of the two spoke for a while. They merely listened to each other breathe, and remained silent.     

They were only a short distant apart from each other. But, it seemed that they were at the opposite ends of the world. The two of them had been involved in that intimate act a while ago. But, it still seemed if they were strangers. The atmosphere in the tent had become stifling as a result; it had become exceptionally stifling…     

Jun Moxie smiled in a gentle manner after a while. And then, he suddenly sat down on the wooden chair behind her.     

Jun Moxie looked at Guan Qinghan's back, but it seemed as if he was talking to himself, "I know that the feelings in your heart must be complicated. In fact, you must be at a loss. You must be confused about what is to be done from this point onwards. In fact, you must even be confused about what's to be done at this moment…"     

Guan Qinghan's body trembled.     

"Actually, even I don't know what's to be done. I'm confused as well!" Jun Moxie said slowly. Guan Qinghan's delicate body trembled and she couldn't help but turn her head. She wanted to turn around at first, but she forced her head back instead. [You don't know what's to be done? You don't know what's to be done with a girl next?]     

She realized the entire matter as she listened to Jun Moxie's slow voice. Guan Qinghan had finally understood Dugu Xiaoyi's strange behavior of the past two days. She couldn't help but sigh.     

[This matter… is a result of an unfortunate accident… it was a great coincidence…. it's just that I have been entrapped in this calamity.]     

Jun Moxie took a deep breath, and spoke with determination, "I know that this matter is an unfortunate accident. It was a freak coincidence. However, you are my woman from now on—whether you wish for it or not… Your previous status is of no relevance anymore. You are my woman… whether you admit it or not. And, that is an unchangeable fact.     

"This will never change. This will never change… no matter the time and place," Jun Moxie spoke these words slowly and carefully. And yet, he also seemed very dominating.     

However, his unusually dominating mannerism didn't create a sense of antipathy in Guan Qinghan's heart. Instead, her heart felt an indescribable feeling of commitment.     

Jun Moxie's voice strengthened as he continued to speak, "Being called my woman may not be easy. But, I will spare no effort to cherish and protect you as long as you're my woman. And, I'll ensure that you never suffer any grievance.     

"Perhaps I can give you time to think it over if you're not ready yet."     

Jun Moxie's tone was unhurried, "We know that your engagement with my brother was worthless. It was worse than worthless. And, you're no longer my brother's wife. You're Third Uncle's adopted daughter now. I hope you remember that. There will be many complications if we get together, and there will be many slanderous rumors. But, you needn't worry about any of that!"     

Jun Moxie then smiled and said, "These are matters of men. There will be a lot of rumors, but I will ensure that none of them reach your ears. Not a single word! Do you understand? So, the thing you're worried about… doesn't really exist!"     

Guan Qinghan's shoulder moved a bit… and she suddenly seemed to relax.     

"I believed that you must understand my temperament properly. I am not a great hero… or very heroic. I'm a very selfish man. There aren't many things I care about in this world. But, I've always cared about my loved ones—my family, my woman, and my brothers. Nothing else matters as long as they're safe and happy. And, I—Jun Moxie—have nothing to do with the other people around the world. I'm not a noble man!"     

Jun Moxie smiled mischievously, and spoke frankly with an aura of assurance, "I'm afraid that I will disappoint you if you expect great achievement from me. Because… I'm not a hero. I am a selfish man. I'm so selfish that if any man says that he wishes to bully my people… or embarrass my woman—that person will suffer the cruelest form revenge from me! And, that includes your Guan Family… because they aren't one of the people I care about!"     

Guan Qinghan was unable to remain calm because she suddenly had a flash of realization. So, she turned around while biting her lips. Her expression was extremely complicated as she looked at Jun Moxie's calm face. Her mouth opened and closed for a bit, but she still didn't' say a word.     

She didn't know how her family would regard her once this matter became public. She didn't know how she would have to suffer at their hands. And, the thought of this had sent her heart in a frenzied state of panic. And, she simply couldn't think of what to do anymore…     

Those flat-sounding words from Jun Moxie had suddenly left Guan Qinghan to feel a chill inside her heart. And, she had started to worry about them instead of being concerned about herself at this time….     

She tried to imagine what Jun Moxie's reaction would be if someone from the Guan Family disrespected her. Moreover, the Guan Family's impression on Jun Moxie was very poor since they had tried to force her to marry into the Xue Hun Manor.     

[Jun Moxie is unlikely to let them off easily.]     

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