My Husband is My Professor and Boss



0"Love!" He put his warm hand behind her chin and turned her face towards him. She blinked the long eyelids of her chocolate brown eyes as she asked, "What?"     

"Did you buy a bottle of juice or someone gave it to you? Because as far as I know, that bottle does not belong to any company." Her eyes broadened in horror with his words alone. The expression on her face changed. Her whole body began shivering. Her face turned pale and a cold sweat began to come over her forehead.     

She didn't think he would ask her this question. The words he had told her about Lucas started echoing in her ears again. The situation was such that she could not lie to him and she did not dare to tell him the truth. Before her eyes, pictures of how he had treated her on the day of the fresher's party started appearing.     

She put her lips in a tin line and tried to hold his shirt in her trembling hand. It was her first move when she was scared. But the long sleeve made it very difficult for her.     

Seeing what she wanted to do he grabbed her lower arm, rolled up the sleeve of his suit jacket. And placed her trembling hand on his chest.     

"What happened. Why are you so scared?" He cupped her face in his warm palms and held it up a little so that it would have been possible for him to read every expression on her beautiful face.     

"I..i... did..noth.. nothing... He... he...was... " It was also very difficult for her to take only Lucas name.     

"Calm down wife."     

"Take a deep breath."     

"Hold on.."     

"And leave.."     

After a while, she calmed down completely but there was still fear in her eyes which was causing a storm in her heart.     

Alex tilted his eyebrows. He did not understand what had suddenly happened that made his wife so afraid of him. To know the reason his blood was boiling in his veins. Yet he chose to remain silent because he knew that his small mistake would make his wife even more afraid. But his inner beast was against his will. And he had only one way to calm his inner beast down.     

Without thinking too much he sneaked his warm hand around her waist and pulled her very close. His face came so close to hers that the tip of his straight nose was touching the tip of her small nose. His mint breath was fanning her face which made her feel the heat in her body.     

"Don't be so afraid." He muttered against her pink soft lips and in a second captured her lips in his.     

Her eyes closed at the touch of his warm lips. Her heart rate increased. Even though she was scared at that moment, she was feeling love, affection and care in his kiss. She moved her hands from his chest to his shoulders and dug her long nails into his shoulder which was a sign for him that she was ready for him. Which formed a pleasant smile on his lips while kissing her.     

He moved one hand upward and put it in her hair. Grabbing her first full silky hair he yanked them down so that her face tilted at the perfect angle for him. He deepened his kiss and placed the other hand on her waist inside his jacket. He started running his fingertip on her waistline. She felt a tickle when his fingers touched her waistline through the thin fabric of her shirt.     

His fingers stopped at her waistline after some time and again began to move but this time stopped at the edge of her shirt. In the next moment, his warm hand placed on her lower back. His touch opened her closed eyes wide and caused a coolness ran through her whole body. In front of her open eyes were Alex's blue eyes that were looking intently into her eyes. Seeing her eyes suddenly open, Alex stopped kissing her. But near her lips, he spoke in his husky but sexy voice. "Close your eyes, my love." He stopped kissing her but didn't move his lips even an inch away from hers which caused his lips to brush on hers.     

She obediently closed her eyes and with that, he started kissing her again. He moved his hand on her little back and leaned her body on the steering wheel, tightening his grip on her hair. When her body got the full support of the steering wheel, he deepened his kiss even more.     


Avery's back was completely resting on the steering wheel. Her eyes were closed and her chest was moving up and down. She was trying to make up for the lack of oxygen in her body. Her cheeks turned creamy red and her pink lips were swollen. Seeing her charming beauty, Alex licked his lips and leaned towards her. He kissed her forehead and pushed the hair strands from her face to her side.     

He put one of his hands under her head, pulling her, he settled her comfortably on his lap like before. He holds her close to his chest and asked. "Now tell me about that juice bottle. And don't be afraid."     

She put her hand on his shoulder and opened her mouth to say. She was not so scared this time as before. His kiss had lessened the fear in her heart somewhere.     

"But promise me you won't be angry with me."     

"No, I will not." He rubbed her back while reassuring her.     

"I was given that bottle by Lucas sir."     

"What?" He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away from him. "Are you telling true?"     

"Hmm. He told me he saw what happened in the canteen. And that's why he came to give me this juice bottle." She pointed towards her bag.     

To her surprise, without saying a word, he pulled the bottle out of her bag and let her drink. Not only she but he also drank the juice.     

He mumbled taking the last sip of juice. "Still the same test."     

In this whole process, Avery was looking at him in amazement 'a person who hates even the name of Lucas how can drink the juice made by his mother.'     

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