Release That Witch

An unexpected Letter

An unexpected Letter

0Roland opened the letter, and handed Maggie a piece of beef jerky.     

"Coo!" She took the meat and swallowed after chewing two or three times, and then she obediently groveled on the table, burying her head in her feathers.     

"Nice to hear from you, my dear brother, or 'Roland Wimbledon Your Highness.'"     

[I have received your letter, for your opinion, I deeply agree. I'm not clear about why you suddenly changed your temper since you were once a playboy. But now you are even willing to help the witches. Since you have done so, the church becomes our common enemy. ]     

"You may already know that I've become a witch, which is why they're willing to believe me. While you're a prince, a real noble, it's quite incredible for you to have gained the trust of so many witches. Since I heard your news, I've often wondered how you were able to manage this? If you were using the witches as a tool like other nobles, it would be impossible to get the recognition of Ashes and she would not have chosen to let Maggie stay in Border Town."     

"In addition, I'm also very interested in what Maggie mentioned about the steam engine, as well as the theory of promoting our ability with knowledge, especially the latter. I hope to have the opportunity to talk to you in detail."     

" As for your invitation, I've thought carefully, and found that I have no reason to refuse. The establishment of an alliance requires trust and effort, and if we're all hesitant and timid, then only the church will benefit. So, I'll list most of the assistant witches in Sleeping Island along with their ability in a form, and include it with my letter. You can choose the ability you need most and notify me through Maggie. If everything goes well, they'll depart next month for your territory. For security reasons, it's best that you don't choose more than five."     

"In addition, please provide a reliable transfer program, and protect every witch when they're on their way. The loss of any witch would be a major loss for Border Town and Sleeping Island, and it would cast a shadow on our cooperation. I hope you'll take care of these witches as you take care of your witches. If it's all right, please also let them participate in the evening classes, I believe that, for us, any witch's ability to become more powerful is good news."     

"As you mentioned, the church has shown its true colors and it's only a matter of time before they take over the four kingdoms. I hope that when the day comes, you'll be ready for it. If it's too difficult to resist, then Sleeping Island will be your harbor. And of course, I'll assist you with everything I've obtained during the church's invasion."     

"Finally, I hope that we can end the oppression of the church and build a new order—a new kingdom, in this kingdom, not only witches but also everyone will never be persecuted."     

"Your sister, Tilly Wimbledon."     

Roland put down the letter, with indescribable pleasure in his heart. He smiled and put the letter away. He took out a piece of beef jerky and gave it to Maggie.     

She immediately stretched out her head and pecked at the food. "Coo, coo!"     

He touched the smooth feathers on her neck and she squinted her eyes warmly.     

"You've had a long day. Lightning went to the king's city with the sailing platoon, and it should be a few days before she comes back," Roland smiled and said, "you can go play with Nana or Leaf, or take a bath and have a good night's rest."     

"Coo, coo!" Maggie lifted her wings, and then jumped from the table, flew out the window, and soon disappeared.     

Roland realized that she just said that she was not tired and would go play with them. Although speaking in the pigeon state, he could understand what she had said.     

Was this the power of habit?     

Anyway, he had never imagined that Tilly would actually agree with his invitation, and even never mind provide a list of the witches' abilities. What a treasure! Although the letter did not state how long they could stay, it would take at least half a year to finish the primary education course. If he added "A Hundred Thousand Whys", the course would extend to a year. How many changes could these witches bring to Border Town in that time?     

The benefits of their evolution were far greater than the disadvantages—if they stayed in the town, they would promote the development efficiently, even if they returned back to the Sleeping Island, it would also be a lively publicity. With these witches' words, more and more witches would be willing to go to Border Town, and Tilly could not stop this trend. Roland believed that, compared with the inducement or coercion, sincereness was the real long-term plan.     

In general, the surprise brought to him by this letter was far greater than he expected. Her enlightened and positive attitude made him have a feeling of meeting a super hero partner. Thus in the fight against the church, he was no longer alone. As for the safe shuttle route, he considered properly a long time ago—to avoid Port of Clearwater and Seawindshire, directly landed from the uninhabited bund at the edge of Border Town in the south. After arriving in the mountain area, they could take the hot air balloon to over the mountain, directly access to the hinterland of the town, and they would not care about the church, the forces of Timothy or Garcia in the whole process.     

The more he thought, the more Roland felt excited. He eased his strong impulsion to immediately browse the appendix to choose the witch. He focused on the matter which had to be done now—after all, the witches from Sleeping Island would come in next month, and now the most important problem in Border Town was the housing construction.     

Since the First Army had gone to the king's city, the fugitives from the other side had been escaping to the town continually. In order to prevent the recurrence of demonic plague, Roland had arranged them in the city wall of the Western Region. They had put up a long string of wooden sheds for them to live in. With the addition of the serfs who were farming along Redwater River, the total number of the two groups would be more than 8,000. This figure would likely break 10,000 once the fugitives arrived.     

It was possible to supply food to these people. After all, since the Months of Demons, there had been no interruption to the food supply in Border Town. The accommodation, however, was clearly a big problem. It was summer now, so living in simple wooden sheds would be okay for them, if it could shelter them from rain and sunshine. The only issue was that there were many mosquitos and insects. But once winter came, the wooden sheds would be almost the same as being out in the open air. The temperature inside the sheds would be the same as the temperature outside. If he did not move them into brick houses, it was likely that most people would not make it through the long winter. In other words, Border Town needed housing for at least 10,000 people within six months.     

Roland spread out a piece of paper and began to write.     

He intended to move some of the workers who were building the Kingdom Main Street road to the housing construction. After all, a delay of 10 to 15 days to finish the road would not create any problems. But if people in his territory froze to death, it would be a stain on his accomplishments. Even when he had first arrived here, when faced with no money or aid, still nobody had frozen or starved to death during the first Months of Demons. And now he had the Witches Union and the steam engine, as well as considerable income and staff. He could not allow such a thing happen.     

Carter entered the office.     

"Your Highness, I have bad news," he said, looking serious, "your chemical lab just exploded."     

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