Release That Witch

The Eve of Returning Day

The Eve of Returning Day

0On the third day, outside the eastern city gate of the king's city.     

Nightingale hid in the Mist, quietly watching those refugees who dressed in rags. They were summoned here group by group by Echo's magic sound, slowing moving after knight Brian toward the dock.     

Now the witches did not have to be as cautious as they were two days ago, where they had to pass through the edges of the refugee camps and lead the refugees off in small numbers. After lots of refugees had left with them, the rest who had already noticed that would constantly follow them. Even the guards on the city walls had noticed what happened at the foot of the walls, but they only wished that these refugees with stinky smell would leave as soon as possible.     

The whole plan was progressing smoothly. Few refugees were left in the eastern district, and the refugees outside the northern city gate were making a proactive approach to them after they heard the news. It was likely that before sunset, all people would be able to be safely sailed away.     

Everyone was busy, while Nightingale seemed to be the only one at leisure. Echo was surrounded by the "mercenaries" who were responsible for guiding the refugees. Lily was making purifying water under the protection of the First Army. Her protection seemed to be unnecessary.     

Only when the "mercenaries" left to carry those patients who were too ill to move by themselves, she would keep a wary eye on Echo. Just then, Nightingale saw Echo raising her head to look at the magnificent eastern city gate and sigh to herself.     

"What's the matter?" she walked towards her and asked.     

"Nothing. I just recalled something." Echo seemed to be sad. "Before I was sold to King's City, I had suffered so much on the way. I thought that they treated me so cruelly because I came from Sand Nation. But now it seems that they're equally merciless to their own people. There isn't much difference between them and the people in Iron Sand City."     

Recalling that Echo had been sold as a slave, Nightingale was not sure how to comfort her. She gently patted her on her shoulder and said, "Not all people are like this. There are many kind-hearted people, for example, the sisters in Witch Cooperation Association, or... Prince Roland."     

"Do you think... His Highness can really end the wars?" Echo whispered, "no matter where we're from, the kingdoms of the continent, Sand Nation, or the Fjords; no matter who we're, a witch or an ordinary man, we'll live together peacefully, instead of fighting each other. Do you think His Highness can really make this happen?"     

"I believe His Highness can," Nightingale responded in a positive tone, "it's not because of the strange machines and powerful cannons he created, but because of him... I always think that His Highness is different from us."     

"Of course he's different from us. He's a prince of Kingdom of Graycastle."     

"No, not about his identity." She shook her head. "I can't tell the difference. It's just my instinct. Maybe only someone like His Highness can produce so many strange theories. He even repeatedly carries out studies to figure out our abilities. He also thinks in a different way. No matter what strange things he creates in the future, I won't be surprised."     

"You really have confidence in him." Echo snorted with laughter. The sad expression on her face seemed to be lighter. "I hope when that day comes, I'll be able to revisit the Southernmost Region."     

Confidence? In some aspects, yes. But in other aspects, she did not have any confidence. Nightingale could not help looking toward the Western Region. [What's he doing when I'm away? Is he busy with the blueprints and strange machines, or is he together with Anna?] She shook her head, trying to shake off these strange thoughts.     

[At the end of this day, we would return to Border Town,] Nightingale thought. She would ask him directly; after all, he had not been lying to her.     


At noon when they returned to the camp, Lightning slowly landed to have a rest.     

During these days, she had the toughest work of all of them. She had to fly to patrol under the hot sun. Especially for concealing her from the guards, she had to wear a special sky-like camouflage coat made by Soraya, which tightly covered her body and even her hair. This outfit with a strange name given by His Highness was obviously not designed for a better appearance. Instead, it was coated with blue and grey patterns, which made her almost melt into the background when she flew. It would be hard to notice her without careful observation.     

The first thing this little girl did after landing was to take off the coat and grab a water bag to drink. Nightingale noticed that her clothes inside the coat were completely wet, beads of sweat broke out on her forehead and nose, and her windproof glasses left a circle of marks on her white cheeks.     

"You've done a hard work." Nightingale bent down to help her wipe the sweat.     

"Fortunately, these people aren't coming endlessly from the Eastern Region." Lightning stuck out her tongue naughtily. "Or I'll really faint under such scorching sun."     

"We can go home tomorrow, right?" Lily slouched to Lightning's side. "I haven't taken a shower for several days. I feel itchy from head to foot now."     

Nightingale couldn't help laughing. When they were in the Witch Cooperation Association, they only got time to take a bath every half a month and no one complained. Now they couldn't tolerate it for just more than a week. She suddenly thought maybe the bathroom and scented soap were Prince Roland's "conspiracies". Since he invented those strange yet useful things, it was difficult for the witches to determine to leave Border Town.     

However, peace was broken before the plan of shipment of refugees was completed. After lunch, Theo, who went to the king's city to gather information, came back with a bad news.     

"Did you say... Dreamland Water is summoning its people and planning to surround the dock?" Iron Axe frowned.     

"They 'may' plan to surround the dock." Theo corrected him. "The first part is a confirmed fact, while the second part is too strange for my informers to believe it. Now other Black Street organizations in the king's city have sprung into action, in case Dreamland Water suddenly attacks them. However, I don't think that 'surrounding the dock' was a smokescreen deliberately put up by Dreamland Water. I believe this news was accidentally leaked. It's very common for the Rats. After all, most of their members are rogues and dregs, so it's impossible for them to form some tightly-unified group. If my information is correct, Dreamland Water should have been controlled by some powerful force, otherwise, it's rare for them to leave their territories."     

"They were just Rats," Iron Axe said with no regards, "If these people flee hither and thither, will it interrupt your plan of selling healing water?"     

"I guess not," Theo said, "they can't interfere with the patrol team, so they're unlikely to stop me passing in and out the side city gate. After entering the city, Skeleton Fingers will protect the convoy to transport healing water. I'm worried about you, as I have to stay in the city tonight and supervise the sale of healing water. I'm afraid I can't see you off tomorrow morning."     

"That's all right." Iron Axe patted his arm. "When His Highness comes in person to the king's city in the future, we'll meet again at that time."     

Just as Nightingale had expected, at dusk, the last sailing ship which was full of refugees slowly left the dock, sailing toward Silver City. As for the over three hundred people unwilling to leave the king's city, they were ordered to scatter by Iron Axe.     

Then all of them retreated to the other side of the canal, waiting for the arrival of the night.     

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