Release That Witch



0Three days later, in the castle garden.     

"Sister Anna..." Nana pulled Anna's sleeve.     

"Yes?" Anna turned her head.     

"Did you notice Nightingale... has been acting a bit strange lately."     

"Strange?" Anna paused for a bit. "Are you referring to her dress?"     

Nightingale stood beside Roland. She was not wearing her usual strangely decorated cope which she did not seem ever to wash or change. Instead, just like Anna, she was wearing the bizarre outfit that Prince Roland invented. Although Anna did not want to admit, Nightingale's slim and tall body indeed amplified all the merits of that outfit—her well-proportioned legs, skinny waist, and that long curly hair. Collocated with the clock and peaked cap, she would have caught everyone's attention.     

"I'm not talking about the clothes," Nana mumbled, "Don't you feel that the way she speaks to Prince Roland and the way she looks at Prince Roland are very different now?"     

"Is it?"     

"..." Nana quirked her lips. "Alright, Sister Anna, don't blame me for not warning you."     

[What the hell?] Anna shook her head and paid no attention to Nana. Instead, she focused her attention on the two new witches.     

The one named Lightning looked about similar age as Nana, but her style of dressing was distinctly different. Anna roughly counted that there were at least 12 sewed pockets on Lightning's coat.     

As of the other witch Wendy, she was wearing casual outfit instead of the same decorated cope of Nightingale that Wendy wore on her first arrival. There was one aspect of Wendy that especially caught Anna's attention. It was that the size of Wendy's breasts was rather... impressive.     

"Since all of you agreed to sign the contract, then let's begin our first training." Roland was now doing the tasks with ease as he had the experience in training the previous two witches. "Lightning, you first."     

"Okay!" Lightning raised her hand and walked out of the shack.     

There were flurries of snow outside with no wind, the young girl easily floated to the midair and waited for Roland's next instruction.     

"Try to fly as fast as you can!" Roland raised his head and said out loud.     

"Aha, here we go." She made a thumb signal, positioned into a running pose, and then started to run around the castle swiftly.     

Roland estimated that the speed was about 60 to 80 kilometers per hour, based on his experience of driving on the highway every year when he went back to his hometown. The speed was not fast, similar to the airspeed of pigeons. However, it was impressive that she was able to carry both Nightingale and Wendy along when she flew to Border Town.     

What was the idea of being able to carry 100 kilograms of weights when taking off? Roland imagined a piston engine that was carrying 100 kilograms of aerial bombs.     

However, the following experiment broke his wonderful illusion     

As the weight was exceeding 50 kilograms (about 110 pounds), Lightning's flying altitude drastically dropped from the previous flying altitude of 100 meters to only about 10 meters. When the weight was added to approximately 100 kilograms, Lightning would barely fly up to 2 meters.     

This meant that if Roland wanted to transform Lightning into a bomber, even with explosive bags that weighed only a couple of kilograms, she would have still run into the enemies' crossbow range due to her flying altitude.     

However, Roland soon discerned the new capability of the young girl—she would be the perfect candidate for either investigation or firing. The annihilation plan that had been bothering Roland seemed to have a possibility now.     

When Roland was testing Lightning's power, Wendy was quietly watching Roland from aside.     

After Wendy's departure from the cloister, she had seen countless people in her 15 years of wandering life: plebeians, farmers, artisans, soldiers, and the noble. Those people had all acted the same. They expressed their admiration and amorous feelings to her when they did not know that she was a witch. When they found out, all of their previous adornment to her would turn into abhorrence and fear, at the same time with a despicable lust that made Wendy want to puke.     

She thought that she would have only accompanied witches in her life, and would no longer approach any men. This was the reason that she rejected Nightingale... It was not due to distrust, but rather the fear that obsessed her.     

However, Roland Wimbledon changed her views.     

The way he looked at her was too normal—as if he had seen for countless times. The first moment that Wendy saw Roland in Nightingale's room, she thought it was because that Roland was hiding his emotions very well. Besides, Nightingale was there too. However, in the following few days, he also had carried the same expressions.     

Perhaps Prince Roland's standards were higher than the ordinary noble?     

And for that roll of contract, Wendy thought that it was merely a pretentious act. However, as she was reading it, she discovered the numerous provisions that not only regulated responsibilities but also clarified her granted rights.     

How incredible! Prince Roland was willing to take the witches. It was already very generous of him not to deprive their freedom, but he even notified their rights on the contract?     

For instance, Art. 2.1 (it was the first time that Wendy saw such written articles), she was granted with paid vacations. According to the following definition, it meant that she could receive remunerations without having to work. The following article stated that the witch should complete the project assigned by the employer, but if the witch felt difficult in completing the project, she could propose to switch or reject it. The next article said that the employer should guarantee the security, housing, food, and remuneration for the witch. If this portion of the conditions was not satisfied, the witch could terminate the contract on her own.     

These articles were a bit difficult to read but fully expressed their meanings. The contracted withes were not the prince's belongings. Wendy was granted with responsibilities in accord with her rights. In this contract, she felt the sincerity of Prince Roland—if it were merely a pretentious act, there would be no need to list such detailed articles.     

Coming to this conclusion, Wendy could not help looking at Nightingale. Wendy knew very well Nightingale's personal experiences and knew her deep loath toward the noble. However, as of this moment, when Nightingale was talking to Roland, her tone and expression showed a different kind of emotion—a change that perhaps even herself was unsure.     

It was only two month after Nightingale left the witch group and went to Border Town. Through the two months, Nightingale developed a complete trust toward this young man.     

She would instead end with the Witch Cooperation Association to return to Border Town. In her heart, Roland Wimbledon had more possibilities than the Witch Cooperation Association in bringing the witches to their true sanctuary. The act of her respected mentor was also heart-breaking. That founder of the Witch Cooperation Association seemed to forget how hard it was for every surviving sister.     

Wendy knew that she could not return. If fate brought her to the place, why would not she trust Nightingale's decision? Just like how she trusted her for numerous times...     


"Ahh..." Wendy came back to the reality from her thoughts. She found that Lightning had already completed the capability test and everyone was looking at her.     

She showed an apologetic smile and headed to the outside of the shack.     

Since she had made her determination, then she should not lose to the younger generation, right?     

At that moment, the buzzing noise of horn came from the west side. The sound reverberated among mountains and broke the serenity of the town.     

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