Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Dugu Family

Dugu Family

0The great general Dugu Wudi headed back home solemnly, his mind in a state of confusion. When Dugu Wudi was at the military barracks outside the city, he heard the sound of the war drums and quickly gathered a group of soldiers with him before riding towards the city. The first thing he did when he reached the city was to go to the Imperial Palace and request to meet the Emperor.     

He had already commanded his soldiers to prepare for war. If Jun Zhantian were to rebel, his Dugu Family's military forces would be the only ones in the city that were capable of protecting the Emperor. They were also the only ones that had the ability to go against Jun Zhantian's forces!     

However, His Majesty had adopted a secretive attitude towards this issue, causing Dugu Wudi to become perplexed.     

The current situation had escalated to a very serious level. A drastic change to Heavenly Scent Empire's ruling power may occur at any moment and the Imperial Palace may end up occupied. Yet the Majesty had only said four words to him: Do not be impatient! The Majesty then sent him home to find his old man. He even prevented him from returning to his barracks and even thwarted his attempt to organize the defenses for the Imperial Palace. These were simply too incomprehensible.     

Dugu Wudi felt himself going dizzy.     

The dispirited Dugu Wudi finally reached home. He immediately went to find his father, Dugu Zongheng, before going to his own courtyard. However, what happened next left the great general, who was in command of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, extremely embarrassed…     

"You PIG! Good for nothing! You dragged this senior out of his bed just for the sake of this little problem? You unfilial disobedient son! How did I manage to bring up such a worthless human being? Next time when you leave the house, don't you dare call yourself my son! I cannot afford to lose my face!"     

Grandfather Dugu was in a rage and his voice was so loud that everyone in the residence could hear him. His spittle from his fit had landed all over his son's face as he jabbed Dugu Wudi's head. With each jab, Dugu Wudi's head was pushed backward. "Can't you use that pig head of yours to think? Or is it filled with dog shit? Rebel? Bullshit! Let this senior enlighten you. Even if our Dugu Family were to rebel, Jun Zhantian would never rebel! Even if the Emperor himself rebel against himself, Jun Zhantian would also never rebel! Get your sorry ass back to bed and sleep! I can't be bothered with you anymore, you PIG! Stupid pig! Son of a bitch!"     

In the end, the great general Dugu Wudi was kicked out. Furiously, Grandfather Dugu turned around and headed back to bed. However, a fierce voice instantly screeched out, "You old bastard! What did you say just now? Son of a bitch? Who is Wu Di's mother? If Wu Di is a pig then what kind of animal are you?! Is there only dog shit in your head? You pig! You absolute pig!" The sound of a few forceful slaps could be heard.     

Great General Dugu Wudi massaged his buttocks, his face sour and filled with resentment. He viciously shouted to himself: Give him a brutal beating! Serve him right!     

Still confused, Dugu Wudi headed back to his own courtyard only to realize that it was filled with noise and was brightly lit. His wife and third concubine were still awake. Upon noticing his return, they hurried towards him. After some questioning, he found out that his daughter had run back home in tears and no matter what they did, she would not cheer up. She had then locked herself up in her room and did not set a single foot out of it. From the looks of it, it seemed like someone must have bullied her.     

The confused and glum Dugu Wudi suddenly turned livid. Why is nothing going right today? And who in Heavenly Scent Empire have the guts to bully my baby girl? You better watch out as I mobilize my army to exterminate you! Accompanied by his wives, he broke into his daughter's room and started to console her. After some time, she finally stopped crying and was able to calm down after drinking a bowl of soup.     

"Who is the one that dares to bully my daughter? Tell me their names! I will get rid of all of them!" hollered a ferocious Dugu Wudi. His heart ached as he noticed his dear daughter had turned swollen from crying. He growled inwardly: I am going to explode!     

"Father," said Dugu Xiaoyi. "You must get justice for me."     

A sense of foreboding came over Dugu Wudi suddenly: Is it possible that my daughter was… He could not help but nervously asked, "Who is it?"     

"Who can it be, other than that stinking bastard Jun Moxie from the Jun Family! He will be the death of me! Father, you must help your daughter exact revenge!" lamented Dugu Xiaoyi in an aggrieved manner.     

