The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Vanity Desire Admiration

Vanity Desire Admiration


Jack had no idea the blunder he has created by firing the young guard. He fired him since the guard didn't show his enemy Kiba in a bad light. Instead, he hurt his feelings by giving an unflattering account of his defeat.


How could Jack be not incensed?

An employee might suck in his job but even then he might retain his job if he was good at flattering his seniors.

One of the most basic human desire was to be complimented and admired. This desire only increases further when one has a high and lofty position. A person might say he doesn't like to be complimented but in his heart, he definitely wants to be praised!

Otherwise, why would there be competition among women regarding beauty? Why would they spend money like water wearing new dresses at every event? It was because they want to be flattered! They want their vanity to be satisfied!

Similarly, a man wants to be complimented as well. Why else would men brag about the number of women they had if not for stirring their ego? Or the duration they can last in the lovemaking? The accounts they state might be fictitious because all they want is to be admired.

People waste money like crazy just for glorification from others.

"Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like!"

Vanity was strong in everyone irrespective of gender or race. And vanity desire admiration from others.

The young guard, on the other hand, acted against the desires of his boss' vanity! While Jack did think the young guard's behavior was strange, he didn't think much of it.

The world has no lack of senseless idiots who don't know what was good for them.

Alas, poor Jack had no idea how today's small incident would come to haunt him in the future. But that's a story for another day.

With the help of the guards, Jack rose to his feet. He still felt weak from the 'slap'.

He wanted nothing more than slaughter Kiba in cold blood, but after the slapping incident, he knew he didn't stand a chance.

Still, how could he bear this anger?

He was born in a rich society with an unrivaled background, but now a man, without any powerful background, humiliated him one after another!

Not only Kiba seduced his wife, but he even humiliated him in front of his sister and other high ranking officers of White Angel Corporation. If he let this go then he wouldn't be Jack!

"Kiba, just you wait. I will make you learn that no matter how powerful you are, it is useless in front of an entire Corporation!" Jack swore in his heart," I will make you regret being born."

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