My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-192- Swollen Red Cheek

CH-192- Swollen Red Cheek

0The hospital was already Avery's weakness and upon all this male nurse was standing next to her . He was trying to brush his body to her. She just wanted to get out of there.     

"Why are you so eager to perform my brother's surgery?" She finally pinned on the main point.     

"Because this is necessary."     

"No, there is another reason behind this." She fired back.     

" Nothing like that." The doctor started taking forward steps but his feet halted at Avery's words. "My brother had a heart operation a few months ago and it was in one of the best hospitals in the country." These words made the doctor look at her with wide eyes. He did not think it would happen. But in the next moment, the expression of his wide eyes changed into a smirk, he came and stood in front of Avery.     

"Now I think, I have to tell the truth." He put his index finger under Avery's chin and turned her face upwards. That doctor was a five-foot-ten-inch-tall man in his mid-thirties.     

Avery looked up to see in his eyes. And seeing the lust in his eyes, she shook his hand away and turned her face away. She felt disgusted by his touch.     

"Hmm.. Wild cat. l like it. Now the wild cat let me tell you. I'm not looking forward to your brother's operation. In fact, I am eager to snatch your brother's little heart from him. I am eager to sell his heart for which I will get a very good price." These words from the doctor shook Avery through her bones. Her head went blank for a moment. And when she returned to her right state, she stopped breathing. She panicked. Her breath became disturbing.     

Seeing her miserable condition, the doctor smirked and went towards the operating room again. But before he could take any more steps, Emily got down on his feet and knocked him down and attacked him. "You Bloody Bastard how dare you. How can you..."     

And in the next moment, the doctor stood in front of her at his full height and slapped her face hard. "You called me a Bloody Bastard. Now I will show you how this bastard will take you in front of everyone. How will this bastard test you in front of everyone?" He gritted his teeth.     

He grabbed the edge of her top. Emily's eyes widened. She was horrified. "NO..... Please don't....Please... don't do this..." She tried to free herself from the hands of the two bodybuilders. But nothing worked. He slowly began to slide over her top and a little part of her creamy belly caught the eye of those present there. The lust in their eyes grew even more.     


Before the doctor would pull her top even higher Avery shouted in a voice that tore everyone's eardrums, "you can't...."     

"Phackkkk...." A big slap landed on her cheek by a man who brought Liam to the hospital before she could finish her words. reddened her face in a slap.     

She lost her balance due to a sudden impact and started falling. But before her body could fall, she was caught by two strong hands. It didn't take her a moment to identify whose strong hand it was.     

He came here! Finally, he came! He came here to save her and her brother. Her Alex came! Her Ruthless, Cold-blooded Alex came. She quickly buried herself in him. She didn't need to panic anymore. Now She was in her safe place. She was in his arms.     

She put her hand on his chest and clenched his silky black shirt in her fist. She raised her head and looked into his burning eyes. "Alex save Em...." Before Avery would finish her word, that mean doctor was knocked down by Noah in a punch. The punch was so dangerous that he fell on the floor with a loud "Thud" and started bleeding from his nose.     

That voice caught Avery's attention. She turned and was shocked to see the bodies of all the bulky peon on the ground. They were all wounded by Alex's man. They were all groaning in pain.     

Avery then turns her eyes and looked at Emily. She was standing in the corner and trembling. Her eyes filled with tears as they were staring at Noah. Who was busy distorting the outline of the doctor's face with his hard punches.     

Up to calming his inner beast, Noah pushed the doctor very hard. Then he looked at Emily. Whose eyes were begging him to take her in his arms? Her request was granted when Noah left the doctor's unconscious body and stood in front of her. He pulled her into a strong embrace. He pressed her face to his chest. "Don't cry, baby." He began to stroke her back. "Everything is fine now."     

Emily was in his arms, still not fully recovered from the shock, but the thought of Liam came to her head. She held out her hand towards the operation room. As Noah looked in the direction of her hand, her faint words fell on his ears. "Save Liam."     

As these words came out from her little mouth, he stormed into the operation room. And a minute later he came out with the unconscious Liam. Didn't know what he did with the doctor in the operation room but his body lying on the ground was visible through the open door.     

The good thing was that if Noah hadn't gone in on time the doctor would have cut Liam's chest. Seeing Liam in Noah's arms, Avery's soul returned. Just as she was about to take step towards him, grabbing her arm Alex turned her around.     

He put his hand under her chin and turned her face upwards. He put his other hand on her waist and pulled her more closer towards him. Alex what are you doing I ....."     

"Shh...." He calmed her down by placing his finger on her lips and then same finger moved from her lips to her cheek. His finger touched her swollen red cheek and she hissed.     

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