My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-101: Humiliation

CH-101: Humiliation

0"Sister-in-law" A cheerful voice brought her back from her thoughts.     

She lifted her head and looked at the person's reflection in the mirror. Seeing that person's face, a small smile appeared on her lips. Her heavy heart lightened a little. After last fifteen to seventeen days of ups and downs, there was someone in front of her whom she could hug. Who was not only her husband's sister but also her good friend.     

Avery turned and looked at Amaya who was at the door.     

"Wow! You are looking so beautiful little sister-in-law."     

Amaya was in a champagne coloured gown that fitted her slim body perfectly. A few strands of hair on her face and rest them was tied in a messy bun.     

"Sister Amaya." The two left their place, came forward and hugged each other. Avery was feeling much better after embracing Amaya. There were tears in Avery's eyes when Amaya breaks the hug. She grabbed Avery's chin and raised her face.     

"What happened little one? Why tears in your beautiful eyes?" Avery wanted to tell Amaya everything but she didn't want to push Amaya into any trouble so she swallowed her own words and tried to change the topic.     

"Because I missed you."     

"Oh God! How sweet." Amaya pinched Avery's cheek.     

She was so mesmerized by Avery's innocent beauty.     

"This sari was given to you by my brother. Am I right?"     

"You know. But how?"     

"It's a secret sweety." Amaya grabbed Avery's hand. "Let's go."     

" Where?"     

"Down, To join the party." Avery had never attended such a party before. She was a little nervous. Before left the room with her, she quickly grabbed Amaya's other hand.     

"Sister, Are there so many people at this party?"     

"No! Only family members, some relatives and close friends." Avery swallowed her saliva. Amaya was always attending a fancy party so there weren't that many people for her but it was totally different for Avery.     

"Where is Alex?"     

"He is busy with guests. You come with me."     

Amaya and Avery were looking at the party hall from the upper floor. Avery had attended only one party in her life and that was a college fresher's party. For her, there was a huge difference between those two parties. There were only students in a college party. But here this party had Alex's family members and relatives whom Avery had never met or seen before. She bit her lower lip and grabbed the railing upper rod even harder.     

She didn't want to go to the party but she had to give up in front of Amaya's stubbornness.     

"Now let's hurry." Amaya said but Avery began to feel nauseous when they were on the second step. She quickly jerked Amaya's hand and ran into the room.     

"What happened to her?" Amaya quickly followed her. After vomiting, when Avery came out of the bathroom, she saw Amaya sitting on the bed and waiting for her.     

Seeing Avery's own face, she quickly got up and approached her.     

"What happened?" She grabbed both of Avery's shoulders from behind and led her to the bed.     

"I am p..." When Avery was about to say I was pregnant, she remembered that no one knew about her pregnancy. And what she was saying, was that, I was raped and because of that, I am pregnant. I don't even know who is the father of my child.     

She tied the fists of both hands on her lap and suppressed her feeling somewhere. " I'm not feeling well. I don't want to go...." Avery had an excuse not to go to the party, which she did not want to lose.     

"Okay! You take a rest now. You come, when you feel better."     

"Hmm." Avery nodded to her. Amaya turned off all the light in the room and left.     

Avery had been lying on the bed for the past half hour. Her eyes were closed but she was not asleep. Suddenly, she felt someone's presence in the room. She opened her eyes but there was pitch darkness in front of her eyes. Amaya kept no light on in the room. Avery blinked her eyelids several times and adjusted her gaze in that darkness.     

There was a faint light coming from the window. In that dim light, Avery saw someone's black figure standing in front of her bed."     

"Alex." She thought that person would be Alex.     

"Alex, are you there?" She didn't get an answer to her question in that dark room but another figure came out from behind that first figure. Now Avery was convinced that the person standing in front of her was not Alex.     

"Who...o is.. the...there?" There was a pause in her voice. She was completely terrified. She had a cold sweat over her head. Her body began to tremble.     

"Please tell, who are you?" But she did not get an answer.     

She stretched out her trembling hand to the table lamp to light up the room. Her hand was caught before she could press the button. When she turned her face, one of the two was in front of her eyes. Seeing the man's face so close, she stopped breathing.     

"Why are you in such a hurry." That sound was so terrifying. She didn't understand anything. And suddenly that man grabbed her neck and began to press. That person's pressure wasn't high, but enough for Avery's fear.     

Just as Avery was trying to free herself, another person in the room, who was still standing near the bed, started laughing. Avery wanted to get out of there under any situations. She gathered her full power and picked up the lamp from the side table and hit on the head of the person next to her. The person retreated and Avery got a chance to escape.     

She quickly opened the door of the room and ran from the veranda towards the party hall. Avery was running without looking back. The pallu of her bloody sari with her long hair was flying behind her.     

She started running down the stairs. Before she could put her foot on marble floor, she lost her balance and her hand hit the mountain of glasses filled with champagne.     


Nearly a thousand glasses fell on the floor in an instant and shattered into small pieces. Thanks to God that the mountain fell on opposite side of Avery. Avery put her hands over her ears and closed her eyes because of the sudden sound.     

All the people's attention went towards that sound. When they looked in that direction, they first saw broken glasses shattered on the smooth marble floor and then a girl in a bloody red sari with her hands over her ears and eyes closed. Seeing her, only two words came out from the mouths of the men in that party.     

"Wow and beautiful....."     

"What the hell? What you did?" Avery's eyes opened because of bitter tone. Seeing the broken glass in front of her, she put her hand on her mouth.     

"I'm asking you." Standing in front of Avery was a young woman with a glass of wine in one hand. The red deep-necked gown fitted very well on her curves.     

"Are you deaf?" Young Women again said. "You dumb girl. Why are you not answering my question? Who are you? and what are you doing here?"     

"Kaylee! is it a way to talk to someone. What kind of language is this?" A woman in her mid-fifties came forward and said. She was wearing a long purple gown with a pearl necklace around her neck. Her age could not hide her beauty.     

"Aunty, it's all because of her." Kaylee pointed her finger towards Avery.     

"You can see the broken glass, but you can't see how scared she is. What would have happened if that glass had fallen on her?" She shifted her attention towards Avery, "Dear are you ok?" Her voice was sweet and caring for Avery. As if she was trying to relieve Avery's fears with her words.     

"Aunty! Don't stop Kaylee." Kaylee was shocked to hear this voice. It was Jade's voice. Kaylee never thought Jade would take her side. Because they were enemies of each other. They both liked Alex and for that one reason, they were hating each other. Jade was Alex's childhood friend and Kaylee was Alex's relative. Today's party was specially organized by Kaylee to impress Alex and his mother as his father was absent. That's why she was very angry with Avery.     

"What do you mean!"     

"Aunty, This girl deserves it. Don't go for her innocent face."     

"Come straight to the point Jade. You have no right to humiliate this little girl."     

"Aunty, This girl did more than humiliation with Alex. This girl had slapped Alex in front of everyone."     


"Yes, Aunty you will be even more shocked if I say that this little girl is pregnant. And this girl doesn't even know who the father of her unborn child is."     

It was unbearable for Avery. She did not think that she would be insulted. It was no longer possible for her to stop at that party.     

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