Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Spirit Mystic experts gather

Spirit Mystic experts gather

0Mystic Qi stabilizes tends to stabilize a while after reaching a certain realm, and the Mystic Qi color never changes again unless the person advances again. Even after one advances, though one can suppress their strength, one still can't issue the Mystic color of a lower realm.     

Such as, even if a Heaven Mystic expert lowers his strength in combat, he still cannot issue the Mystic color of the Earth Mystic realm or lower!     

This was a simple and universally known fact!     

There was only one way to change the color of one's Mystic Qi: An advance in Mystic level!     

And this process was irreversible!     

Going by that principle, this person had somehow managed to advance from Jade Mystic peak to Earth Mystic, and then to its mid-level mark, and then to its peak in a matter of moments.     

A normal, sane man would never believe that such a thing could ever be possible!     

However, irrespective of the fact that whether anyone would believe it or not, the Third Elder had just witness this miracle with his own eyes!     

Even though he had seen the changing colors very clearly, the Third Elder's subconscious couldn't help prompting him into rubbing his eyes. [This isn't some strange damn dream, right? ]     

[But it doesn't matter even if he's an Earth Mystic Peak, does it? This guy still can't take away the Mystic Core from me…. I'm a Spirit Mystic!] Third Elder comforted himself and then shouted out: "Boy, don't play tricks on me; they are useless, just take the Mystic Core...."     

He had intended on saying 'Bring the Mystic Core here', but had ended up saying 'take' instead, under the effect of the shocking scene he witnessed as he was speaking his sentence!     

[Holy Grandmother…. Has this world gone crazy? Or are my old eyes betraying me? ]     

He rubbed his eyes wildly as the Mystic Color of the black-robed man instantly disappeared and was momentarily replaced by a faint blue light!     

This blue light slowly started becoming deeper and transformed into a sky blue color soon after, and then eventually turned azure!     

[A Heaven Mystic Peak?! ]     

The Third Elder almost fell down to the ground under the impulse of the shock!     

[I didn't sense a fart-worth's Mystic Qi in this boy earlier, and now he's suddenly advanced to the peak of Heaven Mystic? How this even possible?! ]     

[What's going on! This guy isn't some kind of a ghost, is he? ]     

Just as these thoughts were revolving around the Third Elder's head, another astonishing this happened: The azure color coming out the man's body suddenly disappeared, but this time no other color emerged to replace it.     

The emergence of no other color surprised the Third Elder even more; [has this man actually entered into the Spirit Mystic realm now?] He was trying to investigate the uncertainty behind the man's Mystic color when he noticed that the impatience in the man's eyes had slowly calmed down, and had then gradually transformed from indifference to mercy, and had then started turning into disdain….     

The Third Elder stood there as the expression in Jun Moxie's eyes, concealed behind his mask started taking a very arrogant shade, almost as if he was master of all life and death in this world; cold and ruthless!     

These were the eyes of a Spirit Mystic expert! But far sharper and far more arrogant than the Solitary Eagle and even the Silver Blizzard City's master, Han Fengxue!     

[My God! Ah! My God! ]The Third Elder was unable to tell head or tail of this matter, [what in the world in happening here? ]     

At this point, Fei Mengchen also arrived overhead in the sky, and descended downwards in manner so that he seemed equally potent of taking the Mystic Core. The three people were now stationed at equal distances from each other, almost like they were the three corners of an equilateral triangle!     

By the virtue of being the Yu Tang Empire's Imperial Teacher, Fei Mengchen had always been cautious by nature. Having seen the Third Elder and the black-robed man seemingly poised for a battle, he couldn't help but wonder: [Is this black-robed man actually capable of competing against a Spirit Mystic expert? Is he so powerful that even Silver Blizzard City's Third Elder won't dare to act rashly against him? ]     

As a result, the men just stood there motionlessly with no man willing to make the first move.     

If Fei Mengchen hadn't arrived in this moment, then the Third Elder would have ended up making a move; even if he would do so reluctantly. After all, even if the other man was actually a Spirit Mystic, it would only make this difficult for him… at best!     

And then, he always had a chance of getting away with the Mystic Core!     

After all, if the man was a fake, then he would effectively be nothing more than an ant in front of him!     

But now that Fei Mengchen had arrived as well, he wouldn't dare to attack first!     

The Third Elder shot a glance towards Fei Mengchen! [Even he can't see through this guy; If I had attacked him earlier, it would surely have been difficult to guess the winner… but now this situation has completely changed- this is just plain bad luck….and awkward. ]     

Fei Mengchen's concerns were of similar nature, however his thoughts were derived from the Third Elder's hesitation: [The Third Elder could have taken this Mystic Core a long time ago, but then why is he hesitating from making a move on this man? There's more to this man than I think! If Silver Blizzard City's Third Elder doesn't have the courage to act rashly, then should I take the lead, ….no, right? Why didn't I just wait for Shi Changxiao to finish his battle? I should have waited for him, damn it. Now I've foolishly landed myself in a pincer position against two Spirit Mystic experts, what is this... holy grandmother…. Damn my misfortunes! ]     

