Otherworldly Evil Monarch

What Kind of a Medicine is it?

What Kind of a Medicine is it?

0Jun Moxie pondered for a while, but could not understand anything. So, he decided to let go of it. Young Master then felt his aura surge rapidly. His aura had become extremely lively. This also made Jun Moxie's spirits rise ceaselessly.     

[I'm no longer a weak shrimp from this moment onwards. The strength of a Heaven Mystic initial level expert isn't exactly 'formidable' when compared to the top experts of the mainland and the forest. However, it's powerful and unreachable when compared to the usual Mystic experts. Moreover, I have many other methods to surpass the hierarchies!]     

[Now, I can act openly and freely with this strength. I can deal with matters the way I want to. I don't need to rely on my mysterious identity and the enormously imposing power of the Hong Jun Pagoda like I previously used to…]     

[After all, a clenched fist is the absolute argument!]     

[I do like that high-profile feel, but it's not my real strength at the end of the day. What would happen if my strength is able to reach that realm someday?]     

There was a faint yet hopeful look in Jun Moxie's eyes. The Art of Unlocking the Heaven's Fortune had brought about so many nice surprises. What would it bring next…?     

He still remembered how he used to watch those fictional martial arts shows on the television in his previous lives. It had experts cutting down small mountains with a mere push of their palms, while their swords could behead several hundred people at once. He used to watch those shows with dull enthusiasm at the time. In fact, he used to feel that it was pure nonsense. [Where does such abnormal martial art exist in the human world? I am the King of Assassins. And, even I can't accomplish such feats. So, how can someone else?!]     

However, he had seen Venerable Mei in action. He had seen Li Juetian, Lei Baoyu, and Bu Kuangfeng. He had even seen many of the Mystic Beast Kings…     

Cutting down a small hill with a push of their palm was nothing for them. They could perhaps flatten a huge mountain if they wanted.     

This wasn't fiction. He had witnessed this on his own. So, what could be considered as impossible?     

Then, Jun Moxie smiled as he mocked himself, and thought that every world has its own limits.     

He put that chaotic train of thoughts aside, and took a step forward to go in.     

And, that step forward brought him to the third level of the Hong Jun Pagoda.     

[Would I get a mysterious gift here as well?]     

[The first level had the Art of Unlocking the Heaven's Fortune. The second level had the Flame of Primal Chaos, the Furnace of Good Fortune, and the Yin-Yang Escape Technique. So, the third level would have…?]     

[What nice surprise would be waiting for me?]     

Jun Moxie felt heavy the moment he stepped in. In fact, he felt an unfeigned heavy sensation. It was like a treasured blade had cut across his face with a uniquely cold chop. It felt as if his body had been chopped by a Divine Weapon, and had been dissected thereof.     

A wisp of a golden strand floated as Jun Moxie entered through. Then, it seemed like thousands of ghosts had suddenly found a host. They seemingly jeered as they rushed with lightning speed. They flew forward without a halt, and entered Jun Moxie's forehead from the space between his eyebrows.     

Another wisp of light—this time a brilliant and shining green light—approached floating quietly, and entered Jun Moxie's head in a similar fashion…     

Jun Moxie's entire body started to feel very exuberant. And then, a burst of 'killing intention' arose, and rapidly integrated with his existing murderous aura. After that, two messages appeared in his head…     

The first message was, "Turn ordinary metals into wonderful gold. Obliterate everything into nothingness. This is the power that controls Gold amongst the Five Elements."     

The second message was, "Change occurs at a moment's notice. But, it covers the heavens and earth. This is the power that controls Wood amongst the Five Elements."     

[The power of gold? The power of wood? What's this?] Jun Moxie's head felt foggy with confusion. [What do these two lines mean? Wasn't it quite simple when I had received the Yin-Yang Escape? But, this is very strange.] However, the aura from the pagoda suddenly started to enter Jun Moxie when he was pondering in his confusion. And, it filled him to the brim within a moment. It revolved inside his body, and Jun Moxie realized that this power and the strength within his body were completely different.     

[It appears… to be somewhat special…?]     

[Is this another special ability like the Yin-Yang Escape?]     

Jun Moxie continued to circulate that power for a moment, and suddenly formed an understanding of it. This was because his aura had become very lively and many times stronger when compared to the time before he had circulated this new aura. In fact, it felt as majestic and powerful as a massive river!     

His mind was set into motion, and his mental strength erupted like a hurricane. Jun Moxie had instantly reached an understanding…     

This was a mental attack! This force could encompass the mind!     

He closed his eyes, and calmly digested it all. And then, Jun Moxie's eyes flickered bright as he opened them.     

[I will take on the entire world by merely raising eyebrows, and I will decide the outcome with a wave of my hand.]     

[I possess a genuine combat advantage now!]     

Inside Southern Heaven City…     

Dugu Xiaoyi was subconsciously pacing back and forth inside her tent. Her good-looking face seemed dark as she gnashed her teeth and talked to herself, "Humph! I've had my eyes on him for a long time. Brother Moxie is mine! I found him first. So, why would I cower now? Argh! So what if you're trying to use your proximity to him to your advantage? I have my own means!"     

