Reverend Insanity

Righteousness with Benefits to Gain

Righteousness with Benefits to Gain

0 Back in Western Desert.     

Myriad ore desert.     

Shi Zhong looked at the message from Shi clan with an indifferent expression.     

"Fang clan lost. Looks like Shi Kang has another chance now."     

"However, Fang clan only lost two rank seven Gu Immortals and three Immortal Gu Houses, they still have some battle strength left."     

Shi Zhong was a person who was ostracized by Shi clan, while Shi Kang was a rising star who was nurtured by the clan.     

Shi Zhong flattered Shi Kang on the surface, but was envious and hated him inwardly.     

"Regardless of the battle results, it has nothing to do with me."     

"I still need to rely on myself."     

Shi Zhong gritted his teeth as he thought of how his recent attempt at refining wealth Immortal Gu failed again.     

The thought of asking Fang Yuan to help refine Gu flashed in his mind.     

Shi Zhong gritted his teeth as he made a decision.     

"Looks like I must sell some wealth mortal Gu." Shi Zhong had not received any support, and had spent almost all his assets in his attempts to refine wealth Immortal Gu.     

He was already dirt-poor right now. He had to sell some stuff to exchange for immortal materials for another attempt at Gu refinement.     

The things he could sell were only wealth mortal Gu.     

Although he had failed in his refinement repeatedly, he also had some gains.     

He could not refine wealth Immortal Gu, but he had refined wealth mortal Gu.     

Connecting to treasure yellow heaven, Shi Zhong hesitated for a long while before choosing to put a dozen or so wealth mortal Gu in treasure yellow heaven.     

Wealth mortal Gu gathered into a lump and formed a pillar of treasure light.     

There was an abundant amount of treasure light, but these were clearly mortal Gu. Such an abnormality attracted the attention of other Gu Immortals.     

"What Gu is this, how can it form such a treasure light?" Nu Er Tu asked.     

It had been more than a year since he advanced to a rank six Gu Immortal. Although it was due to the help of Nu Er tribe, he was still a newbie rank six Gu Immortal.     

Whenever he had time, he would connect to treasure yellow heaven and explore with his divine sense to increase his knowledge.     

Nu Er Tu was the great-grandson of Gu Immortal Nu Er Chi, he had also participated in the final Imperial Court contest.     

He was proficient in enslaving leopards and had been recognized as one of the five beast kings by Northern Plains' Gu Masters, along with Fang Yuan's disguise of Chang Shan Yin.     

"This is wealth Gu." Shi Zhong replied.     

Nu Er Tu was stunned, and asked with even more curiosity: "Wealth Gu? Isn't this the legendary Gu recorded in <>? But this mortal Gu…"     

Shi Zhong snorted coldly: "I painstakingly researched and created its mortal Gu recipe. These rank five mortal Gu can turn into any rank five Gu material."     

Nu Er Tu's mind shook, asking: "Any rank five Gu material? Can it be used multiple times?"     

Shi Zhong's voice was softer now: "These are one-time consumable Gu."     

If not for this, he would not have taken them out to sell.     

Shi Zhong had been trying to refine immortal level wealth Gu. If he sold many wealth mortal Gu, there was the risk of someone deducing its Immortal Gu recipe.     

At that time, it would be the same as Shi Zhong creating his own rivals.     

If he had an alternative, Shi Zhong would not sell these wealth Gu. Moreover, he was only selling a dozen of these mortal Gu.     

Nu Er Tu thought: "These wealth Gu can only turn into any rank five Gu material, they are not practical. As a Gu Immortal, which rank five Gu material can't we get? But this involves the legendary wealth Gu, it is not a bad idea to buy some for research or give to others."     

Nu Er Tu asked for the price, but soon, his divine sense fluctuated intensely: "You are asking for such a high price for a mortal Gu? Are you insane?"     

Shi Zhong said: "At first glance, using a mortal Gu to exchange for immortal materials is indeed a fantasy. But just think of it, as long as you have these mortal Gu, you have the chance to deduce its Immortal Gu recipe."     

"Just think about it, how high of a value does wealth Immortal Gu have!"     

"I will be honest, these mortal Gu are one of a kind in this world, and it is likely that only these many are left."     

"I also obtained these from a fortuitous encounter."     

"Unfortunately, I have no proficiency in Gu refinement. If not for me lacking funds, I would not be selling them."     

"How much do you want? If you buy three, I can give you a discount."     

Shi Zhong had a glib tongue, Nu Er Tu fell into hesitation.     

Shi Zhong's words were reasonable.     

But was it worth it to use a large amount of immortal materials to exchange for a hope of deducing an Immortal Gu recipe?     

Nu Er Tu was not stupid, his thoughts changed as he said: "It is not an issue to buy two or three wealth mortal Gu. But I would like to know something, where did you obtain these?"     

Shi Zhong was immediately vigilant: "Your question is somewhat going overboard. I don't want to get into any trouble. Moreover, if I really did what you want and gave you the information, how can you confirm if it is real?"     

"That is true." Nu Er Tu hesitated once again.     

Right at this time, another divine sense said excitedly: "Wealth Gu are actually here! I will buy them, I will buy all of the stock that you have."     

Shi Zhong responded: "Friend, please be calm and listen to my price."     

The mysterious Gu Immortal stopped for a while after hearing the price, before nodding: "Alright, I want all of them!"     

Shi Zhong was dazed, while Nu Er Tu was vigilant.     

Shi Zhong thought, and said: "It is not that I don't want to sell them all to you, but you came slightly late. This friend here came first and our deal is almost done."     

Shi Zhong did not want to sell all the wealth Gu to one person. If he did that, there would be too many clues, and the possibility of deducing an Immortal Gu recipe would be very high.     

