My Husband is My Professor and Boss



0Alexander was observing every expression on her face. He was waiting for how she would react now. His back was now leaning against the bedrest and he had already put his gun in his waist belt. He does not want her to freak out after seeing a gun in his hand. She has already faced many horrible things today.     

The first thing she did was put her hand on her abdomen and tears came from her eyes, "my Baby, She said looking at him Like she was asking him.     

"our baby is safe."     

"Yes, our baby." Alex didn't like that sometimes Avery referred baby to as 'my baby.' He moved his hand to her cheek and wiped away her tears.     

"Don't cry. Everything is fine now." He placed his rough hand on her cheek which made her flinch. Her cheeks were hurting. He removed his hand from her cheek but Avery immediately hold his hand and placed it again on her cheek. She wanted to feel his touch.     

"Your cheek will hurt more."     

"Please..." She wanted to feel his touch. She wanted to feel safe in his presence. Ethan thought it will be good to give them both some privacy and left from there.     

Alex wanted to ask her exactly what had happened to her. What they did to her. but he knew the time wasn't right and Avery would need some extra time to open up.     

She tried to sit up so Alex helped her and put a pillow behind her.     

"I'm thirsty." She said in a small voice. He quickly poured water into the glass and brought the glass to her lips. He placed his free hand on the back of her head and helped her drink water. After finishing a glass of water, she asked for another. Her throat was very sore but now she felt better. After placing the glass on the table, Alex sat next to her again.     

Her head was bent down and she was playing with her fingers. There was some kind of silence between the two of them. She wanted to say a lot but she didn't know where to start. seeing her, Alex took a deep breath and took out his cell phone and typed something. Within ten minutes someone knocked on the door of their room. Alex opened the door and took the paper bag from his bodyguard's hand. Paper bags contain food for Avery. Alex opened the food container and sat in front of Avery. There was nothing special. It was a simple and healthy meal for pregnant women. He filled the spoon with food and brought it to her mouth. She was still looking down.     

"Look up dear."     

"No," She said in a broken voice and shook her head. Alex sighed. Her body was already weak. Her body desperately needed something to eat but this time he couldn't force her. He had to take care of her very carefully. After placing the food container on the table, he moved closer to her. He grabbed her chin with his thumb and first finger and lifted her face. There was a sad expression on her face.     

" You don't want to starve our baby. Am I right?" He was talking to her like he is clarifying to a small child.     

She shook her head so Alex started to feed her. After some time, someone again knocked on their door. This time, Alex's bodyguard gave him a big bag in which there were clothes for Avery. He came near her and kept the bag on the bed.     

"We will be leaving shortly. So you have to change clothes."     

"where are we going back?"     

"We are going back to our home."     

"Okay... " She replied silently.     

She tried to get up from the bed, but Alex stopped her immediately. "Where are you going?"     


"And for what." He folded his arms on his chest.     

"For changing."     

" You don't need to go anywhere. You will change your clothes here."     

She moved her eyes in the room and then said, "You should turn around."     

Alex let out a breath and shook his head, "This is impossible." He whispered and moved closer to her. He stood in front of her and Avery looked at him. He placed his hand on her neck and started rubbing her neck. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch.     

"There is nothing that I have not seen. I am your husband." His voice was just loud enough for her to hear. She opened her eyes and looked at him. There was a different kind of expression in his eyes which she didn't understand but it was as if she was mesmerized by that expression.     

Removing his hand from her neck, he placed his hand on her back. He tied her long hair into a ponytail. Then started unzipping her hospital gown. As he started to zip down, the gown kept slipping off her shoulders. But this time she did not hold the front side of the gown with her hands as usual. She was just looking into his eyes.     

The zip was fully opened, and the gown had reached the end of her shoulders. Just a slight touch and the gown would have flown off her shoulders. Her legs were hanging down from the bed and Alex was standing between her legs.     

He placed his hands on her shoulders and gently pulled her gown down from her shoulders. He removed her hands from the sleeves of the gown and soon her half-naked body was before his eyes. She could no longer look into his eyes. She lowered her eyes and bit her bottom lip between her teeth. Alex grabbed both her shoulders and pulled her off the bed.     

Soon the loose gown slipped from her body and fell on her floor. When her gown completely slipped off her body, the cold air hit her and her body trembled.     

As usual, her petite body came up to his chest and she was only looking at his chest. She did not dare to look up.     

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