Dugu Xiaoyi had been holding her rage in her for the whole day as she waited for her father to come home so she could complain to him. She would then ask her father to gather her brothers together to beat up Jun Moxie and retrieve the Meteoric Iron. She had not bothered asking her mother as it would be pointless since she would not agree.     

After listening to what Dugu Xiaoyi had said, Dugu Wudi heaved a huge sigh of relief: Turns out I was worried about nothing. It is not as bad as I feared it was. I can relax now. He frowned and said, "Haha my good daughter. If it was someone else, I would most certainly beat him up without any doubt. Even if it was one of the Princes, I would still give him what he deserves just for your sake. However, it is Jun Moxie, and that would be rather difficult considering the current situation." Of course, it would be difficult. As of now, even Jun Zhantian did not know where his grandson was. How would Dugu Wudi even be able to locate him? Even if he did, he might not have the courage to lay his hands on him! That old man had really lost it this time…     

"Could it be that father is afraid of the Juns? My life is so bitter! Ugh, this will be the death of me!" Dugu Xiaoyi began wailing again. She turned around and faced away from Dugu Wudi. For some reason, she had the sudden urge to beat Jun Moxie up whenever she recalled his face. An inexplicable fury rose up from within her and she had an uncontrollable desire to wipe away the detestable smile off his face.     

"Sigh! That is not the case." Dugu Wudi felt helpless as he watched his daughter cry again. He quickly attempted to explain, "The truth is, this brat… Sigh, we do not even know if he is still alive or not. We don't even know where he is. Let's wait until he is found before we deal with this matter. Father will then definitely help my dear daughter get her revenge! We will make sure that brat gets what he deserves!"     

"Huh? You don't know whether he is alive or not? What happened to him?" For some mysterious reason, Dugu Xiaoyi felt a stab of pain in her heart. She swiveled around and gazed wide-eyed at her father, her eyes still filled with tears. A sense of fear welled up within her… Why am I feeling fearful?     

"I was informed that Princess Ling Meng was nearly assassinated today. That bastard did not know his own limits and had tried to deliver a warning to the Princess. In the end, the Princess was saved but that debauchee ended up becoming the scapegoat."     

Dugu Wudi's face was triumphant. He was unaware of his daughter's pale face after she had heard what he said. Her small hands were clutched tightly together. Dugu Wudi continued, "… He was stabbed in his chest once, and a Silver Mystic assassin kicked his chest several times. He was then taken away by someone and we do not know where he was taken. The way I see it, that brat's life is hanging by just a thread."     

Dugu Xiaoyi moaned lightly as she started to become petrified. She felt as though she was sinking into a void of nothingness. Her mind was a complete mess and she did not process any word that Dug Wu Di had said. Even his voice had somehow become distant and muffled…     

"There is no need for you to worry! If that brat is still alive, father will catch him and bring him to you so you can personally beat his buttocks! Beat it till it rots! Hahaha…" Dugu Wudi laughed gleefully. It was then that he noticed something was off in his daughter's expression. He stretched out his hands and waved it in front of her face. "Xiaoyi? Xiaoyi?"     

"Huh? Oh!" responded a startled Dugu Xiaoyi. It was as if she had just been awakened from a dream. Her face was calm as she slowly lied down on her bed, "Father, I feel tired. I want to sleep…"     

"Ok then, rest well. Everything will be alright when you wake up. Father needs to go drink some wine to get rid of this unpleasant feeling. Today has been horrendous…" Dugu Wudi shook his head and left the room, oblivious to the fact that something was off with his daughter…     

Dugu Xiaoyi pulled up her blanket and covered herself with it. She laid motionless as her mother and some of her concerned aunts spoke softly to her. However, Dugu Xiaoyi did not register what they were saying. Her heart was in complete chaos, as was her mind. She did not understand why she had the sudden urge to cry. A huge lump was forming in her throat and her heart was throbbing painfully. Tears flowed silently as she wept, causing her bed sheet to turn wet. She did not even notice when her mother and aunts left the room…     

Is it possible… Is it possible that he is actually… dead? But… but I.. I have yet to…     

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