My Husband is My Professor and Boss



0It was then Noah realized he had made a very great mistake. 215     

Alex placed the sleeping Avery on the couch and sat down next to her. Without saying a word, he scanned the entire room. Raina was standing near Max and Max's hand was on her waist. When Raina looked at Alex, she was startled to see his expressionless face. If Max hadn't been standing next to her, she would have left the room.     

There was pin dope silence. There was no fourth person in that VIP room of Martin Hospital, except for those three. In front of Alex's indifferent face, Max and Noah didn't even dare to make a simple noise. They were breathing even silently.     

Alex's volcanic eyes stared intently at Noah. He had not uttered a word since he came into the room. Because he didn't want to lose his temper in front of the girl and especially in front of Emily. But now he could.     

After being assured that Noah was out of danger now, the three girlfriends left the room to give privacy to the three friends for important discussions.     

Breaking the ten-minute deep silence, finally, Alex opened his mouth. "I talked to senior UPS about suspending you for a year. And this is your one year suspended letter. " Alex pulled a folded envelope from his jeans pocket and threw it on the bed in front of Noah.     

These two sentences from Alex blew the colour of Noah's face. For a moment, he was confused. He did not think that he would suffer the consequences of his actions in this way.     

"You can't do that." Noah clenched his jaw.     

"I already did. You have also been mailed from the headquarters." He finished his sentence without putting any expression on his face.     

After looking quietly at Noah for a few moments, Alex walked towards the door.     

Noah who was burning in the fire of rage could not restrain himself when he saw Alex walking towards the door. "You cannot control others life." Noah's words halted Alex's feet. He turned his head and looked at Noah who was already looking at him with a challenging look. This one sentence of Noah broke Alex's patience and he took an extended stride and approached Noah.     

He grabbed the collar of Noah's shirt and pulled it up. "Are You Out Of Your Mind? If anything had happened to you, what would I have said to Avery in the future?     

What use of my power if I could not save the important person in her life." He paused for a moment and shouted, "I saved you from your stupidity.     

And if you want to say this his controlling others life, let it be." Alex's bloody blue eyes looked into Noah's. "Because I did, I am and I will. No one can control me and if you want you can try, I don't care."     

Noah clenched his fist. If he hadn't been so weak, he would have punched Alex pretty face.     

"Noah, you know I was thinking that you are a very patient person who can not make any decision without understanding and thinking. But you proved me wrong. This misunderstanding of mine is gone."     

"So you tell me what should I have done." Combining his full remaining strength Noah pushed Alex, causing Alex to lose his grip on Noah's collar and goes two steps back. "Dose I have to trap a girl from their group and fuck her very hard in front of Emily. Kiss her passionately mixing my saliva with hers."     

Alex understood the hidden meaning of Noah's word. And Alex punched Noah face very hard even though he just woke up from a coma and still was in his weak condition. Noah's face turned and blood came out of his lips due to the effect of Alex's loud punch.     

Alex raised his hand in the air landing an additional punch but in meantime, Max grabbed his hand before it would fall on Noah. "Alex are you crazy? He has just returned from his awaited death. He was in a coma man. Don't forget that you were most worried when he was in a coma." Max yelled quickly went to Noah, taking a piece of cotton he wiped the blood from his lips.     

"You were the only person who had the right to question me and stop me, but today I take that right away from you." Alex, who was watching from a distance of two feet, said this to Noah for the last time in his furious voice.     

"And one more thing, you will no longer be a part of the mission. I'm getting you out of this mission."     

"This mission is not just yours, Alex. Don't forget what we've all lost." Noah's words immediately took Max into the past. His face turned bitter as he remembered the things in the past and unbearable pain. He didn't want to admit it but still, he hadn't come out of it.     

"But you have proved that this mission only belongs to you by your selfish action," Alex said.     

"You can't." Noah groaned back. "You can't separate me from this mission. It is a goal of my life.'     

"Try me, my dear friend." After saying this, Alex smirked and left from there.     

After Alex left, Noah turned to Max who was still in a Dilemma. "Mr Martin, get back to the ground. It's been almost eighteen years now and there's no point thinking about it now. Now think ahead."     

" Just like you," Max remarked to him.     

"Oh, Max doesn't start now. Just tell me why I wasn't taken to the Army Hospital. And that's how Alex found out about me."     

"Don't bark on me like a dog and it was Alex who brought you here. As for your hospitalization, Alex has covered your stunts by admitting you here."     

"Ok, Just drop it and tell me where my clothes are."     

"In the safe box."     

"Bring here."     

"But why."     

"Just bring here without using your intelligent doctor brain." Noah wasn't in the mood to answer Max's question.     

Soon Noah's clothes appeared in the room in a tray.     

He picked up his slightly torn and blood-stained shirt and started looking for something.     

Max was staring blankly at Noah when Noah pulled a small chip out of his shirt collar. That chip was hidden by Noah in his collar. Seeing that chip in Noah's hand, Max narrowed his eyes and folded his arms over his chest. "What is this."     

" That bastard's upcoming plans."     

"And how did you get it?"     

" The place I attacked was his base. Before attacking them, I transferred all the secret information and out a line of their plans from their commuter." Honey     

"What are you going to do now? "     

"This is a very stupid question, Max. Obviously, I'm going to work on this."     

"What if Alex knew."     

"Alex will only know when someone tells him something and this thing is only between the two of us and you are not going to tell him. And if dared to tell him in the future."     

"What if I did that..."     

"So I will bring out what you are trying to hide from Raina."     

"You are threatening me."     

" No, I'm telling you the truth."     

Seeing the smirk on Noah's face, Max gritted his teeth and walked away. He knew that Noah was not lying.     


Alex came out of the VIP room and walked through the corridor. He saw three young girls at the far end of the corridor who were engrossed in their conversation. Among the three of them was his wife who was rubbing her own arms. Even though her small body was wrapped in a shawl, she was feeling cold which made her shiver.     

Avery's back was facing him so she didn't know he was coming to her. When Raina and Emily saw Alex coming, they were about to tell Avery but Alex warned them not to tell anything.     

In a swift move, he came forward and wrapped both his arms around her. Avery was stunned at first but relaxed immediately after realising the Familiar Feeling. She turned in his arms and looked at him.     

"Let's go home."     

"But what about Brother Noah. I mean, I want to see him once."     

"Love." He put his hand on her cheek. "It's already too late and you need to take a rest too. We can come back to see him tomorrow." He then turned to Raina and Emily.     

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