The Sinful Life of The Emperor




SBC News Headquarters was located in the inner zone of the city. Matching its reputation as the number one media corporation in the city, the headquarters occupied a twenty storied building.

The employees working at SBC took great pride in their career field.

News had the power to destroy the hard build reputation. Similarly, a single scandal was enough to ruin a company.

In a way, news channels were perhaps more powerful than mutant abilities! After all, the mutants couldn't use their powers as they please due to the laws. But news channels were different!

On the 18th floor, a group of ten employees stared at two computer screens. On one screen, the news about Kiba becoming a father was displayed. On the other, the real-time TRP ratings of the channel were projected.

This group consisted of high-ranking members of the channel. Naturally, the TRP ratings mattered to them since it directly affected their pay. As they observed the screen, smiles bloomed on their faces. The TRP ratings were soaring!

"Daniel and Sarah have outdone themselves once again!" a female official said with reverence.

"Indeed, the TRP is great! It has even surpassed entertainment channels!" a male official exclaimed.

"Sarah truly knows what type of news sells!" another female official added. The information about Sarah buying the source of 'breaking news' was a secret known only to the core members.

"Daniel is amazing as well. He has prepared the news script himself," another official chimed in.

It was no easy feat for a news channel to surpass the TRP of entertainment channels but now their channel has achieved that. So how could they be not proud of Daniel and Sarah for knowing the nerve of the public?!

"Truly, scandals always sell!"

Especially if it involved a married woman that resulted in pregnancy. And presenting the scandal in an innovative way could turn it into a lifetime product!

"We should be grateful to Kiba for his womanizing habit otherwise we wouldn't have this scandal!" a male officer joked. Inside his heart, he cursed the gods for giving Kiba such enviable luck with women.

"Agatha deserves credit as well for being a slut!" a female employee remarked. Her expression denoted how she despised women like Agatha for having an extramarital affair.

"Haha, I'm sure Agatha won't be able to show her face to the public," a male employee said. He wanted to get on the good side of the female employee so he took her side.

"She deserves it!" the female employee from before added with a smile. 

"Daniel would be extremely pleased as well with the progress our channel is making!" a female employee wearing glasses remarked. She tried to change the topic since she wasn't comfortable with negative remarks against Agatha.

"Of course! Daniel would be dancing with joy!"

"True. If I was Daniel then I would be celebrating! "

The group nodded while their gaze unconsciously passed to the office room nearby. It was the office of Daniel.

The male employees casted envious looks. Daniel had a stunning wife in the form of Sarah, and knowing that, they turned jealous. 

"Daniel is a good husband as well!" A female employee exclaimed. Women liked successful men and Daniel has gone a step ahead by being a perfect gentleman.

"I want to have a good husband like Daniel as well," another female said.

Just then a loud bang sound came from Daniel's office.


The group was dumbstruck as they saw a table crashing out of the office window. Not only the window broke, even the wall nearby showed signs of cracking! 

"MOTHERFUCKER! I DON'T WANT TO BE A GOOD HUSBAND!!" Daniel thundered so loudly that the floor violently trembled.

The group was shocked. Just a few seconds ago, they felt Daniel would be celebrating in joy, but now... He definitely wasn't happy!

Just what happened?

And what did he mean by not wanting to be a good husband?!

The female employees were even more shocked. They had praised him for his gentleman's behavior!


Inside the office room, Daniel huffed in anger. He couldn't control his anger any longer so he vented it on the furniture.

He took a deep breath and focused his attention on the virtual screen where Kiba's holographic image was projected.

A minute ago Kiba has said: "If you love your wife then don't bind her in the shackles of marriage! Allow her to have the happiness she has always craved for!"

Like that wasn't enough humiliating, Kiba went a notch higher by asking: "You want to be a good husband, right?"

Good husband?!?

Fuck! I don't want to be a good husband if it means becoming a cuckold! What type of man I would be if I let my wife sleep with another man?!?

He felt a type of humiliation he has never suffered in his entire life. He was a respectable media tycoon in Delta City but now this wife hunter stated his intentions of turning him into a cuckold!

The most annoying part was that this wife hunter pretended it was for his well being!

By saying his wife's happiness relied on him being a cuckold!

This bastard wanted to sleep with his wife so that she can feel the happiness she has always been craving for! Just what type of happiness was that?!?

Sure, I want to be a good husband who keeps his wife happy, but I don't want to give my wife this type of happiness!

This happiness would kill me!

Daniel wanted to retort, but he didn't know how to respond because Kiba's words technically made sense! He didn't want to admit, but there was logic in Kiba's words, no matter how outlandish!

If one gets tired of having the same food and wearing the same clothes then what about having only one lover throughout life?!?

Son of a bitch! Why am I thinking his words make sense!?!

I don't want to become a cuckold!

If it was possible, he wanted to strangle Kiba but he knew the image in front of him was nothing but a virtual projection created by the telecommunication device. 

He tried to calm himself but failed after seeing the relaxed attitude of Kiba. His blood started boiling again.

"I swear I will kill you if you made a single move on my wife!" Daniel blurted out a warning.

"How disappointing for you to not appreciate kindness," Kiba responded in a disappointed tone.

"Kindness?!?" Daniel was just going crazy thinking about the kindness Kiba wanted to offer.

"You might not want to become a good husband but I will make sure you become a good husband!" Kiba declared, ignoring Daniel's warning.

