My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-199- Maybe I Am Not Pure Anymore.

CH-199- Maybe I Am Not Pure Anymore.

0After flickering her beautiful eyelids, she slowly opened her eyes when the rays of the morning sun fell on her face through the sky blue curtains. She opened her eyes fully as she adjusted her eyes in that light sunbeam.     

Her head was hurting terribly. She put her hands on her head and began massaging. For a moment she did not understand where she was or what she was doing here. But when the incident of the previous night suddenly started playing like a movie in front of her eyes, her eyes widened with shock. She rolled her eyes throughout the room. She noticed that she was in a well-furnished room. She had no idea where she was because the room didn't look like a hospital from any angle and she had never seen it before whenever she visited Martin hospital. But her shock went on higher pick when she realized that she was only in her inner under the soft blanket. And immediately tears started flowing from her eyes without her permission. She didn't even want to think about what might have happened to her.     

At that moment, she only wanted to leave that room as soon as possible before anyone arrived. But how will she get out? she was not fully dressed. She didn't have a cellphone to call for help. She was completely disastrous than time. Thinking All this new stream of tears came out from her red eyes. But not wanting to waste any other second, controlling her sobs she wiped away tears.     

She moved her legs. As she was about to put her feet on the marble floor, a sharp pain shot in the veins of her body. And again unknowingly whimpers came out of her lips. Why no one was there with her. Where exactly she was? Why no one came to her. Didn't anyone care about her? With those thoughts, she placed her feet on the cold marble floor. After wrapping the bed sheet around her small body like a long gown, she made her way to the door.     

Taking a baby step, she somehow reached the door. Unaware that the door was locked from the outside, she stretched out her hand to twist the doorknob. But the door suddenly opened before her hand could touch the knob. She was frightened by the thought that someone had come. But her fright changed in a moment when she saw Max at the door.     

Just as she was about to merge herself into his arms, a thought came to her mind about her condition. Streams of new tears came from her eyes. She took a step back.     

Max who was standing in the doorway, was confused by her miserable condition. The tears in her eyes were like daggers that pierced his heart.     

Max stepped forward to reach out to his princess and hug her. He stretched out his hand. But before his hand could reach her, Raina stepped back. This action made Max's eyes narrowed. He had been waiting all night for her to come into her senses and now when she was standing in front of him she was refusing his touch.     

But when these words came out of her mouth to his ears, "You will hate me." His eyes widened.     

"But why?" As soon as she heard his question, she hid her face in her palm.     

"Please don't come close to me. I don't know what had happened to me last night. I don't know how I got here. I was not fully clothed when I woke up. I was just in my underclothes." She lowered her head in shame. "Maybe I am not pure anymore."     

"It's just maybe Princess. It's not...."     

She cut Max's words in the middle. She didn't even give him a chance to clarify everything. "What if it's true..." She started crying even more. In the next moment she couldn't control herself, she fell on the floor with a loud thud.     

Max realized that she could be out of control at any time. Breakdown already had taken a place in her heart.     

Not wanting to get more attention from outside the room, he closed the door without taking his eyes off from her.     

He approached her and bent down. He grabbed her shoulders. As soon as she felt his touch on her shoulder she immediately jerked his hands and moved back again. "Didn't I tell you that don't touch me."     

"But at least listen to me."     

"NO..." Her squeaky scream shook the VIP room from every corner. Her current condition was proof that she was not in her right state. she was becoming mad but before this madness took over control on her it was necessary to pull her out from it.     

Max again stretched out his hand to try quietly, just as he was about to touch her, she backed away so much that her back went against the wall. Her back hit the wall so hard that her whole body ached. The knot of the sheet wrapped around her body also loosened.     

Max was frustrated by her stupid and crazy behaviour. It had all gone over his head. But what was her fault in all this? It was natural to react in this way because of the horrible experiences she had gone through in the past.     

He got up from where he had been sitting before and closed the distance between them in two strides. Reaching in front of her he grabbed her shoulders, pulled her up and pinned her to the wall.     


"SHUT UP...JUST SHUT YOUR THIS LITTLE MOUTH..." He shouted at her. "Don't say a word." There was a fire in his green eye. Seeing him in anger, her body began to tremble. She swallowed her saliva but a new force of tears came out of her eyes.     

He shouted angrily at her, but seeing her frightened face, he cursed himself. Closing his eyes for a moment, he loosened the grip on her shoulder.     


Note:- My dear readers, I need your help. Like you know how many members there are in Alex's family. So I want you to suggest to me the names of the members for whom I have not yet been named. And also for Ethan's family. For his father, for his mother and his sister. I will use the name you will suggest. I look forward to hearing from you. Love you all. :winking_face:     

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