Jun Moxie was the only man among the three with no hesitation in his mind, after all, he was the only one willing to escape away at any point of time - The Mystic Core was simply useless, but moreover, he also had the 'Yin Yang Escape' law to help him escape away to safety at a moment's notice, but he was still waiting for Shi Changxiao and Solitary Eagle to show up. [Where have the two of them gone off to? Come quickly so I can throw away this Mystic Core, and then sneak away to a safe place. I'd really like to watch you all fight and die as I count my fortunes ah…. What kind of silly 'Great masters' are the two of you if you can't even get here before a normal Spirit Mystic expert... ]     

[But this isn't good for me…. These two old idiots have me trapped in his awkward position now; I can't even more a finger right now…. one move and my bluff will be exposed… once I'm exposed, I'll have to leave immediately…. This wasn't a part of the plan! I, I, I, I'm so unlucky. ]     

[I had planned everything so accurately, but I had never expected that the Solitary Eagle… that crazy fighting machine, and that Shi Changxiao guy would actually decide to be late today out of all days! ]     

These three men stood their ground with the elegance and authority of peerless masters, but even though their arms and legs were free to move about, no one took the initiative. These three men continued to stare at each other sharply as they held each other in place with their gazes!     

Jun Moxie's body was sweating coldly, but thanks to the cover from the pouring rain, neither of the two men was able to spot them, else his bluff would have been exposed, which would have marked the end of his bluff…     


Two popping sounds came from a distance, almost as if something had been broken, which was followed by a wave of frightening surge in the air pressure and Shi Changxiao's booming voice: "Brother Fei, since you've missed the opportunity, I guess I'll have to take this Mystic Core myself!"     

These words had barely been spoken when a black figure came flashing into the sky overhead!     

"Ha ha ha… Shi Changxiao, you shouldn't start celebrating so early; I also want this Mystic Core!" A powerful sonorous voice resounded, making everyone a bit more uncomfortable!     

A low flying black figure approached closer, almost as if hawk was looking for its prey as the elegant-bodied, cruel-eyed, and desolate-faced man moved towards the gathering.     

This man was also one of the 'Eight Great Masters'; Shen Ci's Solitary Eagle!     

Shi Changxiao's smile immediately vanished off his face as he accelerated his pace, but still fell short since the Solitary Eagle managed to land on the ground half-a-breath earlier than his counterpart. The two men landed at a relative distance, and their eyes started flashing more currents towards each other than the thunderbolts in the sky above!     

'Whoosh' 'Whoosh', the Sixth and the Ninth Elder of the Silver Blizzard City landed at the same time, each holding a broken sword in their hand. Even though their faces were slightly pale, it was evident that they hadn't sustained any serious injuries, and they quickly stationed themselves behind the Third Elder; since the Three Elders were now united again, their confidence obviously grew!     

After all, the Three Elders were all Spirit Mystic experts!     

Momentarily, six more people made their way through the storm and quietly stationed themselves behind Shi Changxiao.     

"Looks like everyone is here..."     

"Lei Jiang Hong is pleased to meet his seniors. Master-Brother Shi, Master-Brother Falcon, I extend greetings on behalf of my master Li Wu Bei!" A middle-aged man emerged from the shadows along with his nine companions; this was obviously Li Youran's cavalry. Since their line-up's strength was the weakest amongst the parties involved, it wasn't surprising that they were the last ones to reveal themselves.     

"Strange…. I have no relation with Li Wu Bei…? So why is his apprentice calling me Master-brother? Where is this even coming from?" the Solitary Eagle batted his eye-lids, and then asked in a cold voice: "Shi Changxiao, don't tell me that you have an alliance with Li Wu Bei?"     

Li Wu Bei!     

Li Youran's ten associates were actually the disciples of a 'Great Master', Li Wu Bei!     

"You bald Falcon! What nonsense are you talking?" Shi Changxiao glared back: "Even if you're not associated with Li Wu Bei, how dare you act so arrogantly to his apprentices? You don't have the manners of a Peak Spirit Mystic - We have our laws!"     

"Bah, this is how I am; Why don't you come and teach me otherwise!" then, the Solitary Eagle looked towards the new arrivals, and said: "Since your Mystic Qi is so pathetic, you people have no right to call me 'Master-brother'. And since you're obviously here for the Mystic Core, I'll knock your heads together if you call me that word again. Moreover, what kind of an idiot is your master to send you here all by yourself? Do you actually think that you can take this Mystic Core? In fact, given your strength, you're not even qualified to join this charade!"     

Lei Jiang Hong had only greeted the Solitary Eagle out of respect and protocol, but he still smiled as he said: "Since the Solitary Eagle doesn't recognize our friendly greeting, we will no longer address you as 'Master-Brother'."     

In reality, the 'Eight Grand Master' had a norm; their disciple's would be treated as a Brother's disciples by another, however, this norm had always seemed extremely irrational to the Solitary Eagle; There were only two lone-wolfs amongst the 'Eight Great Masters', and the Solitary Eagle was obviously one amongst these two…     

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