My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-144: Tell me how I'm torturing you.

CH-144: Tell me how I'm torturing you.

0His body stiffened and his eyes began to change their colour.  At that time he just wanted to put her on the bed and take.  But he knew he needed to control his desires.  Otherwise, he will break a pure soul.     

He took a long deep breath and said in his husky voice.  "Ave, You don't have to torture me like this."     

She quickly pulled her face out and looked at him with her innocent eyes.  "Tell me how I'm torturing you? How can hugging someone is torture?" She asked him very innocently looking in his eyes. Which made him think that, 'God, what can I do about this girl's innocence?'     

"Oh, sorry my little wifey. I slipped my tongue."  He said this but in his head, another thought started running, 'Ave, You don't know how hard it is for me to control myself.' He thought himself.     

"Tell me now what you want to say."      

"Alex I just want to say that it is not good to let our guests wait for us."     

"But your health.."     

"Alex, it's not like that I'm going somewhere else. We are just going to the dining room for dinner.  And you have nothing to worry about because you are with me.  Now let's move quickly otherwise the meal will be cold."     

He moved out of the room taking her in his arms. "Ave, don't you think that you're being too stubborn."     

" No, I don't think so. And what's the use of thinking about it now?  You should think about all this before you marry me."  She said smiling naughtily.     

"Is that so."  They were chatting while going towards the dining room. Avery was still in his arms.  As they passed the living room, she said to him,  "Put me down."     

"But why?"     

"They will suspect that something is wrong if they will see us like this."     

"Ok madam as you wish."  He settled her feet on the marble floor and then went inside the dining room. All was already waiting for them.      

The six of them started their dinner. Avery was praised by everyone for her delicious food. Especially she was praised by Noah.      

The taste of that meal reminded him of someone and brought tears to his eyes.  He stopped his emotions behind his smile and started eating again.  He feeds Emily with his hand until the dinner was complete.  He knew very well that the wound on her wrist was much deeper and how much it would hurt her if she moved her hand even a little.      

Avery didn't want to eat anything where everyone was enjoying the meal made by her.  She had tried almost all the dishes with the thought that it would taste good but to no avail.  Her mouth was completely tasteless.     

Alex was studying her from the beginning.  He knew it was all happening to her because of her pregnancy.  He felt guilty for her condition and cursed his child in his breath. 'You little brat. You are not letting your mother eat.  You just  come out, I'll take revenge on you for all this.' He poured orange juice into the glass and moved it in front of her. "Drink this."     

She was about to grab a glass of juice but suddenly she started to feel nauseous. She got up from her seat and ran towards the kitchen.  Others' meals were almost done.  Alex also followed her after excusing himself.     

"What happened to her now? She was not looking ok some time ago." Raina said while collecting all the empty plates on the table.      

"Princess.  You have to ask her when she comes back." Shortly after, Alex came out of the kitchen with his wife in his arms.  Avery's eyes were closed and her head was resting on his chest.  After entering the dining room, he sat her down on a chair and moved a full glass of juice in front of her again.      

"Please don't force me I don't want to eat anything.  I'm still feeling nauseous."      

"But you have nothing left in your stomach.  You may also feel weak because of this. Please take this." His words clearly showed how much he cared for her.     

"What happened?" Noah said as he got up from his seat.  He, too, had observed from the beginning that Avery had no interest in eating.     

"Nothing! She is feeling a little nauseous due to pregnancy." Alex spoke without thinking.     

"Pregnancy.....Is that so....WHAT?  What did you say?" Noah came two steps further from his place?      

"She is having nausea."      

"Ah...after this."     

Before Alex said anything Avery gritted her teeth and glared to him very angrily.     

"What?" Alex looked at her and shrugged his shoulders.  "He asked me first."     

"Alex.  Answer me." Noah said banging his hand on the table in frustration.  He wanted to hear the positive answer very desperately.      

"Okay!  Okay!"  Alex raised both his hands in the air. "I'm telling you. Just don't break the furniture in my mansion."  Put his head on Raina's shoulder Max was enjoying their fight.     

"Say Alex!"  Noah shouted again.     

"Avery is pregnant." Finally, Alex gave him an answer.     

"Really?" Noah quickly approached Alex and grabbed his shoulder.  "Say it again."     

"Avery. My wife is pregnant.  Now what? Do I need to announce this to the whole city?"     

"No. No...  It is not needed.  And yes I apologize for shouted at you."  Noah turned his attention to Avery.  He sat on his knees and took both her hands in his.  "Is what Alex said true?"      

"Hmm." She nodded her head positively and at the same time Noah got up quickly and picked her up.     

"Little sister,  You are pregnant... You are pregnant..."  The whole mansion was buzzing with his cheerful voice.  In the mansion, at that time there was only the sound of his shouting and laughing.  It was as if Noah had found the most precious thing in his life.  "Brother, put me down.  I'm dizzy." Avery said grabbing his shoulder.     


Request Note (please read ) :- My dear readers, my heart is broken and I do not understand why you are doing this to me. Why don't you all voting for this novel? Are you punishing me for not getting you to read a new chapter for ten days? So please don't do that because I already told you the reason. And this will not happen after this. Please vote for your poor author's novel and increase the rank because the rank of this novel has really gone down a lot. Understand this as my request and please help your author. Because if you do, I'll give you a mass release.     

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