Release That Witch

A Merchant from the King's City (Part I)

A Merchant from the King's City (Part I)

0Border Town finally had a rainy day. The sky was overspread by thick clouds. The rain poured in torrents and pattered on panes and windows.     

Spring was usually a wet and warm season. This was not the case. After the Months of Demons, there was hardly any rain in Border Town. Fortunately, farmlands were just by the river, making it easier for farmers to water their crops. The heavy rain had dispelled the sultriness in the air. Nightingale opened the window to let the scent of soil fill the room.     

Across Redwater River, young buds were shooting forth from the field at a distance. The endless green wheat wound underneath the canopy of the sky until it disappeared from sight. Quite contrary to the somber river, the crops appeared fresher and more vivacious than ever after the rain.     

Roland stretched himself and threw the quill in his hand into a pen holder.     

"Done?" Nightingale asked.     

"Yes. A brand new weapon which can increase the shooting speed of flintlocks by several times." Roland stacked up a dozen sheets of blueprints and then said, "I call it a revolving rifle. Do you want to take a look?"     

"No." Nightingale twitched her mouth. "I don't understand it anyway."     

"This is just a prototype. If I shorten the barrel, it'll turn into a portable revolver. But I need to solve another key technical issue before I can put it into use. If everybody has one such kind of weapon, we won't need to be afraid of the Judgement Army from the church anymore."     

"Are you saying it'll make an ordinary woman as powerful as a fully armed strong man?"     

"Not just one, but several." Roland smiled triumphantly. "If we're lucky, we can make this number into five."     

Nightingale appeared perfectly incredulous. She was about to say something when suddenly there was a knock on the office door.     

"Your Highness, Barov's apprentice just returned from the king's city. He also brought a merchant who sells saltpeter. They're waiting for you outside the castle at the moment."     

"The apprentice of the assistant minister?" Roland thought for a while and recalled the matter. As the gunpowder had been running out when he had attacked Longsong Stronghold, he had sent his guards to Fallen Dragon Ridge and Redwater City for new saltpeter suppliers. Barov's apprentice, whose destination was the king's city, was the last one to commence his journey. After all, King's City had everything. As summer was around the corner, the production of saltpeter must be increasing rapidly.     

Roland had not expected the last to take his departure was actually the first to bring good news.     

"Take them to the living room. I'll be right there." Roland looked up at the sky and added, "Ask the kitchen staff to prepare some desserts as well."     

By the time he turned around, Nightingale had been out of sight.     

But he knew she was right beside him.     


When Roland entered the living room, the merchant who sold saltpeter was just walking into the hall under the guidance of the guard. She took off her drenched cloak and straw hat before bowing to the prince. "I'm Margaret Farman from the king's city. Please accept my warmest regards, Your Highness."     

Roland was taken by surprise when he noticed the merchant was a lady. It was far less safe to do business in this era than in the modern world, as tradesmen frequently encountered bandits and refugees when they traveled, not to mention the harassment of local bullies and underground gangsters. Because of this, not many women engaged in business.     

Like Lightning, Margaret also had fair blonde hair, but hers was denser and longer. She looked in her thirties. Probably because she was not a noble but simply an ordinary woman, she already got wrinkles around the corners of her eyes and on her forehead. Her skin was a bit dark, and even a little coarse at the first glance. From her appearance, however, Roland felt she did not look like a Mojin but instead a Fjords native.     

"Please take a seat." The prince motioned her to sit down and seated himself in the host's seat. "You aren't from the Kingdom of Graycastle, are you?"     

"Why did you say that?" Margaret smiled.     

"You've got a hair color that's pretty rare in inland countries. As far as my knowledge goes, most people who live across the channel have beautiful blonde hair. I know an explorer from Fjords as well."     

"You're indeed a learned man. My native town is at Fjords, but I've been here for over 10 years. I'm currently living in the Kingdom of Graycastle, and I consider myself as a half native of the Kingdom of Graycastle." She paused for a moment and then said, "You just left the king's city not a while ago. Perhaps we've met somewhere else before. I feel honored to live in a city that Your Highness once stayed at."     

Apparently, every successful merchant had exceptional communication and diplomatic skills. Roland knew Margaret was trying to flatter him, but he still felt quite pleased with the comment. Just when he was absorbed in the compliment, Nightingale pinched his right shoulder with great strength. [Well, Nightingale, you're being over-responsible. In this case, there's no need to check the credibility of her words.] Roland said within himself.     

"But speaking of explorer, it's a highly-respected title in the Fjords." Margaret went on. "You probably don't know. There are few lands in the Fjords that're suitable for a dwelling. As the tides rise and recede continuously, some islands will be swallowed by the rising seawater. Some, on the other hand, constantly erupt into flames and smoke. Rocks will melt into a dark red river at such a high temperature. Only those who have discovered a new sailing route or a new island suitable for life are qualified for such a title. Ordinary people won't call themselves explorers."     

"Haha. She not only calls herself an explorer but also calls her father the greatest explorer ever." Roland shook his head with a smile. "She's just a kid. Kids always like to imagine themselves as some sort of great men."     

"Even kids won't be so reckless as to regard themselves as explorers in the Fjords." Margaret frowned. "Did she say who his father is?"     

Roland realized he had just made a mistake by the look on Margaret's face. It seemed to Fjords natives, the word "explorer" contained some sacred, spiritual meanings, which could not be used unscrupulously. "Her father's name is Thunder."     

To Roland's surprise, Margaret's eyes widened as soon as she heard the name. "You're acquainted with Mr. Thunder?"     

"No, but I know his daughter. Have you heard of him?"     

"Everybody in the Fjords is familiar with that name! Mr. Thunder discovered Doublepeak Island and Sea Dragon Bay, expanding our living area almost by half. He also drew a detailed map of the east coast and Endless Cape. 80% of the current routes on this continent were discovered by him. Every kid knows Mr. Thunder's stories by heart. He's one of the most extraordinary explorers in the Fjords!"     

"But I've heard Thunder died in a storm..."     

"No, Your Highness. A true explorer won't be easily defeated by a storm. He encountered numerous dangers but always managed to escape. Mr. Thunder at present must be recruiting new crews somewhere, just like what he did before." Margaret leaned forward a little bit. "Your Highness, do you know where his daughter is?"     

Roland was also surprised by the fact that Lightning's father was such a well-known figure. Did that indicate all those adventures, as bizarre as the Arabian Nights, were indeed true? "She's living right in the castle at the moment. She headed west after the storm until her arrival at Border Town, where I took her in."     

"In your castle?" Margaret could barely hide her anticipation. "Can I... have your permission to meet his daughter?"     

"Well, I'm afraid not now." Roland was pretty sure that Lightning was currently flying around the Misty Forest trying to locate the relic marked on the "treasure map". "She's now practicing... her jungle exploration skills. If you intend to stay over, you should be able to see her."     

"Then please excuse my intrusion." Margaret nodded instantly.     

"So, can we now jump into the business?"     

"Of course, Your Highness." She smiled. "Please feel free to start."     

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