Ancient Godly Monarch

Blackmetal Emperor Sect

Blackmetal Emperor Sect

0Qin Wentian flew through the air, standing on a flying sword, leaving the Coldnether Immortal City. Since he had revealed himself, he shouldn't stay too long at this place. Also, he couldn't predict the Snowdrift Sage Hall's reaction as, after all, he did kill two of their holy maidens. The Snowdrift Sage Hall was also a peak major power. It was not impossible for them to decide to hunt him down.     

Right now, Qin Wentian was a mid-stage immortal king. His combat prowess surpassed his cultivation level. The demon sword was like a true roc, shuttling through the air with lightning speed.     

After several months, Qin Wentian had traversed through many immortal cities. He obtained a detailed jade map from one of the cities which clearly detailed and indicated the major locations in the Central Regions. In fact, the emperor-ranked powers of the Central Regions were also indicated on the map, and other than those peak major powers, there was also information on powers established by initial-stage immortal emperors. The price of the map was extraordinary high, but Qin Wentian considered it money well spent.     

The Central Regions were much vaster compared to the other regions in the immortal realms. The experts here were as numerous as clouds, with the most number of major powers. It was also the most prosperous regions in the immortal realms.     

Qin Wentian could open the spatial pathway to the Heavenly Talisman Realm and use that to depart this area. However, he didn't choose to do so. After all, he wanted to temper himself. After that sneak attack by Eastern Sage back when on the Demongod Mountain, Qin Wentian could feel an intense sense of crisis boring down on him. He had to grow stronger as quickly as possible in order to handle such a situation. If not, even if he had immortal emperors protecting him, they might not be able to protect his life every time.     

For this trip, Qin Wentian's objective was the City of Ancient Emperors. As for the journey there, he would treat it as a chance to temper himself.     

During these days, Qin Wentian also learned of many things in the Central Regions, and saw much slaughter.     

One day, in an ancient tribe outside one of the cities, a scream of misery broke the silence in the air. Over there, a powerful cultivator that cultivated evil techniques was absorbing the essence and life force of everyone in the tribe. All the energy condensed into black qi which then flowed into his body.     

The situation in the tribe was like a scene of the apocalypse. Right now, an old man was bringing a very young girl along as he fled in a frenzy, running on the ground. They didn't dare to fly in the air for fear of being discovered.     

But at this moment, black swirls of the absorbing qi gushed over to them. That young girl called out with fear, "Grandpa, the aura of the evil monster is here!"     

"You leave first." The old man suddenly turned about and dashed towards the black qi. That young girl screamed and cried, "Grandpa!"     

"LEAVE NOW!" The old man shouted. The black qi materialized into an evil face. The mouth of the face opened as it flew towards the old man, wanting to devour him.     

The aura of that old man surged up. However, he knew that he couldn't defend against this. His face was painted with despair.     

But at this moment, a sword flew over, filling the air with a humming sound. With lightning speed, that sword pierced into the face of evil formed by the black qi, directly causing it to explode. The expression of that old man froze. He inclined his head and stared at the distance, only to see a young man flying through the air, like an immortal exuding magnificence through the generations.     

"Grandpa!" The young girl ran over. She then stared up in the air and shouted, "Senior, please save us!"     

"You want to interfere in this?" From afar, within the tribe, that evil cultivator glanced over, staring at Qin Wentian coldly. His cultivation base was extremely powerful, at the immortal king realm.     

"Your cultivation methods are too cruel, you shouldn't exist in this world." As Qin Wentian's voice rang out, the demon sword erupted forth, bypassing space, instantly arriving before that evil cultivator. That evil cultivator radiated black qi that surged forth, forming into a black dragon which let out roars of anger. However, the demon sword easily slashed through it, cleaving it into two.     

As the demon sword arced through the sky, a resplendent beam of sword light formed. An instant later, the evil cultivator was pierced by the demon sword. He stared with fear at Qin Wentian before his body exploded from the destructive might, directly slain.     

The sword then returned, back to its original location below Qin Wentian's feet.     

"Many thanks to senior for saving our lives." That old man knelt down. That young girl stared at Qin Wentian as an expression of awe and gratitude could be seen on her face. The remaining survivors in the tribe knelt down as well.     

"Don't mention it." Qin Wentian shook his head, flying away on his sword, not wanting to accept the worship of the tribe members.     

The immortal realms were too vast. There will definitely be many incidents like the one he just witnessed earlier. There was no way he could devote his entire life to hunt down evil-doers. He could only try his best to help if he ever encountered such situations.     

After some more days, Qin Wentian came to a demonic beast empire. This empire was the world of demons, established by a demon emperor. That emperor controlled the surroundings and gathered many greater demons in his territory.     

At this moment, outside the boundary of this demon empire, a group of young ascendants were here to train themselves. There were males and females in this group, all of them from small clans. They were all from a certain power and were sent here for training and cultivation.     

On their journey here, they had slain plenty of demonic beasts, and collected the corpses. After all, the materials that could be acquired from the corpses were all considered treasures that could sell for a high price.     

"This should be enough. Things will be extremely dangerous if we continue to head in deeper." Someone spoke.     

"No worries, we can hunt more demonic beasts. In any case, we came here to temper ourselves. What's there to be afraid of?" Another person suggested. Although there were some people who were unwilling, the group eventually decided to venture deeper in. As they continued, they found a nest belonging to golden demon apes. They initially wanted to retreat but they discovered that a golden demon ape was on the verge of giving birth. They naturally became emboldened and decided to slaughter their way over, killing the demon ape successfully and was preparing to divide the spoils.     

