My Husband is My Professor and Boss



0He was guilty of everything he had done to his daughter and he felt ashamed of himself after seeing her in this broken state today. He made his way to Sarah and before he could reach her, black dots began to form in front of Sarah's eyes and she collapsed on the ground in a daze. Seeing this all gasped. But before Sarah's body could kiss the ground, Vijay Pratap Singh gripped his daughter in his arms and lifted her body in his arms.     

Seeing this, Avery's eyes became so wide that they would come out of their places anytime. She did not think that this old man could be so strong even at this age that he could lift her mother so easily. And she came out from her thought-full state when these words fell on her ears, "Don't look at me like that Young Lady and lead me the way."     


Avery was standing a little away from the bed. Near her leg stood her little brother who was staring at his mother who was lying on the bed, with his big eyes and rubbing his eyes with his little fist to get out of remaining sleep. He then lifted his head and looked at his sister who was also looking at their mother.     

Sarah's lifeless body was on the bed and the female doctor was checking her. In addition to Sarah's father, Sarah's cousin sister and cousin brother was in the room.     

"It's a mixture of more than one feeling that she couldn't stand and felt dizzy. There are many times when we feel joy, sorrow and anger at the same time. And at that point, your brain can't handle all that feeling at the same time and the person suddenly faints. There is no need to worry. She will get better by morning and I have prescribed some medicine." She said as she placed the medicine paper in Sarah's father's hands and left with Sarah's cousin brother.     

Sarah's cousin sister Mahima also left the room after the female doctor left. And Sarah's father sent one of his men to buy Sarah's medicine.     

Vijay Pratap Singh sat on the bed and took Sara's hand in his. He looked at Sarah very lovingly and started rubbing her cheek with his free hand. His face was not showing any emotion but his heart was guilty.     

"Your mother was my princess." He lifted his eyes and looked at Avery. He had never seen his grandchildren before but he knew about them. Avery didn't know what to say to Vijay Pratap Singh but one thing was clear that she was very angry with him. She wanted to shout at him but she didn't want to insult her father behind her mother so she kept quiet there.     

After seeing Sara for a few more moments, Vijay Singh left and Liam jumped on the bed as soon as he left.     

He placed his small and chubby hand on Sarah's cheek. He realized that something had happened to Sarah, but he did not know exactly what had happened. What the female doctor said was beyond the understanding power of his little brain. He looked at his sister hopefully that she would explain to him in his language.     

Avery approached him and leaned over his height, "Our mother is a little sick. She felt dizzy", She explained and Liam asked her, " Little Liam what to know when will his mother get up." His big eyes were on the verge of crying.     

"Hey, little one", Avery cupped his face in hers, "Our mom has to take a rest right now and she'll get up in the morning and give you your good morning kiss first."     


"Yes, little one." Hearing this, Liam's mood lightened up and a smile spread on his pink lips.     

Avery pulled the quilt over Sarah's body and kissed her on the head, "Good night mom." She lifted Liam off that bed and led them both to another bed in the room. She laid Liam down on the bed and she looked at him and started running her fingers through his hair. Soon Liam fell asleep but the sleep was not even close to Avery's. She was missing her husband's warm arms.     

She was thinking of Alex and suddenly her mobile started ringing m. Her eyes lit up when she saw Alex's name on the screen. She quickly received his call and immediately began to describe to him what happened today.     


Today was an engagement ceremony and she was getting Liam ready for it. In fact, there was plenty of time for the engagement ceremony to begin, but Liam was adamant that he should get ready right now. He was having fun here now because he made three friends here now.     

On the other, Sarah was much better now and her father had come in the morning to visit her. Her mental state was still the same as the night before, and she didn't know how to start a conversation. But she didn't have to do anything because the first thing her father did after entering the room was to sit on his knees and apologize to Sarah.     

He had his whole heart open in front of Sarah today. The man in whose eyes Sarah had never even seen Sad emotion was crying in front of her today, seeing that Sarah's heart broke into millions of pieces. She could no longer bear it, and she hugged her father. Even today his embrace was warm for her and she felt safe in it like before.     

Avery stood at the door and watched all this. Her heart, too, squeezed at the sight in front of her eyes. And she felt great for her mother too. She thought her mother got her father.      

Liam was playing outside the room at the time so he had no idea about these things. Avery was standing at the doorway just to keep an eye on him. She didn't want anything happen to him.     

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