Release That Witch

The Star of the Theater (Part I)

The Star of the Theater (Part I)

0The Swan on Redwater River towards the west. May was standing on its bow, looking straight ahead. It was not to enjoy the scenery, and she just wanted to see Border Town's pier sooner.     

"How much longer until we reach our destination?" she asked impatiently.     

"Soon, Miss May. The sun is too hot, you should return to the cabin to rest," said Gait, who was standing behind her. She did not even have to look to know that he was fawning over her smilingly.     

As she turned around, she saw that she was right. "You told me this before, and now you are telling me the same thing? Have you actually been to Border Town before?"     

"Uh…" embarrassed, he scratched his head and said, "it has been 10 years since I came here last time."     

"One year is enough for Longsong Stronghold to change a lord, can you imagine about 10 years then?" May said angrily, "but there are always exceptions. Look at you, in 10 years, you never once performed on stage."     

Seeing his awkward smile as he retreated, her mood finally got better. If it had not been for Irene's message, she would have never gone with this group of lowly performers to Border Town.     

As the star actress of the theater in Longsong Stronghold, she had quite a reputation in the Western Region. This time she had received an invitation from the Tower Theater to go to the king's city and perform the play "Prince Seeking for Love". The show had been a great success, and even the drama master, Mister Kajen Fels, praised her performance in the role of the princess who died for love. Although she did not play the main heroine, she still left a deep impression that was not any less.     

But when she excitedly returned to Longsong Stronghold, she had discovered that the stronghold had undergone great changes. Duke Ryan had been defeated and died, and Longsong Stronghold had fallen into the hands of Prince Roland Wimbledon, who had temporarily appointed Petrov Hull of the Honeysuckle Family to run the stronghold… She had been away for less than a year, but the Western Region had become totally unfamiliar to her.     

Fortunately, the political turmoil in the upper ranks had no effect on the theater. This would have been something May and her sisters talked about after dinner, if only her heart had not beaten violently at the news that Morning Light, the First Knight of the Western Region, had been captured.     

May had rushed to the theater, looking for Irene to ask for more details, only to discover that she had also followed him to Border Town around half a month ago, probably to reunite with her husband. This news disappointed May a little, and also made her a bit envious.     

They both worked in the same theater where she was the deserved leading figure, while Irene was just a new face on the stage. The title, the Flower of Tomorrow, was given to Irene by those inferior actors who were flattering each other all the time. In regards to appearance, May would definitely not lose; and in regards to family background, although she was a common civilian, Irene was just an orphan adopted by the theater. So no matter what, she was definitely better than Irene.     

But what was hard for May to understand was that Ferlin Eltek, the Morning Light, fell in love with that naive looking Irene, even giving up his family inheritance in order to marry her later.     

"Look, farmlands," someone shouted, "Border Town shouldn't be much further."     

May looked at her left side, only to see rows of high wheat swaying in the wind. Farmers wearing straw hats were busying themselves in the fields as if they were standing in a green sea. The wheat fields extended westwards along with the river reflecting the sunlight, with no end in sight.     

"Such a beautiful scenery, Miss May," Rosia walked over and nodded. "I never expected that a remote place like this would have such a vast farmland, it can be even compared with Longsong Stronghold."     

"This is nothing compared with the farmland around the king's city," May argued. "There, the wheat fields are so vast they can connect two cities. You can see wheat everywhere, and then you'll become sick of it."     

"Is that so?" She smiled awkwardly. "I've never been that far."     

[Well, this is a normal reaction,] May thought, but if it was Irene, she would have shown an expression of envy and would have asked her to describe more. "Rest assured, you'll have the chance one day."     

"I hope so." Rosia patted her chest. "Thank you for the encouragement."     

[I meant that with only a few silver royals, you could find a caravan to take you to the king's city, not that you would ever have the chance to go to the king's city to perform.] May rolled her eyes silently. But the other was a good friend of Irene, and May did not want to bother saying this aloud.     

Rosia had joined the theater before her, they had almost the same age, but because of her simple appearance and poor memory, she never had the opportunity to officially perform on stage. Except for Irene, not many in the theater were willing to talk to her.     

"Does Irene know that we're arriving today?" May asked.     

"I've informed her of the date in my reply, she should be waiting for us at the docks."     

"Good." She nodded. "I don't want to search for an inn alone in an unknown town."     

"May I ask you something, Miss May?" Rosia asked hesitantly, "why did you come with us to the small town? Moreover, why did you try to conceal this from the theater? Irene wrote in her letter that there may be an opportunity to perform here, but you're not someone who needs such opportunities."     

"If I told them the truth, do you think the theater would ever let me come to this place?" May curled her lips. "As for the reason… I merely want to see if my theater comrade is having a good life."     

In fact, she also did not know why she made this impulsive decision. The Longsong Theater would have important plays during the next two days and with her gone, the owner would have a big problem. Although there were a few backup actresses, without her, there was a chance that the nobles would not accept their performance and they might even seriously protest about it.     

To be honest, May knew that this was not a wise choice. No matter how big her reputation was, she still had to rely on the Longsong Theater. If she made the owner angry, she would be unable to stop him from freezing her career and promoting a new actress. Other than apologizing, the only choice left for her would be to leave and compete with the stars of other theaters.     

"Or… I could take the next ship back to the stronghold, the moment I meet Ferlin, right?" May thought.     

"I see." Rosia nodded. "Irene will certainly be very surprised to see you."     

The scenery along the river bank gradually became richer. A lot of tents and wooden houses were seen near the Impassable Mountain Range. As it was near noon and the peasant women were all busy cooking porridge and soups, they saw wisps of smoke rose continuously from the village chimneys, and May even occasionally smelled the aromatic fragrance of wheat. Many children gathered to play by the river, and those who were good at swimming would completely take off their clothes and jump into the river with the cheers of their peers, and then proudly climbed back ashore.     

In the end, May finally saw the dock.     

After The Swan had docked, Gait and Sam volunteered to handle all of the ladies' baggage. Just as they walked down the trestle, Rosia excitedly shouted, "Irene!"     

Looking at the direction she shouted at, she saw a woman wearing a white dress standing on the dock, waving at them. Beside her, stood a tall man. Even from such a big distance, it could be seen from his broad shoulders and chest that he was extremely extraordinary.     

The Morning Light, Ferlin Eltek.     

His figure in May's memory became clear once more.     

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