But right at this moment, a howl of anger drifted over from afar. A terrifying gigantic golden ape rushed over, wanting to kill them all. The person who instigated the group to enter fled the fastest. Other than him, there was also a female who fled together, but the female was injured. As for the rest of the group, everyone had died within there.     

The man frowned, feeling that she was a burden. He actually started to have evil thoughts as he stared at the graceful figure of the woman. With an evil laugh, he actually turned and walked towards her.     

"What are you trying to do?" That woman's movement was limited due to her injuries. She saw the gaze of the man as she felt her body turning cold.     

"Yan`er, it would be inconvenient to travel with you. Rather than dying from a demonic beast, why don't you grant me my desire?" That man laughed. But as the sound of his voice faded, a beam of sword light slashed past, directly killing him.     

The woman froze. She inclined her head and saw an extraordinary figure standing in the air,     

"Many thanks for senior's kindness in saving my life." That woman spoke with gratitude.     

The young man then started to fly away, only to hear the woman calling out, "Senior, do you mind giving me a lift?"     

"You should endure the consequences of your own choices. If it wasn't for this man being too despicable, I wouldn't have bothered to act." Qin Wentian coldly spoke before he continued on his way. He knew of everything that happened here and he felt no sympathy at all for the humans who died.     

Qin Wentian advanced forward into the demon empire. But at this moment, he suddenly stopped as he spoke, "Come on out."     

As the sound of his voice faded, a golden crow appeared instantly before him, illuminating the area with golden light.     

"You consumed that golden demonic ape from earlier?" Qin Wentian stared at the golden crow as he asked. The humans killed the female ape. The male ape took revenge, killing the humans but after that, the male ape died to the hands of an even more powerful demonic beast. This was law of the jungle, mirroring the cruel way of life in the immortal realms. It was just that this law was clearer in here.     

"Screech!" A shrill noise rang out from the golden crow. In an instant, beams of golden light shot towards Qin Wentian, transforming into golden swords, filling the area with a lacerating energy.     

"BOOM!" Qin Wentian's body radiated a divine glow. The golden swords slammed into him unceasingly but couldn't force him back at all. The golden crow then sped out, deciding to attack personally as it flew towards Qin Wentian.     

Qin Wentian pressed his palm forward, manifesting numerous swords that clashed against the golden swords. The golden crow's body radiated an even more intense golden glow, but the golden swords all soon shattered apart. The crow's body was pierced through by the sword qi as well. It turned around, wanting to flee, but Qin Wentian manifested a giant palm imprint that directly grabbed hold of it.     

"Swish, swish." At this moment, a group of figures flew over. They were actually a group of immortal kings. A young man in the group clasped his hand to Qin Wentian, "I'm a disciple of the Blackmetal Emperor Sect. We have been tracking this golden crow for a very long time but because its speed was too fast, we have no way to capture it. To think that you sir, managed to do so. Can I request to have a transaction between us? We won't let sir suffer a disadvantage in terms of value."     

"Blackmetal Emperor Sect." Qin Wentian's eyes flashed. In one of the immortal cities he passed by, there indeed was a Blackmetal Emperor Sect. Originally, he had wanted to pay them a visit.     

"Are you using it to refine divine weapons?" Qin Wentian asked.     

"Seems like you have heard about our Blackmetal Emperor Sect. Truth to be told, this golden crow is really a high-grade material." The young man nodded.     

Qin Wentian inclined his head and glanced at the depths of this forested area. "You guys hunt demonic beasts to refine divine weapons. From what I know, this place is under the control of a demon emperor. Are you all not worried that the demon emperor would take revenge on humans?"     

As his cultivation grew stronger, his heart felt more and more complicated when he remembered the evolution of the greater demons when the Demongod Mountain descended back then.     

In truth, there were no differences between humans and demons. Demons might be cruel but humans are greedy and merciless too.     

"Humans and demons have always been in opposition. This is something that has never changed. Even if we don't hunt these demonic beasts, the demonic beasts would still come out to hunt humans for food. It's just that both parties were unwilling to tread on each other's bottom line. Now, there are rumors saying that numerous greater demons have already come out from the Desolate Mountain Range in the northern regions, and they have started to invade human territories, causing terror everywhere, resulting in the humans living there to all be in terrible situations. There are two sides to a coin, humanity and demonkind would always be on opposite sides." That young man spoke.     

Qin Wentian nodded, agreeing with the person's words.     

"Has the greater demons of the Desolate Mountain Range already started to move?" Qin Wentian stared into the horizons as he mumbled to himself.     

"There is no problem for me to give the demonic beast to you. I don't need anything in return. I just want you to recommend a weaponsmith from the Blackmetal Emperor Sect to me as I want a few divine weapons to be completed. Are you all willing to do so?" Qin Wentian asked.     

"There's naturally no problems. I will recommend the most elite weaponsmith I know to you. Sir, since you have this intention, why don't you travel back with us to the Blackmetal Emperor Sect?" That young man smiled, issuing an invitation. Since Qin Wentian was able to capture this golden crow, his strength must definitely be extraordinary. After all, they did their best and tried many times but have always failed in capturing this golden crow.     

"Sure." Qin Wentian nodded.     

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