Otherworldly Evil Monarch



0Princess Ling Ming called out from a distance, "Uncle Ye! Ignore him. Let's go."     

Ye Guhan was so infuriated that he almost struck that brat right then and there. Instead, he disappeared in front of Jun Moxie's eyes with a "swish". As he left, he thought in his heart: Although this brat's Mystic Qi is garbage and his martial arts mediocre, his mouth is truly the most vicious one in the world. I hope I don't encounter him again. If I do, he might actually anger me to death. I would definitely go down in the books of Mystic Mystic Continent as the first Heaven Mystic expert to be angered to death!     

During that short period of time, he did not even fight, much less get injured. However, his blood still somehow rolled and he even had the urge to vomit blood! He had never experienced something like this before. Even the backlash from his meridians when his martial arts cultivation went astray hadn't been this grave.     

"I, your father, will die if I don't anger you to death! But I still have to thank you for solving my troubles."     

Jun Moxie snorted and watched as Princess Ling Ming and Ye Guhan left while having smoke pouring out of their seven orifices. After checking both ends of the empty street, he gave a sly smile and pushed off with his left foot, leaping up on top of the walls with a "swish" and disappearing with the blink of an eye.     

Princess Ling Ming climbed straight onto the sedan chair. Her whole body was still trembling from head to toe, her sight shrouded in darkness, her mouth panting vehemently and her heart feeling like exploding out of her chest.     

The maids to her side were frightened out of their minds, continuously patting the princess' chest and massaging her back in an attempt to relieve her anger. The maids took a long time to calm her down, only to feel weak as if they had just come back from waging war.     

This is the first time in my life that I had been angered to such an extent, so much so that I have a sudden to urge to see Jun Moxie's body dismembered into thousands of pieces!     

"Head to the Dugu Residence!" Princess Ling Ming ordered.     

Ye Guhan's face became black, then white, then red, before changing back to black. It was like putting on a face changing performance, but the only regret was that there were only three colors of red, black, and white color. If there were a few more colors, then he would have been worthy of being a face changing grandmaster! The rage rising in his body gave him an impulse to destroy everything. Both eyes looked straight ahead like an erupting volcano.     

The eight Jun Family bodyguards were sweating profusely as they watched him, their hearts filled with anxiety. How has the princess and this person have already returned yet our family's young master still has not come yet? Did our young master not shout out just now? This person wouldn't have beaten our young master to tears right?!     

Even though Ye Guhan's fury was palpable and the bodyguards were aware that this was a dangerous time to provoke him, their sense of responsibility to protect the young master still prevailed in the end. Finally plucking up the courage, one of the guards opened his mouth and asked. "This distinguished lord… do you know my family's young master…"     

"Get lost!" Both of Ye Guhan's eyes became blood red. His long, grey hair rose up as if to pierce the sky. His furious bellow was drawn-out and full of power, causing the heavens and earth to quake. The color drained from everyone's faces, their heart wildly beating as they were shaken to the point of almost falling over.     

This was the absolute strength of a peak Heaven Mystic expert!     

All the pent-up anger in his heart finally poured out like torrential rain! He was afraid that had he not have vented out his anger just now, he might have already suffered some internal injuries!     

A single shout rocked the entire city!     

Countless experts in the capital instantly became alert as they soared up into the sky to hover over the capital. Everyone was curious. An expert that could be able to issue such an imposing voice would at the very least be a peak Earth Mystic expert! What could have caused this expert to become so infuriated? Everyone could tell from the voice that he was willing to burn heaven and earth due to his fury!     

By a small tavern doorway, Old Song suddenly widened his turbid old eyes in surprise. How is it that I can hear little Ye's voice? Watching as Ye Guhan and Princess Ling Ming's sedan chair leave, the Jun Family bodyguards rushed into the alley to find it empty; with a single look, they could not even see a shadow of their young master. The guards couldn't help but cry out!     

The young master has not only been killed by this strange guard but even had his body been completely destroyed?!     

Jun Moxie appeared from the hidden depths of the shadows, rushing through the alley, his spiritual senses already spread out so as to closely match the swift speed of the black-clothed assassins.     

Jun Xie's hands ceaselessly moved and, before he had even advanced ten feet, his face completely transformed into that of another person, resembling a man in his mid-thirties, his hair slightly dishevelled. This ordinary appearance could be found everywhere in the capital and would be difficult to identify this person in a crowd.     

Jun Xie flew out onto the main street after several twists and turns, his feet under him seemed to be as if they were moving in slow motion but in actuality was moving quite fast. After passing through a clothing store, his speed had not slowed down in the slightest but his moon white gown had changed into navy blue commoner outfit. The owner of the shop was now unconscious, still sporting the same grin to welcome customers…     

The assassins ahead were obviously very cautious. After changing directions and taking multiple detours, each and every one had already changed their appearances to that of ordinary merchants and peddlers. They were neither fast nor slow as they travelled eastward, talking while walking, occasionally letting outfits of laughter as if sharing a very enjoyable conversation. Vulgar expressions were seen on their three faces, appearing to other people as if they were having perverse thoughts about women, like a stereotypical patron of brothels.     

