Release That Witch

The First Plenary Meeting of Border Town's Senior officials (Part Ⅱ)

The First Plenary Meeting of Border Town's Senior officials (Part Ⅱ)

0Now it was time to hear the report from Acting Minister of Chemical Industry, Kyle Sichi. Kyle started with a snort and said, "Your Highness, I hope you can find a real minister as soon as possible. I don't want to take part in this kind of meetings anymore."     

"..." Rolland rolled his eyes at Kyle in his heart. How could the prince easily find a man who had an understanding of both alchemy and chemistry to replace Kyle in this era? Since he had become a leader, he had gradually realized that he had to ignore some opinions sometimes, such as what Kyle had just said. Without showing any displeasure, Roland asked Kyle, "Do you have a clue about the mass production of two kinds of acids?"     

"No, that's why I need more time and manpower to study the project instead of wasting my time sitting here," Kyle shrugged and said. After staying in the town for a long time, Kyle had learned some "Roland Style Expressions". "If I have to say something here, I can only tell you that the labs need more staff, the more the better. In addition, the five new, young employees turn out to be quite clever. I have to say, your primary education works."     

Chief Alchemist Kyle seemed not as reverent as the other officials, but Roland, considering Kyle's age and his craze for chemical experiments, was not bothered by his language or attitude. When Kyle had found that he could be cured by Nana after suffering an explosion accident, the first thing he had thought of was that he could conduct any risky experiment he wanted with Nana's help. This new finding had given him so great enthusiasm that he even wanted to taste different kinds of acids. Such a frenzy filled Roland with awe.     

"Alright... continue your study. I'll let Barov help you with employee recruiting."     

"By the way, Your Highness. Have you finished writing 'Intermediate Chemistry'? If you could lend the book to me, I may be able to think of the mass production acid-making process earlier," Kyle said.     

"Just as what I said in the Award and Honor Ceremony, I'll give the book to you when your students and assistants could fill all the posts of the new labs," Roland said while spreading his hands. The real situation, however, was that the prince had not written a word for that book. As he had racked his brain to write "Primary Chemistry" which had already exhausted most of his limited chemistry knowledge, he was afraid that he could hardly piece together several pages for "Intermediate Chemistry".     

Karl Van Bate, Minister of Construction, was the fourth one to report.     

"First of all, I'd like to express my gratitude to Lady Scroll." Karl nodded to greet Scroll. "I'm happy to know that the batch of students has graduated."     

Scroll nodded back to him and said, "My pleasure." It was obvious that this mason had a far more sociable personality than Chief Alchemist Kyle did.     

Karl opened a notebook that he carried with himself all the time and started his well-organized report. "We're steadily advancing the construction of major projects of the town, which include Kingdom Main Street, Redwater Bridge, new residential district and new city wall. It's estimated that Kingdom Main Street will be completed in the next spring. This project has hired 4,500 workers, half of whom are from Longsong Stronghold. Redwater Bridge is also in the construction stage. We're still focusing on the cement wall enclosure underground. The residential district has been expanded to the old city wall area, and around 1,000 people work in this project now. We're confident to accomplish our assigned task of offering enough houses for the refugees from the Eastern Region before Months of Demons this year, as long as we have sufficient brick and cement supply."     

Given that Karl had to inform Roland of the progress of the town's construction projects everyday, he just reported briefly here, leaving out some minor projects, such as the expansion of the castle and the construction of Witch House. As to the new city wall, Lotus was building it on her own. After the position of the wall was chosen, she constructed a wall section of about 500 meters everyday along the set line.     

"Good job." Roland nodded. As the sector in which the City Hall invested the most manpower and money, the Ministry of Construction delivered the most achievements. "While stepping up the construction of the town, remember to promote our preferential policies to attract the construction workers to settle down in the town. Even the handymen recruited from the stronghold have already become qualified construction workers after a whole year's work here."     

"Yes, Your Highness," Karl answered.     

"Now, the next... Iron Axe."     

It was the first time for Iron Axe to attend such a meeting. Feeling a little awkward, he cleared his throat and then said, "Your Highness, there're two things about the army I want to report. First, the Second Army has already accomplished basic training and is ready to be sent to the stronghold. Second, after the recent recruitment, the First Army now has 825 soldiers. Except 350 soldiers of the Artillery Squad, all of the First Army soldiers have been equipped with revolving rifles. That's all I want to say." He saluted after his report.     

"Good, send the Second Army out tomorrow. Remember to place some reliable men in them to continue our daily drills and ideological education in the stronghold, and require them to report to the town weekly," Roland remarked.     

Barov was the last to report. He glanced at everyone and then bowed to Roland. "Your Highness, after paying Theo and Margaret's Chamber of Commerce's transportation expenses, the government's gold reserves decreased sharply. We have a harvest this year and Ministry of Agriculture is purchasing grains at market price. Now, there're only about 2,000 gold royals left in the government's coffers. It's a dangerous dividing line."     

Considering what he had had in the last winter, Roland felt that 2,000 golden royals was already a huge sum of money but he also knew the situation was different now. It would cost him a bundle just to pay over 5,000 construction workers every month, let alone the better-paid positions in the First Army, plants, labs and the City Hall.     

In another word, Border Town now earned much and at the same time spent a lot, even though, at present, it could still provide itself most raw materials and machines.     

"I see. In the beginning of the next month, Margaret will return to the town and we'll get much profit by selling her steam engines. Furthermore, the grain acquisition and refugee transportation aren't regular expenses. In the next six months, the gold reserves will be able to rise back steadily. You don't have to worry about it too much." Roland paused a moment. "I've something else to tell you. You'll get pay rise."     

"Pay rise?" Barov was surprised.     

"Yes, now the City Hall is no longer a simple organization run by a dozen of people. Your workload has increased significantly, so should your payment." The prince smiled to Barov and said, "Your monthly salary, from this month, is raised to five gold royals and that of the ministers to two gold royals. Based on this proportion, you can raise the salaries for the City Hall's apprentices and assistants. Relax, it won't be a large sum of money, around 20 to 30 gold royals in total."     

Five gold royals was not high salary for the position of City Hall Director, but Roland was sure that what Barov preferred was power. As Barov had been controlling the finance of the town all the time, it was easy for him to make a fortune by stealing public funds. However, by now, he had not conducted any corrupt practice like that.     

Of course, as a leader, Roland could not solely depend on the officials' integrity to maintain a clean government. Nightingale who could tell lies from truth could help him with this matter. No one could hide their bad deeds from Nightingale.     

"In addition, though you may have already known it, I want to say that I'm going to establish a city here after the Months of Demons this year. The town will become a real city covering a much larger area than the king's city or any other city of the four kingdoms. We'll expand westward to the edge of Barbarian Land, eastward to include Longsong Stronghold and southward to the mountains and sea. The natural barriers will form our city wall."     

"So, you've got to speed up the progress of the work in your hand to greet the new city," Roland paused and then said solemnly, "I hope the city will be warm as spring even in an endless winter."     

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