Otherworldly Evil Monarch

I want to act as a father

I want to act as a father

0A strange fusion of anger and sadness made up Qinghan's tone.     

"Even though I'm spending my life as a widow in the Jun Family, I'm still given the status of a 'daughter-in-law'. But if I marry into the Li Family, then I will become a concubine! If Yun Beichen takes a shine to me someday, then the Li Family will simply send me off to him to be his concubine…. Slaves don't have opinions; they are slaves! And the Guan Family will probably approve of it as well because Yun Beichen is more powerful than Li Juetian, and an alliance with him will be more beneficial for the Guan Family!"     

"The head of the Family will still be thinking about the family?! Daddy, how could our family have no shame at all?! How can they not see my dishonor! I would rather live in the Jun Family as a widowed daughter-in-law than live a life of such shame! And never for such shameless people's cause!"     

"I would rather let the Guan Family die as heroes before I allow a useless bunch of white-haired old men to beg the powers of this world for pity!"     

Guan Qinghan's final sentence almost exploded out of her mouth.     

Guan Dongliu stood blankly staring at his daughter, his face reveling in the pain of this conversation. Even though his body was still as burly as ever, his body-language didn't reflect it.     

He had no answer for his daughter's sharp words; none at all. His heart was riddled with guilt and shame, and he started biting his teeth as a painful spasm overtook his entire body!     

"As a daughter, I just want to know what my father has planned for now…" Guan Qinghan looked at her father again; her voice sounded even more desolate, weak, but was still showing her anger…     

"Jun Wuyi has already answered that question!" Guan Dongliu smiled sadly: "As things are at the moment… even if we withdraw this marriage, we'll only be able to send you to the Li Family over the corpses of the Jun Family!"     

Guan Dongliu exposed a self-deprecating smile: "I may be Guan Dongliu…. The master of the Guan Family…. But I can't touch the Jun Family…. Or the Li Family."     

"Moreover, it is as you said earlier…. The Jun Family is our benefactor, and I will not kick my benefactor in the teeth!"     

Guan Dongliu's voice suddenly strengthened up: "This was my decision; I decided to renounce my own daughter for the welfare of my family! I didn't even act when the Jun Family decided to rise up to protect you! I agreed to allow the Xue Hun Manor to insult and dishonor my daughter! I've wronged you for a lifetime…. Because I chose to look at the future of the family first, but now I want to...."     

"I want to act as a father!" Guan Dongliu's face stiffened up, and his blood-red eyes started to shine while his pupils dilated.     

"I want to act as father again!"     

Guan Dongliu's heart suddenly felt a burst of ease as he stated this sentence; almost as if he had suddenly unloaded a heavy burden off his heart!     

[Screw life and death! ]     

[That Jun boy was right…. If a family has no backbone, then they will just linger around the death's door for ever… what's the point of such a survival?! ]     

"Daddy!" Guan Qinghan's entire body vibrated as she looked at her father again; but with a pleasantly surprised look in her eyes this time.     

Guan Dongliu smiled profoundly as he nodded: "Qinghan, the Jun aren't the only men in this world; the Guan are also men!"     

Guan Qinghan's face exposed a proud look as she spoke up: "I never knew that my father would have such an indomitable spirit inside him..."     

Guan Dongliu forced a wry smile as he said: "Your little Brother-in-law's curse was surely very ruthless, but thanks to him…. Your father now understands that there are a few things in this world that are more important than the 'big picture'."     

He laughed twice, but then asked in a confused tone: "You've told me a lot about him, but your young brother-in-law is nothing like the debauchee you said he was?"     

Guan Qinghan's face suddenly reddened as she was unable to find her words again: "Daddy… don't make fun of me… he's changed a lot recently… he's nothing like the guy he used to be earlier…. He's become a real man now."     

Guan Dongliu smiled playfully: "Is that so? So because he scolded your dad, you've suddenly started to respect him?"     

Guan Qinghan suddenly reverted back to being a spoilt young girl again, and started throwing tantrums: "I hate you daddy!"     

Guan Dongliu broke into laughter.     

"Daddy, come in else you'll catch a cold in this autumn rain." Guan Qinghan suddenly realized her father's plight.     

"Ah, and now you're finally caring about me? The rain has already seeped into your daddy's old bones now." Guan Dongliu laughed jokingly: "However, this rain was good for me! It won me back my daughter's heart and it also woke me up from my slumber…. I was about to trade my own daughter's innocence for my family's survival... such a survival was no better than life anyway." He finished his sentence, looked at his daughter lovingly once again, and then turned around.     

