Release That Witch

Launching the Rescue

Launching the Rescue

0Theo's anxiety finally quelled when he learned that His Highness had a cure for the plague.     

It was also good that he had things to get occupied with so that the next few days would pass faster.     

Aside from visiting the wine manors in the countryside and arranging the carriages' routes, he also memorized the terrain of the road from the canal pier to the city gate.     

At present, it was much more troublesome to enter the king's city. Due to the presence of refugees outside the city, every one of the city gates was sealed to prevent outsiders from entering. Especially because news had spread that the church was currently distributing the holy medicine, there were hordes of desperate people pounding on the city gates every day, hoping to go to the church to seek treatment. The guards on the city walls did not hesitate to respond with their bolts. Thus, there were piles of bodies at the entrances, giving off a foul smell under the scorching sun.     

The only side gate that could be opened was restricted to nobles as well as merchants who transported grains. Fortunately, Theo had worked for the patrol team for a considerably long time, and he was also a native of the king's city. As such, most of the guards on duty recognized him and he could enter simply by saying hello.     

Due to the restrictions, there was a breakdown of contact between the city and the outside world. Even if the transportation of refugees at the pier was done without any attempt at concealment, it was difficult for the news to be spread into the city. Moreover, the upper nobles were only happy that someone took away all of the Eastern Region's refugees, whom they considered to be a volatile bunch. This would save the patrol team the trouble of suppressing the inevitable riot.     

Theo broadly understood His Highness' feelings when he made the decision to send an expedition on the very day he received the letter. These people had been forsaken by the king's city. If the church sent priests to distribute the holy medicine now, most of the refugees would probably become devout believers.     

If His Highness was able to act faster than the church to bring the refugees under his command, as well as provide them with a new life and a safe place, they would undoubtedly become His Highness' fanatical supporters.     

In the morning of the fourth day, the returning fleets reached the canal pier on time. Theo was astonished to discover that Roland had sent more than 300 First Army soldiers, and that they were mostly equipped with revolving rifles. With this powerful contingent as safeguard, the church would probably not be able to stop the refugees from leaving even if it heard the news.     

"Lightning!" Margaret, who was also waiting on the pier, caught sight of the young girl's figure, and impatiently ran up to hug her.     

"This person is...?" Iron Axe asked.     

"The Lady of the King's City Chamber of Commerce, Miss Margaret." Theo introduced. "All of the ships used for this transportation are arranged and provided by her. She has done a great deal to help actualize this plan."     

"I see." Iron Axe nodded at her to give his regards. "Thank you for your help."     

"I'll deduct the expenses from His Highness." She shrugged her shoulders. "And you should thank Lightning rather than me."     

Lightning tilted her head in surprise. "Why?"     

"Ahem, it doesn't matter." Theo coughed twice. "What do you intend to do next?"     

"We'll set up camp to the south of the pier, and at the same time control the pier area. The rescue shall begin tomorrow afternoon," Iron Axe replied. "As for the ships, we'll leave them to you."     


When Brian led his men into the refugee area, he could not help but frown.     

There were plague sufferers on their last breath everywhere. Dark-colored blood and pus flowed from the blisters all over their bodies, attracting swarms of flies to them. They did not even have the strength to shoo away these little insects, and thus these insects crawled along their bodies and fed on their blood.     

He recalled that during the Months of Demons, the people of Border Town who lived in the slums of the stronghold were cold and hungry, and were hence similarly helpless. If this was really the doings of the church, it would be an absolutely unforgivable crime.     

"Gather all of those who can still move." Brian ordered. "It's on you, Miss Echo."     

If it was announced hastily that they brought medicine which could cure the plague, it would almost certainly cause a huge stir and the refugees would surge towards the pier area in a way that his men would not be able to control. Thus, the notification had to be carried out in batches. His Highness' decision to send Echo was based on this consideration - her ability could dictate which areas heard the notification, or even who heard it.     

Brian saw her opening her mouth as if to speak. Although he did not hear anything, a few refugees began to look over.     

Soon, a group of refugees came stumbling in his direction. "Lord Brian, is what you said true? If you can cure my disease, I'm willing to go with you to the Western Region!"     

That was enough to make Brian feel pleased. "Of course. Our ships are already waiting in the pier. Bring all of your family members and follow me!"     

The other soldiers helped to carry the sufferers who lay on the ground and could not move. In the blink of an eye, a few hundred soldiers were seen heading towards the pier. Many people noticed this and decided to follow them. When they reached the pier, they discovered that bags of purified water were placed neatly on a long table, while the bridge that led to the ships was guarded by Iron Axe's men. Only two people were allowed through at one time so that they could make sure that everyone onboard had already drunk the purified water.     

"Listen up everyone. These bags contain the cure. You'll recover once you drink it." Several soldiers stood atop a platform erected on one side of the long table, and repeatedly read aloud the manuscripts prepared by His Highness. "The church's assertion that 'the demonic plague was created by the witches, and only the holy medicine can dispel it' is completely groundless. All that they want is to make even more money, while making you fall on your knees and thank them for saving your life. His Highness Roland has not only brought the real medicine, but is offering it for free! That's right, not a single bronze royal is required!"     

These words caused a flurry of commotion among the crowd. The first person to drink the purified water quickly felt the changes in his body. He tore his clothes in disbelief and saw that the black spots rapidly disappeared. "This medicine is truly effective! I'm well, I'm well!"     

"So am I! Thank God, my wounds aren't bleeding anymore!"     

"What God? Where is it? All I see is a bunch of liars!"     

"You're right, this medicine has nothing to do with the church!"     

"Long live His Highness Roland!"     

As more and more people were healed, the response of the crowd became even more excited. If the First Army soldiers did not maintain order, the refugees would probably have burst the water bags placed on the long table.     

"His Highness Roland is currently opening up the Western Region. He'll require many hands to till lands, build houses and repair roads... He isn't collecting any money for the cure, and neither will he force anyone to go to the Western Region." The soldiers who were in charge of propaganda continued loudly. "However, His Highness promises that those who go and serve him will receive food, housing, and wages! No matter what you're skilled at, you'll be matched to a job! So, for those who're willing, take one step forward and follow the soldiers onto the ship and towards your new home! For those who're not, no problem. You may leave after assisting us for these three days. During this time, you'll be provided with food by the caravan!"     

"Will there really be housing and wages?" Someone shouted.     

"Certainly. These terms were promised by His Highness himself!" The soldiers nodded and replied.     

"Please allow me to get onboard. I'm willing to serve His Highness!"     

"Me too!"     

"And me, Sir!"     

"I'm a blacksmith!"     


Brian was pleased to see that not one person chose to remain in the king's city out of this batch of hundreds of people. All of them boarded the ship destined for Border Town. When a ship was fully boarded, it would set off straight away, and an empty ship waiting behind would take its place. Under Margaret's command, there was not a single moment of pause.     

Subsequently, Brian repeatedly traveled to and from the refugees' camp and the pier. He relied on Echo's sound transmission ability to draw in batch after batch of refugees. The size of each batch was controlled at between 300 to 400 people. As he was fetching a new batch of refugees back to the pier, he suddenly saw that the First Army stationed in the southern wheat fields began to mobilize. A small platoon dashed rapidly towards the north bank of the canal while wielding their firearms.     

"What happened?" he asked one of Iron Axe's men.     

"The lookout, Miss Lightning, says that someone has jumped ship and escaped." The latter replied after saluting. "Perhaps a Rat that hid among the refugees?"     

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