A man might want to commit suicide but how can a sage allow that to happen? Similarly, a husband might not want to become a cuckold but how could Kiba allow that?

It was the duty of a sage to save lives, and similarly, Kiba felt he has a duty to make every man (with a beautiful wife) into a cuckold.

It was a sense of responsibility! It was a mission he lived for!

How can Kiba back off from his holy duty because of Daniel's threats? 

"Anyways, I will make sure to send you some good video clips for your entertainment!" Kiba added as he ended the call. "Wait for them!"

Video clips?!?

Daniel almost coughed up a mouthful of blood thinking about the content of those clips...


Kiba was calm. A smile was visible on his face as if he has succeeded in something big.

[[Congratulations, sir.]] As an advanced artificial intelligence, Claudia could understand the psychology of humans and knew why her master gave a 'courtesy call' to Daniel.

"Congratulations?" Kiba asked.

[[You have successfully baited Daniel. Since you have succeeded, congratulations are in order.]]

"Hehe, thanks. To be honest, Daniel was much easier to bait then I thought."

[[That is all thanks to the infamy you have.]] Claudia said without mercy.

"Hey! You are giving the credit to my fame but I have done hard work to achieve it!" 

[[Sir, I used the word infamy and not fame.]] Claudia corrected him.

Kiba's mouth twitched. He knew she was referring to his reputation of having affairs with married women. It was known to almost everyone in the city that he had affairs with the wives of top executives in the city. People knew he hadn't spared even the daughters and wives of government officials.

This reputation was infamy and hardly anyone would doubt his skill in seducing a woman married or not.

What others don't know was that sometimes Kiba used his reputation as a weapon. If an ordinary person told Daniel that he would cuckold him... chances were Daniel wouldn't believe that person nor give any importance to the threat.

The reason was simple: A marriage was founded on love. Not anyone was capable of ruining that holy bond.

But Kiba? He has the reputation of destroying even the best of marriages! He has affairs with women who were madly in love with their husbands and yet they succumbed to the temptation!

This was why during the conversation, Daniel didn't say words like "no one can break my marriage", nor words like "my marriage is too strong to be destroyed".

The reason was not that he didn't trust his wife. Instead, it was because he believed Kiba has the ability to have an affair with his wife.

The truth was Kiba could have seduced Sarah even without baiting Daniel. He only baited Daniel in order to make him feel suffocated.

This conclusion would become a demon in his heart, and he would always be haunted by it. He would start doubting his wife and become suspicious of her from even normal matters! This, in turn, would create a small spark in the marriage!

[[If conditions are right, a small spark can turn into a mighty flame that burns everything!]] 

"I have to make the conditions right for my next step," Kiba said with a sigh. He wasn't the type of person who would force himself on a woman so he has to make favorable conditions for the woman to fall.

Making a married woman consent to an affair was a difficult process. It required time and patience.

"Claudia, start finding out which 'category' Sarah belongs to," Kiba ordered.


Claudia knew what category her master was talking about: Type of marriage a woman was in.

After years of trial and error, Kiba has made a category classification that would help him in his hunt. He has basically divided the marriage into three categories :

1. Broken marriage - The woman was unhappy with the marriage. It could be due to a variety of reasons such as monetary, dull sex life, etc. Kiba found women in this category easy to seduce.

2. Adventurous marriage - The woman was looking for fun outside the marriage. She might be happy with the marriage but she wanted fun. Kiba believed this category was difficult to handle as the woman looking for fun might have conditions of her own. She wouldn't have the affair with any tom dick and harry. This category was the reason Kiba decided to become a master of all trades.

3. Happy marriage - The women in this category have a blissful married life. They don't need any thrill from outside since they were completely satisfied. This type of woman was the most difficult to seduce.

"I truly hope Sarah doesn't belong to the third category!" Kiba mumbled. "Otherwise I would have a headache with all the plans I need to think!"


"How can the world know the amount of hard work I do for weeks and months just for a day of pleasure!" Kiba complained. Only he knew how difficult his job was.

[[Sir, you are shameless.]] Claudia remarked.

She has a free thought process and wasn't restricted in many ways. So she would often make brutal but honest observations.

Kiba was startled. How can anyone call him shameless? That too by someone who knew him the best!

"Claudia, your words have hurt me!"

[[Sir, you plan to cuckold someone but your behavior is like you are doing the poor cuckold a favor. You are now even complaining about your 'job'.]]

"Ah wouldn't understand since you are not a human!"

[[Understand what ?]] Claudia was surprised.

Since she managed an advanced research lab, she has studied every book about human psychology. Not only that but she has also studied research materials based on live experiments on humans. So she was confident in her ability to understand human psychological behavior.


"Responsibility!" Kiba answered in a solemn tone.

[[Responsibility? ]] Claudia couldn't understand how the shameless behavior of her master and the word 'responsibility' were connected.

As far as she was concerned, there was an infinite distance between her master and responsibility.

"Yes, I feel a sense of responsibility in what I do. A human must take pride in what he does, no matter the job because it involves responsibility! And feeling burdened by responsibility is a natural response of humans! " Kiba explained with a straight face.

Claudia was silent as she analyzed his words.

"Do you now understand?" Kiba asked her.

[[Yes, sir. I have understood that you are more shameless than I ever thought.]]


[[I wonder if you will ever feel burdened by your shameless behavior.]]


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