Release That Witch

The Assassination (Part II)

The Assassination (Part II)

0Faceless felt a chill on her back. She could not help thinking, [How was it possible?]     

She swallowed her saliva and lowered her voice. "Are you kidding? I'm Vorte."     

[It's impossible that she happens to know Vorte. After all, there're so many mercenaries in the camp; can she remember everyone's name?]     

She did not expect to hear a reply with a sneer. "Really? I never knew that magic power would also gather inside a man's body. You're either a witch who tries to get something from the camp, or you're an extremely rare wizard. No matter what your answer is, it's impossible you're 'Vorte'. I never saw such an eccentric soldier like you in the First Army."     

She... was able to see the demonic power? Aphra's heart sank at her words. Now she knew why she was exposed. There were more than four witches in the camp, and the woman behind her was also a witch, whose ability was probably similar to the Eye of Truth. This kind of ability was recorded in the "Canon of Magic" of the church. As one of the hundreds of derivative skills, it was not in conflict with the main ability.     

[I haven't seen anyone around me or approach, so... her main ability is invisibility?]     

"Kneel down and put your hands behind your back, then I may spare your life," the woman shouted, "do as I tell you."     

The mercenaries were still fighting outside the camp, so they didn't notice what took place in the central area. But the four witches by the bonfire realized that something happened and turned their sight to them, "What's wrong, Nightingale? What happened?"     

Aphra realized this was her last opportunity. She was good at assassination instead of direct combat. Especially when she did not wear any God's Stone of Retaliation, she got no edge on witches with various strange abilities. It did not matter that the flying witch would escape, but she had to kill the witch who was able to cure the demonic plague, as she was a great threat to the church's plan.     

It was also possible that she would not be able to escape after she killed the witch. Thinking of that, she felt a heavy heart but soon calmed down again. To unify the four kingdoms and resist the demons from the hell with all forces, the church had sacrificed many excellent soldiers. She would be proud to contribute to this great course.     

She believed that Heather would not forget her, and her name would be recorded in the Canon in the future.     

"Don't come over," the witch named Nightingale shouted, "here's a..."     

At that very instant, Aphra suddenly moved, turning back to raise her elbow to hit Nightingale's arm, and simultaneously lowered her head to avoid her weapon. Anyone who was talking was unable to be utterly focused. That was why her coach repeatedly told her to hold breath when she was caught. What's more, if she wanted to escape or counterattack, she would better grasp the opportunity when the opposite side was talking.     

The trigger hidden in her sleeve was simultaneously pulled, with white powder spurting backward. This alchemic powder would release abundant heat when it met water. If it was thrown into the enemy's eyes or mouth, it would make her instantly impotent. Even if she was lucky enough to avoid the powder, she would be in a panic for a while.     

Then Aphra pounced on the four witches by the bonfire. A blonde witch immediately flew up. Another witch who appeared to be the oldest stepped in front of the other two witches, trying to protect them in regardless of her own safety. Aphra drew out a sharp and slender short sword and stabbed toward that witch. She would kill all of them anyway, so it did not matter who she would kill first.     

At the moment when her short sword pierced that witch, Aphra saw an incredible scene.     

A white shadow appeared in front of her, with eyes under the hood flickering with anger. But no one stood there just a blink before.     

[Is it... Nightingale who was behind me?]     

[Why isn't she affected by the powder spurting from a short distance?"] Faceless could not believe what she saw. Nightingale raised her hands, and then a flame burst out from her shining silver weapon. Faceless felt that she was fiercely pushed backward by something. She immediately lost her balance and fell back onto the ground. No, she had to... kill the other two witches. She struggled to get up and draw her sword to stab next witch, but she failed. She could barely raise her arm, and soon she fell into a comma.     

[What a pity...] That was her last thought.     


Nightingale was startled after she fired. She stood there, watching the soldier who got hit in his chest fall down. His body began to twist and shrink, slowly turning into an unknown young woman.     

This was her first time to kill a witch by herself.     

She did not recover from her thoughts until she heard Lily's anxious cry.     

She tried to suppress her wild thoughts. Then she put back her pistol and ran to Wendy.     

"Are you hurt?"     

"No, I don't feel any pain." Wendy waved her hand, indicating that they did not need to worry. "I guess the sword didn't pierce through the clothes."     

"Did the protective clothing work?"     

"I suppose so." She unbuttoned her coat, only to find that the sword hanging on her coat. When her coat was opened, the sword fell out of the hole to the ground, without any blood on it. Only the external layer of the protective clothing was pierced with a small hole, while the soft internal layer was not damaged at all.     

"I, I'm really scared." Lily gave a deep sigh and fell on the ground out of relief. "Why did you try to parry the sword for me. I don't need you to do that for me. I, I, I..."     

"All right." Wendy gently touched her head. "You see, nothing happened."     

Lily leaned on Wendy's bosom with her head drooping, grunting with an upset.     

"I was also scared when I stood there. I even forgot to use my ability." Wendy shook her head. "If I had blown a strong wind, she wouldn't have been able to stab me."     

"Because you rarely fight with others, so it's normal that you can't react quickly." Nightingale tried to comfort her.     

"Fortunately, we have the protective clothing," Echo said with a terrified look, "or we would have been in danger."     

Before their departure, His Highness gave each witch a special vest and demanded that they should never take it off. The vest was very light yet very thick, and it was composed of many layers. According to the description of His Highness, each silk layer was coated with Soraya's sky coating, which made it highly flexible and hard to be pierced through by sharp swords, knives, and crossbow bolts. If Wendy had not been protected by the vest, she would probably not be able to survive and wait for Nana's treatment.     

Lightning slowly landed beside the dead witch. "Why did she attack us? Isn't she one of us?"     

Nightingale stared at that dead woman for a long time, not knowing how to answer Lightning's question. The eyes of that witch were closed, and her blue long hair spread on the ground. She had a peaceful expression on her face, so it seemed that she did not suffer too much. But Nightingale would not forget that she pounced toward Wendy without any hesitation. At that moment, her eyes were filled with firm determination as if she was not trying to kill someone, but to fulfill her life-long duty. Maybe in her heart, what she did was absolutely right.     

"No." Nightingale sighed. "She's not one of us... She's just a pathetic person."     

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