My Husband is My Professor and Boss



0Warning : - Adults Contents Ahead.     

Heat started to build in her body. "Oh, Alex." She moaned and her body was about to fall on the left side of the bed.     

But before her body could touch the bed Alex grabbed her shoulders and pulled her towards him. After leaning his back on the bedrest, he rested her back on his chest and wrapped his arms around her stomach. He knew that after his attack on her lower back, she would react in the same way because it was the one of weak point of her body. ' This is just the beginning my dear. ' he thought and began to caress her upper arm. "Hush dear. Hush," he whispered into her ear. "It was just a small thing."     

With the other hand he started drawing smooth circles on her stomach. "You want water." he asked her tenderly. She shook her head and turned. After placing her hand on one of his shoulders, she buried her face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around her body and kissed her hair.     

" What is this Alex . Why is my whole body tingling . " She muffled agains his chest . A smile came to his lips as he pulled her face out of his chest and cupped it. "It's not just a tickle honey, it's the effect of my touch. And this is just the beginning." With that he laid Avery's body down on the bed in one move and he stood near the bed. "I'll come quickly."     

Saying this he went to the door of the walk-in closet. When he returned five minutes later, he had changed his wet pants and was wiping his eyes with a towel wrapped around his shoulders. As he approached the bed, he threw the towel without caring where it landed. He sighed as he saw Avery covered from head to toe in a blanket. She had thought that there was no point in heading herself from him but now every thought ran away from window.      

Immediately thinking that he will remove the blanket from her body again, his eyes darkened. He lay down beside her with the weight of his upper body on his one arm.     

He took the blanket in his hand and pulled it over her head. "Don't you think it's unfair to cover yourself now." He slowly started pulling the blanket down and her upper body became bare in front of him like before. Like before, her heart rate also increased and her stomach started feeling fluttery.      

He leaned over her and placed his lips on her forehead and kissed her. He pulled him self back and looked into her eyes. Her eyes were full of innocence on which he also bent and kissed. Then he moved towards her nose and started rubbing her nose tip with his sharp nose.      

Without her permission, her hands rose from their place and were placed on his waist. Not wanting to crash her delicate body under his giant form he put his whole weight was on his one arm. And with the other hand he began to caress her hair.     

Then he placed his lips on her lips and started kissing her. This kiss was not like the previous kiss. This kiss was completely gentle and full of love. This time he made sure that the tiny cuts on her lips which were not fully healed would not open. This time he put no pressure on her lips. After kissing her sweetly he moved downwards and started giving wet and sloppy kisses on her jaw.     

Now due to these sloppy kisses her body started to heat up like before and her control over her body started to decrease. He put his hand on her hair and held her hair in his fist gently and tilted her head back to get more access of her neck. He placed his lips on her neck.     

She sucked her breath when she felt his lips on her slender and swan like neck and her hands slid from his waist to his shoulders.     

It was the vulnerable place of her body where she felt very sensual. Unknowingly she arched her neck which gave Alex a nicer and clearer view of her neck than before. And taking advantage of this, he started kissing her neck without even leaving an inch of space. His teeth started nibbling her neck flesh giving her love bites.     

"Ah... " She started to moan and when she heard her own moan she immediately put her hand over her mouth.     

"No my love." Alex quickly removed her hand from her mouth. "Don't put your hand over your mouth and don't control your moan. I want to hear your sweet moan." His wife's moan was the sweetest music in the world to him and he could never got bored of hearing it.     

He placed his lips on her collar bone now and a new wave of pleasure ran through her body.     

He moved further down and now started to kiss her cleavage but he suddenly stopped when he saw the acid mark in front of his eyes. Removing his hand from her hair he placed it on scar and ran his finger on that mark. Her wound was completely healed, but as the doctor said, the scar was still there. Anger started to build in his body but he closed his eyes to control the anger and put his lips on the scar.     

After kissing her scar, he looked at her. Her eyes were tightly closed and there were tiny drops of sweat on her forehead. "My love." He patted her cheek. "Open your eyes and see what I'm going to do now." As Alex said, she opened her eyes and looked at Alex who was already looking at her with lustful eyes. His face was right between her bosoms. "Honey look how your these pink nipples became erect. Your pink buds are very erect because of my touch so far" he said as he flicked one of her bosom nipples.     

This was something she was not aware of. And how to react to this new discovery was something out of her mind. "Look my little wife, how I'm going to take your pink nipple in my mouth now. And how I'm going to suck this pink nipple." These were the most erotic words she had ever heard from Alex's mouth.     

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