She then clenched her teeth, and shouted resolutely, "Come in! I want a few of the Dugu Family's guards to come in! I have an important task for them!"     

The guards rushed about in a hurry for a while. They looked anxious. The Young Lady had never issued such an order before, but they nevertheless convened quickly. [She looks worried. Has a major event occurred?]     

The vassals and men affiliated to the Dugu Family abandoned whatever they were doing, and hurriedly rushed over and stood before Dugu Xiaoyi.     

Dugu Xiaoyi regarded the family guards in a calm manner. She acted dignified, and her graceful eyes had a solemn look as she glanced around. Then, she coughed twice, cleared her throat, and spoke, "I've called everyone here because I've run into a problem with a medicinal drug I was trying to manufacture."     

Those men looked confused. So, they looked at each other in dismay. [Since when did the Young lady start researching medicines?] But, they replied in unison, "Young Lady, you can command us to do whatever you wish, and we will obey without exception! But, will you let us test them first?"     

"You should consider that properly," There was a supercilious look on Dugu Xiaoyi's fair face. She solemnly nodded with her small head, "Listen to what I'm going to say. I've been wrapped up in studying medicinal methods of late. And, I've made some big discoveries. I had just recalled something my sister had said when I was in the Capital. And, that has made me worried. So, I've called you here to discuss it."     

"We don't understand what the Young Lady is talking about." The leader of the Family's troops was a forty year old middle-aged man. He couldn't help but become cautious after he saw the seriousness with which Dugu Xiaoyi was speaking. The Young Lady had covered a lot of ground with her speech. She had first spoken about her research on medical issues. Then, she had jumped onto another topic. [Could it be that the medicinal research and this other matter are related?]     

"Ah… actually… it's nothing major… It's just that…" Dugu Xiaoyi's eyes turned into beads. She couldn't find the right words. Then, she finally resolved her heart and spoke, "Several sisters have told me that there's a medicine in this world endangers us females very greatly. It possibly leaves us with life-long regrets, and makes beautiful women suffer unhappy fates. And then, it leaves them to commit suicide out of resentment. So, I'm preparing to manufacture an antidote for it. And, I plan to distribute it far and wide to all the women in the world once it's ready. The women won't need to fear this matter thereafter. And, a great deed would hence be done."     

Dugu Xiaoyi put a lot of effort in order to seem like a dignified person who was concerned with the world at large. She had desired to put up a 'deadpan' facial expression in order to seem serious. However, it was a pity that her face had turned red before she had even finished speaking.     

Everyone became pensive after they heard those words. They had somewhat guessed what Dugu Xiaoyi was attempting to convey, but they couldn't believe it. The leader of the troops then braced himself, and asked with a stammer, "I don't know… uh… what kind of a medicine is that?"     

"Ah… what kind of medicine… that is…"Dugu Xiaoyi's powdered became somewhat red as she looked embarrassed.     

"What kind of medicine?" The men of the family grabbed their hair in confusion. They were still apprehensive about confirming it. So, they asked carefully, "What kind of medicine is it? Please tell us its name, Young Lady."     

"You are very stupid and incorrigible!" Dugu Xiaoyi's face turned red as she flipped out. Then, she lowered her head and spoke in a low growl, "Aphrodisiac… that's what! Do you understand it now?"     

The ten Dugu Family's guards were left dumbstruck and flabbergasted. They could've never thought that they would hear their Young Lady speak that word!     

[Huh? Aphrodisiac…? My God! It's the biggest taboo in society! Even the hoodlums and thieves wouldn't use it! So, how did this daring little girl come up with this idea?! This is frightening!]     

Dugu Xiaoyi's face turned red. She pouted before she flew into a rage of humiliation and shouted, "Why are you looking at me like that? I'm doing it for the myriad of sisters around the world—the common people! So, I ask if you have it or not? And, quickly hand it over to me if you do! I will study it. Then, I shall devise an antidote!"     

[What?] Dark lines had stretched across everyone's forehead.     

[That aphrodisiac thing… would any be open about it and take it out even if they have it? Wouldn't they want to save their reputation in public? And, would they give it to the Family's Young Lady even if they didn't have any honor? Forget about that man… would even the ninth generation of his family survive if something happened to her because of the medicine?]     

[Also… you say that you need it for research… but, God knows what you'll really do with it! It'll be extremely bad if you ask us to consume it so that you could personally experience the results for your research! In fact, it will be very bad for the ten of us as well!]     

[This matter is no joke! My great aunt…] Everyone had the same complaint in their hearts…     

[As for preparing an antidote… I never knew that this thing would need any sort of an antidote. The only antidote that thing requires is a man's work! We haven't heard of any other method besides that. Even drenching oneself with cold water doesn't work…]     

They all looked at each other in dismay. It seemed as if they were foolish ducks who had been struck by thunder, and had become demented as a result.     

"You don't have it?" The eyebrows of the Eldest Daughter of the Dugu Family shot up, "Are you not men that you don't have it? Are you not men?"     

It had to be said that Dugu Xiaoyi had to be a very bold person to speak these words!     

And, that boldness had left everyone cold and trembling. [My Mother! What is this?]     

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