My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-298 Do not Go. part-2

CH-298 Do not Go. part-2

0She stood in front of him. As always, she looked very small in front of his powerful body. She quickly took his free hand in hers and held it close to her chest. "I'm really, really sorry." She had decided to ignore that voice in the corner of her heart and followed him out side the mansion. Because she did not want any bitterness in their relationship. And she was fully prepared for how he would react after she would narrat the entire incident.     

"Please say something." She tightened her grip on his arm.     

"Why are you barefoot."     

"Hun." She raised her eyebrows.     

"Why aren't you wearing anything in your feet." She followed their eyesite and saw that she was barefoot which was forbidden for her. Nervously she started to shift on her feet but soon she composed herself and tried to divert his attention from her feet.     

"It's not that important and there's nothing to stress about since the entire mansion is carpeted anyway," she explained softly to which Alex said, "That's not the answer to my question."     

He was not ready to let the topic go. So she hesitantly replied, "I forgot." "It shouldn't happen again," he said straight. "No, it won't happen again," she replied like a small child who was telling his teacher that I will not forget to do my homework after this.     

She looked very adorable but this was not the time to pamper her. Alexander pulled his hand from her grip. "I hope so, and don't wait for me at night, maybe I won't come home today." He said in a cold voice and turned.     

Now her heart sank due to his very cold behavior. Her tears were ready to fall from her eyes but this time she didn't want to win him over by being a crybaby. She immediately grabbed his arm. "This too much Alex. Please don't do this," she said looking straight into his eyes. Her nostrils were red and her lower lip was quivering. It was clear that she was trying to stop her cry.     

"you want my forgivness. Am I right?" Alex finally asked her the words she had been waiting for.     

"Hmm" she said without uttering the words because no matter how hard she tried to not cry, if she had uttered a single word now, she would have ended up in tears.     

"If want my forgiveness, I'm going to give you a task that you have to do it right here." She immediately nodded her head without a second thought.     

"Think again." He warned her to which again she nodded.     

"So kiss me." Hearing this, her eyes widened and looked around her. Alex was amused by the look on her face     

She looked like a scared kitten. She pointed her little finger towards the ground asking here in sine language. To which he replied, "Yes here or I'm leaving."     

Guessing that he was sticking to his decision, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then she stepped forward and closed the gap between them. She looked around her again. All the bodyguards are busy with their own work. It was very normal for Alexander to kiss her in front of anyone but it was not normal for her to initiate the kiss. Her heart was pounding like a big drum in her ribcage.     

She looked into his eyes and slowly put her hand on his shoulder for support. Due to the height difference between them, she stood on her toes to reach him. Seeing that she still wasn't reaching she moved closer to him and stood on her toes on his shiny black custom made shoes. Even if it didn't make much difference, she told them, "Bend down. You're much taller than me." Her voice was barely above a whisper.     

"I'm not going to do anything," he replied rigidly and puffed out his chest. "Fine." She replied in a low voice and started to try again but seeing that it was impossible for her without him bending over she requested him again. "Please."     

"I said no." And this was her last thread of emotion. Soon her throat felt tight and tears started flowing from her eyes. She removed her hands from his shoulders and took a step back. "I'm sorry I wasted your time. Don't forgive me because I can't do this task of your. " She controlled her sob and turned. It was very humulative.     

She was taking a very slow step because she didn't know when she would fall on the ground due to her trembling body. Alexander saw her retreating figure and quickly covered the distance between them in two steps as he grabbed her arm. He turned her and immediately filled her in his arms. He buried her face in his chest and rested his chin on her head. "Don't cry, I'm not going anywhere." This proved to be the final kick to her emotions and she broke down in his arms.     

Without thinking about the fact that she was among the people, she started crying very loudly. He tightened his grip on her body and started whispering sweet words in her ear. He thought that he would have some fun with her but it all went wrong. Why didn't he just wrap her in his arms when she was standing at the main door he felt repulsed. He was really a fool person.     

"Okay stop crying. I got you." He started rubbing her back with one hand. When her hard cry turned into a whimper, he plucked out her face from his chest and cupped it in his hand. He wiped her wet cheeks with his thumb and pressed his lips on her forehead.     

After planting a log kiss on her forehead he pulled his head back.     

"You are so bad," she whimpered back. "I'm was sorry for what I did but still you didn't listen to me." She looked like a small angry kitten which made him unable to control himself and first of all he placed his lips on her wet eyes. When she felt the touch of his warm lips on her right eye she immediately placed her hand on his stomach and fisted his shirt in her hand.     

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