My Husband is My Professor and Boss



0After Avery goes to Alex's office, Raina, Emily, David and Lucas all go to their respected places. David and Emily went to their class together. After the last lecture, all the students started leaving the classroom. Along with that Emily and David also walked out of the classroom. He was a little worried that Avery hadn't called him since. Just as he was about to call her, Emily stopped him saying that "I has received Avery's message and she has reached home." She knew that Avery was with Alex and she didn't want David to disturb them so she lied to him.     

She left college and when she reached the dorm she saw that Raina was ready to go somewhere. Raina tells her, "I am going to meet Max." The next day was a weekend so she could stay with him. Raina felt a little guilty about the thought that Emily would be alone in the room after she left. But it was also important for her to go with Max.     

On the other hand, Emily was missing Noah after hearing Max's name from Raina's mouth. When she pulled her mobile out of the bag to call him, she was surprised to find ten miss calls from Noah's number on her mobile screen. Without a moment's delay, she dialled his number. Within one ring, Noah picked up her call. "Hello, Noah." She said sweetly but her voice was weaker than usual which it didn't take long to recognize by him.     

" Why are you upset?"     

"I miss you." She placed her hand on her heart and took a deep breath.     

"Get ready and come with Raina to the south gate of the university in twenty minutes. The car will be there for both of you." He said strongly.     

"But how will I know which car is for us."     

"Because you already know the person who is going to come for you. And also I'm sending you the car number. Get ready soon I'm waiting for you." Noah's words were not very gentle. But she still felt better after talking to him.     

She told it all to Raina and got ready herself. She wore a simple but elegant long frock with a white layer.     

They both walked out of the dorm and went to the south gate of the university. Noah was right for Emily's surprise because she knew the diver very well. This was the same person with whom Noah had sent her inside the university on her first day. Looking at him again today, she realized that the person standing in front of her was a very trustworthy person of Noah.     

When Raina saw him she also thought she had seen him somewhere but she couldn't pin on it. They both got into that luxurious car and he drove away. After an hour's journey, the car reached seaside. Raina and Emily spotted Max and Noah from a distance. In this one hour journey, they both wondered when they would reach and when they would not.     

After the car stopped, Emily opened the car door without waiting for anyone to open it. She put her foot out of the car and ran towards Noah with the speed of the wind. She did not know why she was so eager to meet him. She just wanted to hug Noah without thinking about the world.     

Noah, on the other hand, was looking like a runway model in a black t-shirt and black jeans. His hair was messy but it didn't make any difference to his look. His hands were in the front pockets of his pants. The rays of the setting sun were falling on his face, adding to his beauty. He was talking to his men about something important so he didn't know about her reaching.     

Emily ran towards him and immediately wrapped her arms around him and hugged him very tightly.     

He was a little surprised by her sudden act and took a step back. But the next moment, without wasting time, he took both his hands out of his pocket and wrapped them around her. He ordered the men who wad standing beside him to leave. "Is something wrong?" He put his head down and asked, running his hand through her hair.     

"No, nothing. I just missed you."     

"But it's has been only two days that you left for dorm and already started to miss me so much. I'm worried about what you'll do if I have to go somewhere."     

She rubbed her head on his chest and said, "don't go because now it is very difficult to live without you." Her words created a beautiful smile on his lips. He patted her back and kissed her on the temple. After holding her in his arms for a while, he separated her from his embrace a little and asked her, "How is your hand now." There was a concern for her in his voice, and in his heart, there was still worry about the wound on her wrist. The wound on her wrist was much better than before but was still a little wet which was bothering her a bit. She looked at him and replied, "Much better than before." He took both her hands in his arms and kissed.     

"Didn't anyone ask you in college about both this? I mean, generally, students ask what happened. What happened to your hand?" He teased her.     

"Hmph." She sighed and slapped him in the stomach.     

"Ouch... Little butterfly you have become very bold." He put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her to him and asked, "Now tell me anyone asked you anything."     

" No. I did not show my hand to anyone. Only David asked but Avery took care of him too."     

"The young fellow who was standing next to you at the fresher's party."     

"Yes, the same boy. One minute How do you know he was standing next to me at the fresher's party." He looked at her and gave a mischievous smile.     

"Oh yes I forgot that you were with me every time but not in front of me."     

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