My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-143: Just this time.

CH-143: Just this time.

0She didn't know that Alex was looking at her. But when Max looked at Alex, her gaze went to Alex and she shivered a little. She realized that she had invited everyone but did not ask Alex about it. She began to say to him hesitantly. "A...Alex.. it is ok. If I ...."     

"No need to ask. You are young madam of the mansion. You can do anything." Alex's words were normal but he didn't know how important that word was to her and how they imprinted on her heart. She was super happy from inside.     

"Ok, now it's Final." Alex got up from his seat and stretched out his hand in front of Avery. "That all is coming to the mansion with us." Avery put her little hand in his big and warm hand. And got up from her seat. "Are you tired?", He asked kissing her on her     


"No." She answered shortly.     


Emily was resting in the guest room and Raina was helping Avery in the kitchen. Avery had done all the cooking. She and Raina were putting all the dishes on the dining table.     

"All the dishes are smelling very good. I guarantee everyone will love dinner and you will be much praise." Raina said putting the last dish on the table. Avery smiled a little and wiped the sweat on her forehead. Then she took a deep breath and sat on a chair for.     

Raina looked at her pale face and quickly came towards her. "Are you alright? Should I call sir? Your face also looks very down. Oh, how can I forget that the doctor is already here? I'm going to call him."     

Just as Raina was about to leave, Avery grabbed her hand. "I'm fine. No need to worry. I'm just feeling little tired. Don't tell them anything just call them for dinner. I'm going to call Emily." She went towards the guest room and Raina went towards the study room.     

She felt a little dizzy as she walked towards the guest room but ignoring that she stepped forward. Just as she was about to open the guest room door, she felt very dizzy and could not keep her balance. She placed her hand on a nearby pole to support her body. But still no use. As she was about to fall, she was picked up by two strong arms before her body hit the floor.     

"You?" She said shockingly when she saw that it was her husband who saved her from falling. Then she put her head on his chest and closed her eyes. He took her into their master bedroom and laid her on the bed. Then he put a pillow under her head and sat beside her.     

After a little while, he made her sit on the bed. He picked up a glass of juice from the nightstand and brought it to her lips. She held out her hand to hold the glass, but he spoke before she could hold it. "Don't! Let me hold it. You just take a sip."     

She took a sip as he said and looked at him. "When did you come after me? How did you know I was going to the guest room?"     

"What do you think?" He placed the glass of juice on the table and leaned towards her. He put his hand on her nape and brought his lips close to hers. She closed her eyes and put her hand on his chest. He smiled at her innocent face and brushed his lips close to hers. She felt a spark in her whole body. Her heart began to float in her chest.     

He could feel the change in her body. And he was not able to control himself. He pulled her towards him and squeezed her in his arm.     

"Do you think that while you are working in such a condition, I will not pay attention to you? My priority is you. At first, I didn't want you to cook for everyone, but I didn't forbid you because you were insisting.     

I'll tell them that you're not feeling well." He was about to stand up from the bed but she held his wrist. "Don't go"     


"Alex." She put her head on his chest. "It's not too serious. This may be due to pregnancy. We all are going to dine together for the first time. And I don't want it to be ruined because of me."     

"But love...."     

"Please Alex. Just this time." She whispered near his warm chest while he was rubbing her arm.     

He signed and said, "OK!" A few moments later she put her hand on his shoulder and pulled her own body out of his arm. She blinked her beautiful eyelids and said, "We have to go. They will be waiting for us."     

"Hmph." He nodded his head and got out of bed. He pulled out her medicine from a nearby drawer and placed the pill in her hand.     

"You will feel better after taking this." She swallowed the pill with water and immediately put her feet down from the bed. Just as she was about to get up, Alex grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her onto the bed. "Where are you going?" He said narrowing his eyebrows.     

She raised her eyelids and looked into his eyes. His blue eyes had a deep love for her like the deep ocean. She stretched out her hands to him. "Take me!"     

"Huh? He was a little taken aback by her sudden order. But immediately a smile appeared on his face. He was very happy from inside. Avery was telling him to take her. It was like experiencing heaven on earth for him. Instead of grabbing her by the arm, he bent down. Placing one arm on her back and the other one under her knees, he lifted her in his arms.     

She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in the crook of his neck.  "Alex." Her breath touched his neck and his body reacted immediately.      

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