His burly body braved through the rain and wind, one step at a time, but each step was stable and firm!     

Guan Qinghan's eyes blurred once again…     

A few meters away, Jun Wuyi was standing quietly in a corner with rigid line creasing his face. He smiled to himself as he said in an undertone: "Guan Dongliu, you've only been Guan Dongliu to me till now…. but now you're a qualified father, and an iron-blooded man in my eyes!"     

His eyes gazed at a distance through the curtains of rain: "Jun Moxie left at such a weird timing… Why do I feel that something big is about to happen? Why hasn't he returned yet? I don't know what to do with my nephew… he's really strange… I allowed him to work free of my authority, but he becomes more mysterious with each passing day!"     

He sighed as light flashed from his body, and then he disappeared without a trace.     


The black-masked man, young master Jun had flown out of the encirclement under the effect of the Solitary Eagle's strike, but had managed to conveniently drop the Mystic Core into his attacker's hand before being thrown away.     

His body was almost about to ram into a tree, but Jun Moxie immediately used the Yin Yang escape method and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, and resurfaced away from everyone's notice. He was sitting clutching his chest at the moment.     

After all, he had been struck by a Peak Spirit Mystic! Even though the Solitary Eagle's strike was only a superficial one in his eyes, his strike was still powerful enough to cause extreme discomfort to Jun Moxie's body, and had left him with a feeling of nausea.     

Even though Jun Moxie wasn't injured very seriously, his body was still under a shock!     

[Damn that Falcon! I'm going to get back at him for this one day! ] Jun Moxie was silently cursing the man as he watched the fight unfold in front of his eyes!     

Jun Moxie continued to watch the fight from a distance with a frowning face, while his mouth would mummer in silence from time to time, [I never intended to cause such a big battle… ]     

Jun Moxie hadn't actually intended on starting such a fierce battle, and had only planned on causing some chaos at the most. His main intention was to check his idea surrounding the 'Mystic Core fakes' for future use.     

Of course, had this matter surrounding the Xue Hun Manor not surfaced at this time, then Jun Moxie would have planned this more carefully, and would have waited until he was ready with a foolproof plan instead. Moreover, he would have also waited for more experts to gather in the city before making this move. After all, this hasty occurrence of the Mystic Core so shortly after its theft was more likely to raise skepticism in the minds of most people.     

But the affair surrounding the Xue Hun Manor had disrupted Jun Moxie's plans, and although the threat from the Li Family wasn't very imminent, it was like that bomb in one's backside which could detonate at any time. Therefore, Jun Moxie threw out this fake Mystic Core ahead of scheduled time, and was now left with no other option but to watch it bear an undesired fruit. Had he delayed the plan any further, then it could have hindered the safety of the Guan and the Jun Family.     

At the moment, Shi Changxiao was preparing to launch an attack on the Solitary Eagle, whilst keeping his guard against the three Elders of the Silver Blizzard City, who were also lingering around the Solitary Eagle, same as the ten disciples of the Li Wu Bei, and the six Heaven Mystic helping hands of Shi Changxiao. They were all circling him from a distance with no man willing to go any closer without a backup.     

They weren't exactly afraid of his high Mystic Qi, but more of his expertise in general. The man in the middle of the encirclement was so quick that no expert lesser than a Heaven Mystic peak was capable of lasting against him for more than a second.     

The ten disciples of Li Wu Bei, whom Li Youran had invited to contest for this Mystic Core seemed more than willing to confront these two supreme beings without any traces of fear in their eyes; in fact, they looked rather confident at the moment!     

Since the speed of the fighters was too fast, Jun Moxie was only vaguely able to see their shadows, but couldn't tell the men apart.     

Suddenly, almost a dozen figures converged to attack the Solitary Eagle again. Solitary Eagle's Mystic Qi burst out of his body as he fearlessly shouted: "Come!" then, his body arched strangely like a hawk in mid-air as he first dodged Shi Changxiao's attack, and then rotated mid-air again, and kicked-out!     

Shi Changxiao was forced to recoil backwards!     

And, Shi Changxiao was left roaring furiously!     

Although he was the first one to launch an attack, he was a Peak Spirit Mystic at the end of the day! Moreover, he was ranked above the Solitary Eagle! If he was unable to kill the Solitary Eagle in this siege, then the rumors would start spreading that he was beneath the Solitary Eagle; especially considering that he had other people assisting him!     

The bad name that this one rumor would bring would be…. Irredeemable!     

After all, people would only ask one thing: [why did he allow so many shrimps to intervene in a battle between two whales? ]     

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