My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-289 She Is Different.

CH-289 She Is Different.

0The pleasure she was feeling was something she had never felt before. She has no memory of her first time with Alex. She felt that threads were being pulled inside her body. And finally, she cried. Alex quickly wrapped her body in his arms.     

He wiped her tears and kissed her eyes. "Shu.... Shu.... It's okay. It's okay. Don't cry. I got you." He ruffled her hair and whispered sweet words in her ear. He buried her face in his chest and pulled the blanket over her naked body. He placed a long kiss on her forehead and placed his hand on her cheek. "Sleep honey, it's been a long day for you."     

She felt her body suddenly tired after this intimacy and her eyelids began to droop. He put his hand on her stomach and soon he too fell asleep.     


She felt tickles on her face. Someone was touching her face. She started opening her eyes slowly.     

When she opened her eyes, her husband's face was in front of her. He was looking at her very lovingly. "Now we are going to land in twenty minutes. So you should get up My Love. I have already put the clothes in the washroom for you. You just need to freshen up."     

"Okay." She simply answered.     

Alex was already ready in a white shirt and black pants. She threw the blanket over her body and got off the bed. But after realizing that she was completely naked her eyes widened and she quickly wrapped the bed blanket around her body.     

After wrapping the long blanket around her body, it was almost impossible for her to get into the washroom. She was stumbling on her feet. Seeing all this, her husband came near her and picked her up in his arms with a blanket. Alex could have removed the blanket from her body but at this time he decided to ignore it. He placed her on the washroom floor and placed his hand on her cheek. "Call me when you are done."     

After a quick shower, Avery brushed her teeth and got dressed. Today also Alexander did not keep a bra in her clothes, so she had to wear a grey sweatshirt without a bra paired with baggy jeans.     

She combed her hair and parted it in two parts and brought it to the front. Being without a bra was a bit uncomfortable so she covered her chest with her hair.     

When she entered the room, Alexander was doing something on his laptop. He lifted his head after hearing soft footsteps. "Why didn't you call me."     

"I'm not that weak," she said sternly.     

'What happened to her suddenly?' He thought and closed his laptop and looked at her. "I don't hold you in my arms again and again because you are weak. I like your closeness. Whenever you are close to me, I feel calm. So get it out of your head that I am helping you because you are weak." After speaking, he left the room to give little time to calm herself. Also, he was a little hurt.     

She didn't want to hurt Alexander but the unwanted thoughts in her head made her feel a little uneasy. And in that, some thoughts kept running in the background of her brain. Like, 'What will happen when she tells him everything? Will he feel disgraced about her?'     

When she went out of the room, her mother was already there. Sara felt good seeing her daughter well.     


Today everyone was very happy and excited and especially Natasha. She was over the moon when she found out that Avery had gone back. Now there was no one to steal her glory. But her father was not happy he was very angry. He had been cursing Mrs Miller because she had not given him her signature on an important document he wanted.     

"Don't make such a face today. Today is your daughter's reception." His wife told him.     

"I know but her signature was more important. The pretext of marriage did not serve the purpose for which she was called here. That bitch did not give me her signature on the document yesterday because her daughter was not feeling well and she was not in the mood to sign any papers. Fucking hell." He kicked a nearby table. His wife put her hand on his shoulder.     

"It's okay. We will find some other way."     

"Hmmm..." he responded and both left the room.     


The reception party was in full swing. Some people were dancing like crazy people on the dance floor while some were drowning in alcohol on the bar counter. Rina was in a beautiful sleeveless golden gown today. She had a deep V shape which showed very little of her cleavage. Today she had curled her hair and her smoky black eyes were giving her an even hotter and sexier look. She was sitting at a table with her friend.     

"Rina, you didn't even touch the glass of alcohol today," said her friend whose name was Sheli.     

"Oh, I don't feel like drinking today."     

"Oh, come on Rina. Don't be like this. Today is your sister's reception. So enjoyyyy...." Her second friend said and brought the glass closer to her mouth. Her three friends forcibly made her drink.     

"yes." All three of them started dancing on the spot and took Rina along with them to the dance floor. All three of her friends started dancing like crazy and she dodged them and left.     

Ranveer was on the bar counter and had a drink. He did everything to get Avery out of his head. He also fucked one of his bed partners for four hours but still, it didn't make any difference.     

"God, she is looking so sexy today," said a man sitting next to him, but he had nothing to do with who he was talking about.     

"Yes man, you are telling the truth. Today I want to rip her golden gown and fuck her right here on the table."     

"Oh, Man hold your horses on the place. She's not like Natasha who can gives a chance to anyone to fuck her," said a third of them who was smoking a cigarette. "She's different."     

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