This assassin group's level was not simple. Jun Xie sighed in his heart. It is true that in his previous life, such disguises were commonly used by assassins. But now there were three people in this world who are able to do so naturally, so it's clear as day that the training they had was quite well-established. What was even more impressive was the three of them had already hidden away their killing intent such that not a single bit was leaking out. This is the true place with talents.     

If not for his spiritual sense being able to detect the cold yin aura from the other party, they would almost certainly be impossible to track.     

In other words, there was no one else that was able to use such a tracking method apart from him!     

It was after chasing his target for a long time that faint sounds of water were soon heard from up ahead, accompanied by the melodious sounds of a string instrument and the voices of women singing. After the fragrance of a woman's cosmetic had become more and more concentrated, the assassins' destination became readily apparent.     

Spirit Fog Lake!     

Jun Moxie finally understood why these people had to pass through that particular street; it was the only road that leads directly to the Spirit Fog Lake. Any other route would inevitably lead to a long detour around the lake! But if he wants to change his appearance, then he would rather take this detour several more times. He will almost certainly not be caught!     

And along the way, Jun Moxie already changed his clothes three times and even transformed his height and body type three times!     

Tianxiang City's Spirit Fog Lake was known as heaven for all men. There are heavenly beauties here of all shapes and sizes. As long as you can imagine it, you will certainly find it here! Patrons could wantonly enter one of the many pavilions or step foot on a merrily-decorated pleasure boat. Whatever you can think of you can try. Whatever you desire you can do. As long as you have enough money, you can do as you please without any worries!     

But if you don't have money, then… you'd better just scram. Even old and even older escorts as fat as Tang Yuan will not spare you a look!     

This world naturally has their fair share of fairy tales, gifted scholars and beautiful maidens, escorts falling in love, vows of marriage without parents' approval, how love will find a way, and so on. But a fairy tale, after all, will only be a fairy tale!     

Fairy tales always have happy endings, but unfortunately, life can be very cruel. Many poor and vain scholars, who thought themselves as handsome and talented, had put on a distinguished intellectual appearance to come here in an attempt to create their own fairy tale. They had anticipated that a divine beauty would fall in love at first sight, and how their charms and talents would allow them to live on the earnings of these escorts…     

Unfortunately, they had all been heartlessly thrown out in after only being able to fish out a pittance of copper coins from their pockets. Some were even thrown into the Spirit Fog Lake and were drowned half to death. Their fate reminded them that fairy tales were certainly appealing, but without enough money in their pocket, your life would be thrown away like a ragdoll and die in a stupid, meaningless and shameful manner…     

Think about what kind of place a local brothel is? Prostitutes don't talk about love and courtesans only talk of nonsense! And a brothel is a place that is filled with the former! What man would visit this kind of establishment and agree to remain chaste if his wife is not in the room? Pretending to have pure intentions at a brothel is like giving prostitutes a certificate of chastity. How detestable and patronizing!     

For the women who were accustomed to seeing the very worst in people, how could they not be able to see through the half-assed scholarly and cultured pretences for what they really are?     

There are very few good men like those in fairy tales!     

No wonder Tang Yuan once said that bastards were cleanly killed with one sword stroke, but hypocrites were continuously tormented and tortured until they collapsed from a mental breakdown.     

He always kept these words close to heart!     

Jun Moxie concealed himself among the shadows, sticking to the walls and hiding behind trees. His body seems as though it possessed an almost intangible and elusive quality and was able to become one with anything he used as cover. Not one passerby along the way noticed his presence, not to mention the three assassins he was following.     

But if one was looking at the three men in front, all they would see was companionship dominating their thoughts, but they kept up a perfect gentleman's appearance. This nouveau riche entered a luxurious building in the outer reaches of Spirit Fog Lake—Ni Chang Pavilion.     

After the party went in, a nearby pleasure boat begins to slowly row over before coming to a stop in the waters near the Ni Chang Pavilion.     

Jun Moxie was stunned by what he saw. Apart from the helmsman outside, there was surprisingly no one else on the boat. It seemed as if it's just waiting for him. This situation seemed a little odd. What's more, the people that have since gone onboard have stayed on the other side of the boat? Isn't this too good to be true? Jun Moxie gritted his teeth. Let's take a gamble!     

A sudden gust of wind rose up. Amidst a clump of reed, a piece broke loose before gently drifting away on the surface of the lake. A hint of dream-like quality accompanied the arrival of the setting sun, forming an uncanny scenery.     

Jun Moxie planned to exploit these drifting reeds. His entire body seems to merge effortlessly into the clumps of reeds by the side of the lake and soon came within a hundred feet of the boat. Hidden behind a thick willow on shore, he broke off two pieces of reeds to hold in his hands and slipped soundlessly into the water. His movement in the water was as light as a feather such that he did not even cause even the slightest of ripples. Actually, he had only recently achieved this level of movement after vigorously training. If it were a fortnight before, he would definitely have not been able to move in this way.     

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