My Husband is My Professor and Boss



0She looked at the right side. There was a boy about eighteen or nineteen years who was playing with a girl who was about eleven years old. Even though he was young, he was following     

every command of that little girl.     

Seeing those two she reminded her childhood. She remembered some pages of her life she had spent with Max and a smile came on her face which didn't go unnoticed by Max. He too smiled and interlocking his fingers with hers, he brought her hand closed to his lips and kissed her knuckles.     

She shuddered as his soft lips touched her flesh and current began to flow through her whole body.     

She curled her toes and closed her eyes to feel that moment.     

She opened her eyes when she felt Max breathe near her ear.     

"We should leave now." He said and she too nodded her head.     

She had forgotten the fear in her heart in that fresh environment of the park and also she had no reason to be afraid when Max was with her.     

She got up from the bench.     

He put his hand on her waist and led her to the main gate. As they approached the main gate, her eyes went to the small ice cream parlour to the right side of the gate.     

Her eyes lit up and when Max followed her gaze, he told her to stand there. She was confused when she saw Max walking away, telling her to stand there. She was about to call him but she held on it when she saw him walking towards the ice cream parlour and a round smile formed on her face. She pushed the loose strands of her hair back to the ear and stood there looking at Max's back.     

Shortly after, Max returned with dark chocolate ice cream.     

Max had known her for so many years that he was well aware of her preferences.     

Seeing him, Raina's smile became even wider and she took a fast step and approached him.     

"I hope my little princess is happy now." Bending down a bit, he forwarded the ice cream to the cone Raina.     

"Very much happier." Raina grinned like a fool.     

She took the ice cream in her hand and linked. She moaned when the sweet and faintly bitter taste came into contact with her test buds.     

Offered the ice cream to Max, Raina took the ice cream cone near his mouth. "You know, honey, I don't like sweets."     

"Just a little bit." She turned her Hazel eyes into puppy eyes.     

Despite not liking the sweet thing, he ate the very little amount of ice cream for her and they both cans out of the park.     


Max parked the car in the parking lot of a very grand mall and came out. Raina also came out from her side.     

He went to her side and took her hand in his own.     

" Let's go." He took her out of the parking lot.     


Raina was taking a few video games for Ray and a few other things too. When it comes to shopping, she pays special attention to the fact that her budget should not be over. And today also she was doing same.     

While selecting things, she noticed some gadgets that were suitable for boys of Ray's age but she did not have enough money to afford them. Reassuring her heart that she would come back a few days later and take the gadget for Ray, she went to the counter.     

She was in front of the counter but she couldn't see where Max was. Thinking Max would be out of the shop, she pulled money out of her purse. As she was about to give the money to the counter lady, a strong hand stopped her hand, "Stop."     

That person was none other than Max. She wondered from where Max suddenly came.     

"What happened? Why did you stop me?"     

" Because you are not going to pay." After answering her, he signalled to a male attendant behind him to put the box in his hand on the counter. They were all boxes of gadgets that Raina liked but she didn't take them because of a lack of money.     

She narrowed her eyes due to the confusion and looked at Max.     

"Max, what is this."     

" Things you liked."     

Raina had so busy selecting items that she didn't even know when Max had come into the shop after the phone call was over and was staring at her.     

After answering her, he pulled out his unlimited card from the wallet and handed it to the counter lady. Raina didn't like it. "Max you...." She tried to stop him but Max interrupted her before she could finish her sentence. "Not now Princess."     

His voice was not soft but bossy which made her stand there silently.     

After paying at the counter, Max took all the carry bags in one hand and came out holding her hand with the other. After coming out of the shop, he made a phone call and suddenly a tall and strong man appeared in front of them. He was dressed in full black. Raina was startled to see his 'not mess with me' aura. She was surprised when Max handed him all the carry bags and told him to take them to the penthouse.     

After the strong man left, Max took Raina to a nearby corner and pinned her to the wall.     

"Max, what are doing? Everyone is looking here."     

"To Fuck their looking. No one dares to stand in front of me and speak. I am the owner of this mall."     

Hearing this, Raina's eyes widened.     

" You tell me first of all how many times I have told you that you never pay for anything while I am with you and never look at the pies tag when your shopping."     

Raina was looking at Max without blinking. Seeing his expressionless face and hearing his calm voice, it was difficult to tell whether he was angry or not.     

She opened her mouth to say something but she had to stop because of Max. "And also I gave you a card that you didn't bring with you as usual. Am I right?" She did not know how to answer his question. Because he was right. He had warned her before but she never listened to him.     

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