This mysterious Gu Immortal's attitude made Shi Zong feel that something was strange.     

Just in case, he hoped to sell some to Nu Er Tu.     

But Nu Er Tu backed out.     

"This mysterious Gu Immortal appeared just as I was hesitating. Is this a scheme to urge me to buy some wealth Gu?"     

Nu Er Tu had heard of such scams.     

In the end, he gave up the notion of buying any.     

Shi Zhong hesitated for a while, he had no choice but to sell all the wealth Gu to the mysterious Gu Immortal.     

After gathering enough immortal materials, he left treasure yellow heaven to prepare for Gu refinement once again.     

"He really sold them?" Nu Er Tu felt somewhat disappointed.     

And that mysterious Gu Immortal left treasure yellow heaven after obtaining wealth Gu.     

He was Spirit Butterfly Valley's Gu Immortal Xiao Bai Hong.     

Xiao Bai Hong handed these wealth Gu to rank five Gu Master Xiao Qi Xing who was standing beside him.     

Xiao Qi Xing was Xiao Bai Hong's great-grandson, one of the ten children of human path who obtained huge support from Heavenly Court.     

Xiao Bai Hong said: "Qi Xing, are these wealth Gu really helpful to you?"     

Xiao Qi Xing said: "Great grandfather, I cultivate human path and have recently obtained a Gu Immortal true inheritance by chance. This true inheritance is incomplete, but it has ten or so Immortal Gu recipes of justice Gu. The most exceptional Immortal Gu recipe among them uses wealth Immortal Gu as the supplementary material to refine justice Immortal Gu."     

"Right now, although we don't have wealth Immortal Gu, we can modify that Immortal Gu recipe based on these mortal Gu."     

"Once we refine justice Immortal Gu, I can use it as my vital Gu and officially become a human path Gu Immortal!"     

All of the ten children of human path were aware of the advantages of this path, thus they all planned to become human path Gu Immortals.     

But to do that, they needed a human path Gu worm as their vital Gu.     

Xiao Qi Xing had great ambitions, he wanted to obtain rank six justice Immortal Gu and make it his vital Gu.     

If his immortal ascension went smoothly, under the ideal conditions, his vital Gu would also advance to become rank seven!     

Like that, rank six Xiao Qi Xing would have a rank seven vital Immortal Gu.     

"Justice Gu is no doubt a human path Gu worm."     

"Using it together with soldier Gu, sergeant Gu, lieutenant Gu, and so on, I can use the human path killer move, commander of justice!"     

"This move may become my trump card."     

Xiao Qi Xing excitedly explained his cultivation plan.     

Xiao Bai Hong laughed loudly, stroking Xiao Qi Xing's head: "Good, good, good, since you have such lofty ambitions, I will use all our resources to lend you a hand!"     

Southern Border, Tie clan.     

"Good, good, good, righteousness exists in people's hearts after all!" Tie Qu Zhong laughed heartily.     

"Lord Qu Zhong, what could make you so happy?" A female voice resounded.     

Tie Qu Zhong looked to the side and saw a heroic looking rank five female Gu Master, he smiled: "Ah, Tie Ruo Nan. Look, this is the latest battle report about Western Desert's Fang clan."     

Tie Qu Zhong handed an information path mortal Gu to Tie Ruo Nan.     

Tie Ruo Nan looked into the Gu, her expression was slightly moved: "So this happened while we were in closed cultivation inside Demon Suppression Tower."     

Tie Qu Zhong said: "I already felt that Fang clan was a shoddy force, they got involved with Fang Yuan, they are the shame of Western Desert's righteous path, they don't even have any of the righteous path's demeanor. Now, it looks like I was right! Fang clan's members are completely insane to associate with a demon like Fang Yuan. Now, they have been defeated, this miserable defeat will be Fang Yuan's outcome in the future."     

Tie Ruo Nan nodded: "Since ancient times, righteousness has always triumphed over evil. The demonic path can be rampant for a while, but the strength and hope of the righteous path will exist in this world forever."     

These two had always hated Fang Yuan.     

First, Tie clan's behavior had always been to destroy the demonic path.     

Second, the two hated Fang Yuan personally.     

There was no need to speak about Tie Ruo Nan, the hatred had already incurred back in Qing Mao Mountain when her father died.     

Tie Qu Zhong had once participated in hunting down Fang Yuan, but was captured by the latter and his edge Immortal Gu was stolen as well. Although he was released in the end, his immortal aperture was also taken away by Fang Yuan.     

Tie Qu Zhong could only restart his cultivation, he was still a Gu Master now.     

Tie Ruo Nan continued to analyze: "Heavenly Court is worthy of being the role model of the righteous path, the leader of humanity. They supported Wan clan by reviving Wan Gu Chou, they would rather support with Immortal Gu, immortal essence stones and so on, than to directly interfere in Western Desert's political affairs, this is the noble demeanor of the righteous path."     

"Fang clan's threat is not the destruction of Wan clan. Wan clan is only one of the many forces, there are still a large number of super forces even if it is destroyed. Fang clan's greatest threat is the fact that they can corrupt people's hearts, making other Gu Immortals and super forces join the Heaven and Earth Great Love Alliance. But now, Heavenly Court has given another option to everyone."     

"Heavenly Court has immortal essence stones, they can support with Immortal Gu, and even revive Gu Immortals. Wan clan must have paid a huge price to obtain such support. This is Heavenly Court's deep intention."     

"Only righteousness with benefits to gain can be promoted and wildly spread to everyone. Such righteousness is firm and stable. An overly virtuous type of righteousness is instead dubious and hypocritical, it cannot be widely spread, and will only make righteousness seem weak."     

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