Super Gene

Killing The Golden Crab

Killing The Golden Crab

0It was so easy to kill fish creatures from beneath the water.     

"I must get my hands on the Crystal Palace. This is so great. With the Crystal Palace, I will own the entire ocean." Han Sen was overjoyed.     

He summoned Snow Charmer, asking her to shoot down the creatures in the water with her spear, while Han Sen cooked the fish, feeling relaxed.     

"Meat of golden anchovy eaten. One primitive geno point gained."     

"Snow Charmer killed primitive golden swordfish. Beast soul of golden swordfish gained. Eat its meat to gain 0 to 10 primitive geno points."     


Han Sen didn't have to move a finger. As he read, Snow Charmer could help him kill the creatures and Mermaid Princess would cook the creatures for him and even feed them to him. All he needed to do was open his mouth.     

"This is such a life in heaven. I have wasted more than two decades. This is what hunting should be like." Being able to gain geno points while lying down made Han Sen feel very good.     

"If I could get that silver-haired royal spirit as well, that would be even better," Han Sen thought to himself.     

There were all kinds of creatures at the bottom of the lake. Some Han Sen couldn't recognize at all. There were shellfish as big as a mill, lobsters as big as a motorcycle, and even sea beasts of different shapes.     

There were many mutant creatures. However, because Crystal Palace could not be moved, Han Sen could only wait for the creatures to approach the shelter to kill them. If he entered the water, even he would not be the match of those creatures, not to mention Snow Charmer.     

This made Han Sen want the Crystal Palace even more. If the Crystal Palace could be moved as he wished, he could kill all the creatures he liked.     

Even so, Han Sen still made incredible gains. In just a dozen days, he had filled up his primitive geno points and gained seventeen mutant geno points.     

In addition to the increase in his geno points, he also gained a dozen primitive beast souls and a mutant beast soul. These gains were much more than back in the days when Han Sen hunted alone.     

The only shame was that he didn't hunt any sacred-blood creatures. There seemed to be only one sacred-blood creature in the area of the frozen lake, and that was the silver eel. Other than that, there was only the golden crab.     

For the dozen days, Snow Charmer had hunted a lot of primitive creatures. Since Han Sen couldn't finish all the food himself, he piled the food up, wanting to sell it after he got out.     

The golden crab was so shameless that it came to take some every day, treating Han Sen's place as its kitchen.     

"D*mn you, crab. I must get even with you today." Han Sen had tolerated its behavior for days, and finally, he felt he should be on the same level as the golden crab in terms of fitness. So, he planned to try to kill it and gain control of the Crystal Palace.     

As usual, the golden crab came to steal meat from Han Sen again. When it turned away, Han Sen used his claws to strike the crab's shell.     

The golden crab quickly reacted. It threw away the two fish it had taken. Flipping itself around, it shot its pincer at Han Sen's claws.     


The pincer hit the claws with a metallic ringing noise. Han Sen stepped back three times before he could stabilize himself. The golden crab also fell back. They were about on the same level judging from this round.     

Seeing that his strength was no weaker than the golden crab's, Han Sen felt overjoyed and waved his claws again.     

However, this time, Han Sen did not hit the golden crab head on, but walked around it using kiting skills.     

Very soon, Han Sen found an opportunity to hit the crab hard on its shell. However, the claws only left three shallow marks on the golden shell and did not crush it.     

"So hard!" After fighting for more than half an hour, Han Sen made several hits on the golden crab, but only left shallow marks on its shell. The crab was not hurt at all.     

Han Sen took his claws back and decided to use his fists to fight the golden crab. When he hit the golden crab, he secretly used the yin force.     

However, since the yin force only penetrated three or four inches, Han Sen could not really hurt the crab if he was hitting at the wrong spot.     


Han Sen found an opportunity to hit the golden crab on its head. Suddenly, he saw the golden crab wobbling as if it were drunk.     

Han Sen was overjoyed, going up to hit its head hard.     

The golden crab seemed to be dizzy from the hit. Its attacks were no longer organized or forceful.     

Han Sen hit the golden crab's head with repeated punches. The yin force went deep, and the golden crab became even dizzier. It could no longer stand straight and fell on the ground.     

Hitting madly on the crab's shell with his fists, Han Sen sent yin force into its head. Gradually, it stopped moving.     

"Sacred-blood creature golden pincer king killed. Beast soul of golden pincer king gained. Eat its meat to gain 0 to 10 sacred geno points randomly." Hearing the voice at last, Han Sen felt overjoyed. He quickly checked the type of beast soul the golden pincer king had given him.     

Type of beast soul of sacred-blood creature golden pincer king: armor.     

Han Sen summoned the beast soul and golden armor suddenly appeared on his body, covering him up completely. He looked lean and strong, full of power.     

At first sight, this armor and the black beetle armor were very similar. They were both golden armor that covered the whole body. However, their shapes were slightly different. The helmet of the pincer king armor was clearly a golden crab.     

"Finally I have a sacred-blood armor again. In the future, I will use the black crystal to turn it into a berserk sacred-blood beast soul. At that time, I think not even sacred-blood weapons will be able to hurt it." Han Sen was very happy.     

He was used to having sacred-blood armor with him. When he came to Second God's Sanctuary, he had always wanted armor of this level, and this was his dream coming true.     

Putting the armor on, Han Sen climbed on the boat and walked slowly into the cabin.     

After passing the hall, there were corridors and rooms inside everywhere. He did not encounter any other creature. However, Han Sen could not find where the operating room was, so he had to summon Mermaid Princess.     

Mermaid Princess guided Han Sen's way and they soon reached the operating room, which was on the upper level of the crystal sailboat.     

Seeing the crystal rudder, Mermaid Princess cheered and grabbed it. The moment she grabbed the crystal rudder, Han Sen felt the entire crystal sailboat begin to vibrate, making squeaking noises.     

Looking through the crystal window ahead of him, Han Sen saw the current flowing and the sails beginning to swell. The entire sailboat was rising slowly.     

"My dear master, where do you want to go?" Mermaid Princess looked at Han Sen, excited.     

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