My Husband is My Professor and Boss



0Shaking from the coldness, her hand moved to Alex's abdomen and she clenched his black shirt in her tiny fists.     

Alex's eyes fixed on her cleavage where it was bandaged. He wrapped one arm around her waist and moved the other to her bandaged wound. He started rolling his finger around the bandage.     

"Does, it hurts? " She shook her head.     

"Ave...." He grabbed her chin and lifted her face. "Don't lie to me. You know I hate lies."     

Her lower lip began to quiver and her eyes turned red. Soon tears started flowing from her eyes. Immediately the tip of her nose turned red and she nodded pressing her lower lip into her teeth.     

"It hurts. B... But less th.. than before. W... When he dro.... dropped the first drop, it h... hurt a lot." She broke down and started weeping loudly.     

"H... He is very bad.. bad Alex. His were ta.... talking very dirty about me. I didn't w... want to hear their d.... dirty words but they tied my hands so I couldn't e.... even co.. cover my ears." She puts her hands on her ears and says to Alex 'like this.' Her gesture was very cute. Had the situation been different, Alex would have laughed it off.     

She began to open up about what happened to her. "They slapped me." She put her head on his cheat. "One of them held my thigh tight for the entire journey."     

"I could not remove his hand from my thigh." Hearing this, his eyes became dark and he asked only one question, "Will you recognize him?"     

" No " was her answer.     


"My face was covered with black clothes? "     

"Fuck," He places his hand on her small back. "Love, do you know his name? " This time she nodded her head.     

"His name was Robin. And he seemed to be Raghav's close man." She hiccupped. Alex wrapped his arms around her bare waist and pulled her closer. He leaned down and kissed her head. He hugged her but not tightly. Before he didn't know about her wounds but now that he knew so he couldn't take Ricks.     

They both stayed in that position for a while. Then slowly he started moving his hand upwards from her bare waist. His touch was thrilling to her. Her body trembled when he unclipped her bra without prior announcing.     

The speed of Avery's heart beast increased. The memory of that horrible incident was replacing by this new feeling. And somehow she liked it. It was something different. It was something very new for her. His every touch made her stomach flutter. She closed her eyes and surrendered herself to her husband.     

Alex very gently removed her bra and threw it on the bed.     

She was only in panty now. She felt very exposed in just the panty, she quickly raised her hands and wrapped them around her bosom. He looked at her whole body for a moment. She was no less than the goddess of beauty. He grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. She had many bruises on her back. One of her shoulders was also covered with red and purple bruises and the other was red. He traced his finger over the bruises making her flinch.     

"How did this happen?" he asked in a husky voice. He was burning inside but he didn't let it show on his face.     

"He hit my back on the rough wall and the pillar," she replied, wiping her cheek with the bank of her hand.     

"And why did he hit you on the wall?" He came closer to her ear.     

She could feel the warmth of his body. One of her hands was still covering her breast and the other was free. "Because I disobey him. He asked me to be quiet." from the back he placed his hand on her stomach and removed her hand from her chest with his free hand.     

"Haa...." she gasped as her breasts became free from her hold.     

"Don't hide them. I have every right to see them," he whispered into her ear and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck.     

"Alex, what are you doing? Someone will come," she said in a trembling voice like she was standing outside in a winter cold night.     

" No one dares to come inside without my permission. " He placed wet kisses on her neck and his free hand began to trace the nipple of one of her breasts.     

"Alex." Breathing hard, she called his name and rested the back of her head on his chest.     

"Now tell me what else happened." He flicked her nipple with his finger.     

Her body suddenly started to feel a lack of oxygen in the human system. She took long breaths to make up for it. She felt like her legs were like jelly which could no longer support the weight of her body.     

Alex felt the change in her body so he gently tightened his grip around her stomach. He moved his lips to her ear again. "Relax my little wife. Close your eyes and take deep breaths and concentrate on your breathing."     

She did as he told her. Her body obeyed his every command as if under his black magic. "Now tell me exactly what happened from the beginning."     

She started telling him all from the beginning. He knew that he was not doing right with her. He was taking all the information from her with the help of Pleasure. It wasn't that her moan didn't affect him. His little boy was hard for a long time. He longed to make love to her on this hospital bed. And only he knew how difficult it was to control. Despite his hard condition, he was listening to her every word very carefully.     

Two things were taking place in his body at that time. On one hand, the hard desire to make love and on the other the rage of that bastard. And above all his beautiful wife who was in his arms in her pathetic condition. It was nothing less than World War III for him.     

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