My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-118: Truth came out: part nine

CH-118: Truth came out: part nine

0Avery's head was on Alex's chest and his arms were wrapped securely around her waist.  Her eyes were closed and she could hear his heart beating.  Which was providing her with a relaxation?     

"Ave." She heard Alex's Husky voice and opened her eyes while looking upward.      

"Yesterday I slapped you very hard."  He put one hand on her cheek and started caressing.     

"Why are you saying this now?"     

" Because I am feeling guilty."     

" You shouldn't have done that in the first place."     

"  I know my wife."     

"Then  Why did you do that?"     

"I didn't want to hurt you because I already hurt you so much. But at that time you said something that caused my hand to be raised automatically. I can't imagine my life without you.  Don't say what you said yesterday."     

Avery was staring at him.  She could see the sincerity in his eyes.  She had seen the same sincerity in his eyes when they meet first time in hospital.  Her hand automatically moved closer to his face and began to rub his cheek.  Because of Avery's action, his heart began to flutter in his chest.  That feeling was impossible for him to put into words.  His lips curled and a beautiful smile formed on his lips.  His eyes sparkled.  Seeing his expression, she averted her hand.  She had just pulled her hand away from his cheek but Alex immediately grabbed her hand and put it back on his cheek.     

"I like it, I like it when you touch me. You don't have to stop yourself. You have the right to do this because I am only yours." Avery said nothing but she felt very happy.     

They both kept looking at each other for some movement but suddenly Avery got up from his lap.      

"What happen..." Before Alex could say anything more, she approached the tree and began to throw out whatever was in her stomach.     

Alex gestured to a nearby bodyguard and asked him to brought a water bottle.  Alex approached her and began to rub her back.  When all done, she placed her head on Alex's chest and said in a low voice.  "Alex,  Take me inside."     

"Yes, my Love."  Alex picked her up in his arms and marched towards the mansion.  After going into the bedroom, he laid her on the bed and also lay next to her     


Avery was feeling something wet and soft around her lips.  She did not understand what was going on around her lips.  She felt as if her lips were in something warm.  She didn't understand anything. So to feel it she stuck out her tongue and began to move it around her lips.  When she felt a warm thing near her lips she touched her tongue, she quickly took the thing in her lips.  She started licking those warm and soft things.  She had no taste in it but she loved to lick it.     

After licking those warm and soft things for a while, she took that thing in her teeth and started chewing.  It was like jelly for her as she even tried to take it in her mouth.  But her bad luck that the thing didn't come in her mouth.  As if someone was controlling that thing.     

Avery's closed eyes opened after hearing the chuckle.  And her eyes widened seeing Alex's face very close to hers.  When she rolled down her eyelids, she saw Alex's lower lip between her teeth and now she realized that what she was dreaming of was not a dream.  And the thing in her lips was Alex's lips, not jelly.  She quickly released Alex's lips.     

She touched her lips with her fingers.  Her lips and the area around her lips were wet.  She realized that the warmth that had been on her lips a few times before was none other than Alex's lips and he was kissing her in her sleep.     

"alex....."She mumbled.     

"Yes, my love."     

"You....  you.... you. ....     

"Yes,  me."  She didn't know what to say.  Her face turned red because of embarrassment.  And here Alex was smiling at seeing her in that situation.  The smile was reaching his eyes.     

Avery just wanted to hide somewhere.  She put her hand on Alex's chest and began to push him.  But he was not even moving from his place.  Alex's hands were on both sides of her on the bed.  She was trapped in Alex's arms.  Seeing that her husband is not allowing her to go anywhere, she quickly turned and hid her reddened face in the pillow.  Alex smirked at her.     

Alex leaned over her and placed his chin on her shoulder.     

" What happened my sweet Ave." He asked but got no response from Avery.     

"Ave." He called her again but there was still no response.  He sighed and turned her.  Her eyes were closed and her cheeks were blushing.     

"My love...."     

He took his hand close to her lips and began to wipe the wet spot on her lips and the side of her lips.  After wiping, he pecked her lips once again.     

"Open your eyes, my love." He said but Avery shook her head in denial.     

"But why my little Ave."     

"Because You cheated  me."     

"  But how."     

" You kissed me even though I was asleep."  She complained.     

"You know that was my kiss. I thought you don't know." He said giggling.     

"alex please." And with that, she turned again but  Alex cupped her face before she could hide her face in the pillow once again.     

"I like the way you kiss me.  I will do just like you." Alex started to tease her.     

" I wasn't kissing you.  I was in my dream."     

"I know my love." He said and at the same time, he put his lips on her exposed neck.     

" alex..." After putting his lips on her neck shiver ran through her whole body. Her body begins to tremble.  Alex placed his hand on her nape and tilted her neck upwards.     

"Alex,  What are you doing?"  She began to feel uneasy.  The hair on her stood up.     

"Shuu.... My Love.  Let me love you a little."  He parted his lips and kissed the sensitive spot on her neck.     

"alex." She whispered and gasped.  "Please stop." She said but he didn't stop.  After parting his lips, he parted his teeth and took the first layer of her skin between his teeth and bit it.     

"Ahh..alex Please stop. Are hurting me."     

She moaned and with that Alex gave her first hickey on her neck.  He took another spot between his lips and gave her hickey once more.     

Alex thus began to fill her entire neck with wet kisses.  Then he grabbed the corner of Avery's dress in his teeth and pulled her dress down from her shoulder.  He touched her shoulder with his lips.  Then his tongue began to lick her shoulder.     

Avery's breath became heavy.  Even though she knew she was not a vi**in,  but it was all new for her.  Because in her first time she was unconscious and she knew nothing about it.  She couldn't stand it any longer and grabbed Alex's hair and pulled him away from her and slapped him on the cheek.     

"Phakkk...."  Alex's guard was down so he moved away from her due to her small force.  But he was surprised when he was slapped on the cheek.  Alex's face was turned and his eyes were closed due to Avery's sudden slap.     

When He turned his face and looked at her.     

" Alex....l.... Didn't...  I'm sorry. punish for this." She regretted what she had done at that time and began to cry. " I'm sorry...." She said and in the next moment, she was in Alex's arms.  Alex slept beside her and pressed her to his own chest.     

" You don't have to apologize."     

"But Alex."     

"It's Okay."  Alex began to run his hand through her hair.  "my love.  I'm completely yours you can do anything with me."     

"But what I did was wrong.  I'm sorry." Alex pulled her face out of his chest and leaned down and kissed her tears. " Stop crying,  we have to go."     

"  Where, " She asked, putting her face into his chest once again.     

"There is a surprise for you. So Get ready."     

" Alex.  Please let me stay for a while. "     

"As you wish." He put his hand on her waist and pulled her even closer.     


Alex was already dressed and was standing in front of the mirror fixing his hair.  Avery was staring him from the bed.  'My husband is very handsome.' The thought crossed her mind and she started chuckling.      

"Why is my wife chuckling."  Alex's question brought her back to her senses.     

" Nothing."     

"Really."  Alex approached her and carried her in bridal style.  He took her to the closet.  And asked her to choose a dress from the section of her wardrobe.  She was stunned when she looked at the wardrobe.      

In her section were set all the clothes that Alex had brought to her.  The clothes she had packed after she found out about Alex and Clara.     

"Alex.  All this...."     

"All this I have set myself.  You had packed all these clothes and I put them all here without your permission.  If you don't like it, you can....." Before she could say anything, she turned in his arm and hugged him. Alex was still holding her in his arms.     

" I love it, Alex." She said.     

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