My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-108: Unknown Number part one

CH-108: Unknown Number part one

0It was six o'clock in the evening. There were shades of light red, orange and yellow in the sky. Which were mixed with each other very beautifully? Avery was standing in the gallery of her room watching the sunset. She was immersed in the beauty of the sunset.     

"Ave!" A cool but gentle voice brought her back to reality. He was standing in front of her in a grey suit with white when she turned around. His hair was combed back very neatly.     

He came forward and stood in front of her, "Ave." There was love for her in his voice. His closeness made her nerves. She tilted her head down and began biting her lower lip. Her heart was beating very rapidly in her chest.     

"Don't." He put his first finger under her chin and tilted her chin upwards. "How many times I told you that don't hurt your self." He said while removing her rosy pink lip from the grip of her sharp teeth.     

"Huh." Avery was just looking at him without saying anything.     

"Ave?" He again called her name.     

"I was just....."     

"It's okay! Now listen." Alex put his hand on her delicate waist and pulled her very close to his chest. Due to sudden action, she put her both hands on his strong chest.     

"Ave, I am going on a business trip for two days." As soon as she heard about his business trip, she felt a sharp pain in her heart and two drops of tears fell from her eyes to her cheeks, because she could see her past repeating in front of her. The photos of Alex's previous business trip began to roll in front of her eyes. Clara and Alex's news began to move in her head.     

She began to free herself from Alex.     

"Relax Ave, Clara is not coming with me." She was so busy freeing herself from his arms that she couldn't hear.     

"Ave, stop struggling. I'm not taking Clara with me."     

"Huh.." She looked at him with teary eyes. How does he know what I'm thinking? She thought.     

"Then where is she? Whenever I asked you about her, you never told me anything about her."     

"Currently she is out of the country." Alex wiped away her tears. "She has gone abroad for some work. Why? do you missing her so much."     

Avery shook his head and said, "Why should I miss my husband's mistress?"     

" So it means that you are considering me your husband."     

"Yes only For my child."     

"Ave, It's not just your child. It's a child is ours." Alex placed his head on Avery's head and started taking a deep breath.     

"My wife becomes bold." He whispered in his husky voice.     

"Yes, only because of my c.." She stopped for a moment and took care of her own words. " our child." Her words brought a smile on Alex's lips and filled his heart with joy.     

"Ave, I'm going for a couple of days. My only wish is that you do not take your foot out of the mansion in these two days.     

" But why Alex."     

"Mark my word little one. I don't want you to get yourself in trouble."     

" But I.... "     

"Please just for two days don't." Alex requested her.     

"I'll take you wherever you want to go, I get back from the business trip."     


After hearing Avery, he felt relief and took Avery in his arms. Avery was amazed that Alex's affection was increasing for her with passing each moment. In the last six months, he had not shown as much affection as he was showing right now.     


It had been two hours since Alex went and she was still standing in the Gallery. What Alex had told her before he left was running in her head. This time she looked a fear in Alex's eyes that she had never seen before.     

It was nine o'clock in the morning and Avery was having breakfast at the dining table. She had not spoken to her mother from so many days. She wanted to hear her mother's voice. She thought of calling her mother and in the next moment, she called Sara. But like every time, Sara didn't pick up her call.     

Ever since Avery left the country, Avery hadn't called her mother because she didn't want to get her mother in trouble.     

But before she left the country, whenever she called her mother, her mother did not pick up the call like today.     

Several times her mother had cut off her call. Avery didn't understand why her mother was treating her so cruelly.     

"""""""" $     

Avery decided to talk to Alex about this when he got back from the business tour. After breakfast, Avery went into the garden and sat on the swing. She remembered how Alex had once treated her at the same place. But there was a big difference between the present and the previous Alex. The present Alex was very gentle with her.     

Her mobile rang when Avery was in her thoughts. When she opened her mobile she had received a blank message from an unknown number. She ignored that message, thinking it might have been sent by mistake.     


It was six o'clock in the evening, and Avery was in her room reading the book Mrs Kim had given her. That book was for pregnant women. How to keep yourself tension free in pregnancy. How to think positively and how positive thoughts affect the unborn child. All this information was in that book.     

"Tutu.... " Avery's mobile rang. This time too she had received blank messages from the same unknown number. She ignored that message and started reading the book again. " Tu Tu....." Her mobile rang again. She opened the mobile. Blank message from the same number again.     

The series of blank messages started when she was about to ignore the message again and put her mobile down.     

This time she didn't misunderstand those messages because the mistake could happen two or three times not again and again. Avery had a mobile in her hand and she was opening every blank message. Soon the series of blank messages stopped and she breathed a sigh of relief.     

She started reading the book again. Avery had read the book for about twenty minutes before her mobile rang again. But this time it was a phone call.     

She held her mobile phone close to her ear.     


"What are you doing?" When Avery heard a familiar voice, she was relieved. She remained silent for a few moments. "Ave, are you there?" The person asked from the other side.     


" What are you thinking?"     

"Nothing. Just I did not expect your call." She was right because Alex had never made a phone call or even a simple message to Avery whenever he was on a business tour before.     

"Drop this topic Ave. And tell me what you were doing."     

"I am reading a book."     

" Which?"     

" grandmother gave it to me. It's about pregnancy. "     

"Ok. Is something bothering you? "     

"Hm. No no. Nothing like that." Avery wanted to tell him about that unknown number, but she didn't tell him. He had gone for some work so she didn't want to give him tension.     

"Ave. You took the time to answer. So I think you are not telling true"     

"No Alex. Nothing like that. You tell me. When are you coming back"     

"The day after tomorrow."     

" Hmm."     

"Ave...." Avery spoke before Alex could say anything more. " Alex. I want to read this book today. I am cutting call right now. Bye-bye.....".     

After disconnecting the call, Avery grabbed the mobile close to her chest. A sweet smile came on her lips and satisfaction in her heart. It was Alex's first time calling her during his business trip, but his only phone calls made her very happy. She put her mobile on the nightstand and started reading the book again.     

She had just read a few lines of the book when her mobile rang again. She opened the mobile and in front of her eyes was a message from the same unknown number on the screen of the mobile. But this time the message was not blank.     

'You are reading a book' this word was in that message. As soon as Avery read that message, her limbs became numb. She is alone in this room. So How does anyone know that she is reading a book? This thought came in her mind     

She put the panic aside and thought for a moment. "Alex, it must be Alex. I just told him that I was reading a book. Alex." Avery called Alex to confirm but his number was out of coverage area. She called him two or three times. But still, his number was out of coverage area. She later dialled Ethan's number but his number was also out of coverage area like his boss.     

She dialled that unknown number. The call was connected to that number but no one picked up the call. Avery didn't know anything, so she decided to wait for the next message. She waited a long time but got no message. It was nine o'clock at night and she was now getting ready for bed. She was lying on the bed but her head was still thinking about that unknown number. She also missed Alex a lot.     

While thinking she did not know when the darkness enveloped her and she fell asleep.     

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