Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Tang Yuan's Secret Report

Tang Yuan's Secret Report

0"Even if that is the case, wouldn't it still show how much you were thinking about this matter? After seeing as how repentful you are, and how much you are helping with the investigation, I am sure that your grandfather would not be too overly harsh on you. Besides, all you have to do is keep insisting that Qin Hu is suspicious.     

With your grandfather's current mood, he will certainly do everything it takes to make sure of the truth of this matter. When that happens, it doesn't matter if Qin Hu had done it or not. It will not be important, as you will be able to improve the reputation of the Tang Family by removing the pests for the common people, so why not do it?     

Continue to reel him in…     

"You are right, my grandfather really values that thing. As long as he receives a single thread of information, he would definitely go all out in chasing after it!" Tang Yuan thought out loud. "However, this needs to be done properly; otherwise my future days would be worse than before. Very well! I will do so!"     

The more he thought about it, the more he believed that he had a wonderful plan. Tang Yuan eventually became impatient and said.     

"Third Young Master, how about I let my men send you over to the Red Joy Establishment so that you can enjoy the "quietness" there. I need to go back quickly to report to my grandfather. Otherwise, if grandfather finds out that I had visited a brothel after finding out about this instead of reporting immediately, my situation will surely become worse."     

"It is indeed as you have said. But since you have something going on, how could I have the mood to go to the brothel as well? I will just find someplace to play around," Jun Moxie laughed. "Fatty Tang, congratulations! You are about to obtain freedom."     

Tang Yuan smiled wide, akin to the Buddha, Maitreya. "This is all thanks to brother's advice."     

After declining Tang Yuan's offer to escort him back, Jun Moxie descended from the carriage and the both of them parted ways. Observing Tang Yuan's carriage moving away, Jun Moxie's face revealed a smile.     

If the Tang Family were to take action, what should his next step be? The Mystic Core was resting on his hands and yet he had no clue on how to utilize it. How should he solve this problem?     

Should I spread the news of this item out to attract some high ranked experts into Tianxiang City? In this vast world, there were many capable people. Some of these capable men would surely know what is it that I required.     

However, this matter needs to be concealed from Grandpa and Third Uncle. With Grandpa's upright and honest nature, Third Uncle's straightforward character, they would definitely choose to return it to the Tang Family. In addition, if they were to accidentally leak out this information, then the resulting trouble would be huge.     

It would be better for me to tell them after using the Mystic Core on Third Uncle or Grandpa. That is right, I will hand them a done deal… that way, we can silently prosper!     

The Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune was capable of providing Jun Moxie with divine powers and was fundamentally different from the cultivation of Mystic Qi.     

Jun Moxie believed that this highly coveted Mystic Core was of no use to him.     

However, even though the Mystic Core was of no use to the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune, it could have still helped him in some other areas. Unfortunately, he had no idea about this matter…     

Should I attend the Gifted Scholar's Autumn Festival Feast tomorrow?     

He thought about it while walking onwards. After walking for who knew how far, he finally decided. Feeling his flying knives, he sighed. After the confrontation that occurred last time, he had finally understood that his self-made flying knives were ineffective against the Mystic Qi experts of this world.     

The flying daggers ended up bending and some even broke even though the enemy was only at the Silver Mystic rank. What would happen if the opponent was at the Gold Mystic or Jade Mystic? When thinking about such a possibility, Jun Moxie broke out in cold sweat. The one thing he could be certain of was that with the quality of metal used, the flying knives produced were insufficient against a highly capable expert! It most likely did not even have the capability of inflicting fatal wounds.     

Since Jun Moxie's strength has yet to reach a level he was comfortable with, he must first create several weapons for him to defend himself. At the very least, the projectile weapons he made must first, be able to penetrate the defense of a Jade Mystic expert's body. This was but his most minimal of conditions! However, normal metals would not be able to do so.     

Jun Moxie continued forward with his head lowered as he made his way to the 'Divine Weapons Store'. In order for him to get the required materials to make his flying knives, this store may be the only place in the Kingdom to be able to provide it. By Jun Moxie's understanding, the best material available here would be mysterious iron, next will be the cold iron which would be an acceptable replacement. If those two materials were unavailable, then he would need to resort to fine steel.     

After parting ways with Jun Moxie, Tang Yuan excitedly rushed back home. Once he arrived, he immediately requested an audience with his grandfather.     

For the past few days, Tang Wanli had been feeling extremely irritable. Not only was his most important item, the Mystic Core, stolen but there was also no news or leads at all.     

This made him even more furious. His mind kept wandering back towards Tang Yuan. If not for this debauchee's stupid mess with the gambling incident, something like this would have never happened. The more he thought about it, the more furious he became. He eventually decided to order the servants to summon Tang Yuan here so that he can vent out his fury.     

