My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-126: Date: Part five

CH-126: Date: Part five

0Her head was on his chest while her hands were on his abs.  One of his hand was on her waist and he was holding her very close to his heart.  Avery's eyes closed and she was listening Alex's heartbeat. On the other hand, Alex's eyes were open and he was staring at the open sky with his blue eyes.      

The long fingers of his hand were wrapped by Avery's hair.  That moment was priceless for them. Which will always remain in their memory.     

In that black night, the moon in the sky was the witness of their pure love. The stars who were shining in the night sky was the witness of their love. Those endless waves of the sea also witness of their love.      

There was silence between them but their feelings were talking.  The two stayed in each other's arms for a long time.  And after a while, breaking the silence between them, Avery asked him,  "Alex, how did you know I was taken by the police to the police station that day?"     

Alex took his eyes off from the sky and looked at her. He answered very simply.  "I was the one who told them to take you to the police station."      

"What?" She opened her eyes wide.  She couldn't believe her ears. She sat up on her place and stared at him in shock.  She never thought that her husband could be the one who trapped her in that baseless allegation.      

Seeing her in shock Alex grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him.  The faces of the two were only an inch apart.  She could feel his mint breath on her face. The speed of her heartbeat was increased. And current ran through her body.      

It always happened to her when she was so close to him.      

He spoke before she could reach on baseless conclusion.  "That day Clara sent one of her men to kill you.  Because of that, I had to send you to the police station under police protection. But I didn't think you would be treated like that there." There was sadness in his voice.      

But  for Avery, this was nothing less than a strong shock.  After hearing Alex, question immediately popped in her head.  "If you knew this,  then why didn't you protect me?"  Her question was logical but she did not know that the answer to her question would be so twisted.      

He opened his mouth to answer.  "Of course I could have protected you but doing this at that time was like putting you in more danger. And that I couldn't do."     

She was confused when she heard his twisted answer.  And she asked him quickly. " What do you mean?" Alex tugged the hair strands from her face to behind her ears and kissed on her cheek.     

He answered. "At that time Clara felt that in my heart soft corner has been developed for you.  She thought I was attracted to you.  So she had planned to kill you but at the same time, she had put a spy on me.      

She was trying to find out if I knew anything about her plan or if I could do anything to save you.  But after that incident, it became clear to her that I have no feelings for you in my heart and I am just using you.  It was also clear to her that I love her very much and I am not cheating on her.  In other words, you can say that I used her plan to mislead her."     

After listening to Alex, she didn't know how to react.  Ever since she came back, one thing after another was coming in front of her.  One secret after another was unravelling in front of her.  And in her heart, the love for Alex was increasing.     

She stared at him.  She did not know what to say to him.  Just like her words were lost somewhere.  Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought of all the things he had done to save her since they married. She quickly hid her face in the crook of his neck.     

Streams of tears started flowing from her eyes and she started crying in his arms.  Alex began to pat her back.  He didn't want Avery to cry any more.  Because he knew she was now guilty for what she had thought wrong for him in the past.  But in Alex's eyes, it wasn't wrong, what she had thought about him in the past because he knew how he treated her very badly after their marriage.      

He pulled her face out of his neck and held her face in his hand.  "Love."  He said very softly and lovingly.  "Look at me." He again said but Avery shook her head in denial and let her eyelids remain down.      

"Love please."  He pleaded her in his sexy voice.  She pressed her lower lip and looked up at him.  "Let everything that happened stay in the past and look forward to our beautiful future.     

The beautiful future we have to live with our child. I know it's not easy to forget what happened in the past.  But you have to forget it.  You have to forget it for our child. Am I  right love."     

Saying this, he kissed her on the head and took her in his warm arms.  Avery also somehow stopped her tears and closed her eyes. She handed herself into his arms.  Alex started rubbing her scalp so that she would fall asleep soon.  After a while, Alex felt her breath steady and he looked at her.  Avery had fallen asleep quietly.  Seeing her cute face his lips created a beautiful smile on his handsome face.  "Sleep my darling."  Saying this, he covered their bodies with a quilt and held her even tighter in his arms and closed his eyes.     


The chirping of sparrows echoed throughout the beach.  The light rays of the sun fell on her beautiful face which was trying to wake her up with their warmth.  But she did not want to wake up.  She turned her face and hid in the pillow.  Alex was observing her every move from the beginning.  Seeing her like that, he smiled and his body blocked the sun rays for her.      

He put his hand on her back.  When Avery felt his touch, she immediately popped her head out of the pillow and looked at him. She passed a very sweet smile and immediately buried herself in his chest.     

"Ave we should go home now."  He said curling her hair.      

"Hmm."  She nodded.      


It was six o'clock in the evening and Avery was sitting on the bed in the bedroom reading a book.  After returning from the beach, Alex went to the office and Avery was in the bedroom all day. She didn't go anywhere because she wanted to be alone. She wanted to be alone and think about how they spent their first date.     

She was giggling many times, remembering what they had done on the beach.  Her mood had completely changed since she returned.  She did not know when she fell asleep while reading the book.  And when she opened her eyes she was already in Alex's arms.  Alex was holding her close to his chest with one hand and doing something on the mobile with the other hand.      

He said suddenly when she was busy to look at him.  "You awake."  His words brought her back to her normal state and she answered him.  "Yes."      

"Good then." He said getting up and sat on the bed.  "How was your day?"  He said pulling her towards him.      

"Nothing special.  I was in the room all day." She answered, placing her head on his chest.     

"Why were you in the room all day?" He started rubbing his hands on her back.  She didn't answer his question for a moment.  And then after a while, she put her chin on his chest and looked at him.      

"Alex.  She said.      

"Yes."  He looked at her and put his hand on her cheek.  "I want to rejoin the college."     

"Hmm...." Alex looked at her without answering immediately.  He did not want her to join the college in such a situation.  But then he thought she would be bored at home all day. She needed a fresh environment for her health.  And he was also in college to keep an eye on her.  With that thought he allowed her to rejoin the college.  "Okay.  But promise me that you will take care of yourself."     

She immediately shook her head and nodded.  "Ave, what do you think about the Office?" He asked became he needed to know if she wanted to rejoin the office too.      

She quickly shook her head in denial.  Alex raised his left eyebrow and asked her. "But why?"     

"Because I slapped you in front of everyone."     

Yes, it was true that after slapping him that day, she did not have the courage to go into the office and face the staff who were there that day.     

Ales said her nothing at that time about rejoining the office.  He picked her up in his arms and carried her downstairs for dinner.     

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