Just as he was calling out, a servant suddenly came in to report that the Eldest Young Master was seeking an audience. He became surprised. Even without the current situation, meeting this brat was difficult to even on normal days. These days, Tang Yuan would hide as much as he could, and yet he suddenly had the guts to come forward himself? Could it be that he has gone mad from the scolding? "Bring him in!" After thinking for a bit, he added. "And the iron abacus too!"     

Right after he entered, the first thing Tang Yuan saw was the iron abacus, causing his face become increasing twisted.     

"What kind of problem have you created this time?" Tang Wanli was very angry! As he asked, his chin pointed to the iron abacus, signaling for Tang Yuan to kneel on it before saying anything. How would he not understand his grandson? The only reason Tang Yuan would request to meet him would be if he had caused an unsolvable problem! If not for that, Tang Yuan would never ever come to him!     

Tang Yuan's face was filled with bitterness as he sadly knelt down, his fat belly slamming into the ground, causing a clear sound to be heard.     

"What happened?" Looking at the belly of his grandson touching the floor, he found himself unable to become angry. "Would it kill you to lose some weight? Or have you already chosen to live as a pig?"     

Tang Yuan was originally excited as he thought of giving a huge contribution. But after receiving such a kind of treatment the moment he reached home, he became dejected.     

Looking at his own belly, he solemnly replied. "It is not like I wanted to be this fat… having received your scolding for the past few days, I could not even eat properly. But, even if I only drink water…"     

"Enough! Just tell me why you came here!" Tang Wanli felt angry and yet felt like laughing. "Don't talk nonsense, just what kind of trouble did you cause this time?"     

"Grandpa, I…" Tang Yuan suddenly became excited as he thought of what Jun Moxie said about him being free from this miserable circumstance. Unable to help himself, he stood up, ignoring the furious expression on his grandfather's face. "Grandpa, I think I may have found a lead on the stolen Mystic Core."     

"Oh?" Tang Wanli who was originally about to become enraged and planned to have Tang Yuan kneel down again became surprised. His eyes bulged widely as he ignored what happened earlier. "Quick, spit out what you know."     

"Ever since the day the Mystic Core was stolen, your grandchild has been plagued with worry day and night. For the past few days, All I have ever thought of was this matter; I threw both my heart and soul into thinking and analyzing what had happened, I used my mind and body to pore through all possibilities carefully, ensuring that I was squeezing every last bit of effort I could muster…" Tang Yuan showed a sincere expression on his face, as though he had decided to turn over a new leaf and become a better person.     

"Stop! Stop stop stop!" Tang Wanli shouted angrily. "Would you prefer to kneel down on that before telling me what happened?" He pointed at the iron abacus.     

Tang Yuan became startled. "Today, I went out looking for clues. Then, in the Drunken Immortal Establishment, I met the Northern City Clan Leader, Qin Hu's, son, Qin Xiaobao.     

That Qin Xiaobao was arrogant and held an overbearing behavior as he bullied the innocent commoners. Seeing this, grandchild could not help but become angry. Due to Grandpa's teachings, grandchild was unable to put up with his despicable ways. The anger in my heart rose to the Heavens, and the winds accompanied me as I stepped forward to fight in the name of righteousness to save those who could not protect themselves! When chancing upon injustice, one must take up arms to offer assistance, for fighting for the sake of righteousness, for the people and for the country… and uh, after that, Qin Hu brought a number of men to make a fuss! But when he found out it was me, he panicked." Tang Yuan's ability to flaunt his own actions were truly extraordinary, every word he uttered had painted him in a good light.     

"Nonsense! Who is this Qin Hu? How would he even dare to provoke us? How can he not panic? Is this your so-called lead?" Tang Wanli scoffed out.     

What kind of nonsensical lead is this? And here I was actually putting hope into the words of this useless grandson of mine…     

Hearing Tang Yuan's words of self-praise, Tang Wanli's face had turned black and swollen from rage.     

"Grandpa, if Qin Hu had been panicking since the beginning, then I would be thinking the same as you. But, he actually did not show such a reaction at the beginning. It was only after I mentioned that a theft had happened in our house that Qin Hu's expression changed, as though he had met a ghost."     

Tang Yuan put on the air of a master detective as he slowly came to a conclusion.     

"Externally, everyone believes that only money and jewelry were stolen from our house. This was the reason we had given as to why were chasing after the thieves. Under such circumstances, this matter would have no relations with Qin Hu at all. So, why would he show such a shocked expression? Your grandchild believes that there something smells fishy! It might even be possible that Qin Hu was the one who committed this crime!"     

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