My Husband is My Professor and Boss



0Suddenly she remembered something and she opened her eyes and looked at the bed. She saw a huge red spot on the bedsheet where she was sleeping. She immediately picked up her mobile from the nightstand. She then opened a calendar on her mobile. 'Oh my God, how can I forget about my period.' She cursed herself under her breath.     

She decided to change the bedsheets before Noah came into the room. She hurriedly bent down and just she was about to pull the bed sheet out of the king-size bed she heard, "Butterfly, did you get up?" Which made her freeze on the spot.     

She widened her eyes in horror. And subsiding her freezes she hurriedly covered the red spot with a quilt and stood beside the bed.     

Noah stepped into the room with a food tray in his hand. "Good morning." He smiled at her. But his smile faded away when he noticed pale face of Emily. His face darkened. He quickly put the Tray on the table and walked over to her. "What happened. Why your face is looking pale?"     

"Nothing. Just little headaches." She tried hard not to show any signs of her stomach ache.     

"Are you telling the truth OR You're hiding something, aren't you?" He doubted her.     

"Why should I lie to you?" She tried to act cool.     

"Ok then." He walks towards the bed. "First finish your morning routine and have breakfast. I will give you medicine after breakfast. You will feel good." And with that, he bent down to set the bed.     

She screamed as he was about to grab the quilt. "No stop."     

"Huh?" He narrowed his eyes and looked at her. "What." He asked.     

"Nothing. go. your work If there's anything le...left. I'll take care of it." She said as she snatched the quilt from his hand.     

"Ok", he said and turned.     

When she was about to breathe a sigh of relief suddenly Noah turned. He immediately grabbed the edge of the quilt and before Emily could say anything, he pulled the quilt off the bead in one move. Seeing a big red spot on the bed, his jaw clenched. He lifted his gazes and looked at her and pointed to the bedsheet saying that, "you are trying to hide this from me."     

Seeing the anger on his face, she thought that he became angry with her because of the bedsheet. She was quick to point out, "Don't worry. I will wash this bedsheet."     

'What a crazy answer.' He thought and stood right in front of her. "Silly." He cupped her face and made her look at him. "How can you think I'm going to worry about bedsheets?     

Did you forget that when first time your period had come, who took care of you?" His question made her feel guilty about how much she thought wrongly about him.     

She still remembered very well that she was fifteen years old when her first period came. She didn't know much about all this because her education dropped in the middle. At the time of her first menstrual period, Noah not only took care of her but also taught her all about menstruation.     

Noah came very close to her and put his hand on her stomach. "Does it paining so much?" He started rubbing his hands on her stomach.     

She lifted her eyes and looked at him. There were tears in her eyes. "It hurts a lot. This is unbearable." She sobbed.     

"Shhh... Don't cry." He pulled her into his embrace. He kissed her on the head and started patting her back.     

He then took her to the bathroom. He came out of the bathroom after he told her to take a bath. He replaced the previous bedsheet with a new fresh one. He took the sanitary pad from the cabinet and went near the bathroom. He knocked on the door. "Emi are you done."     

"No." The answer came back from inside. "I need more time."     

"Okay. Take your time but for now, just open the door and take this pad."     

The bathroom door opened a little and Emily's hand came out of it. The rest of her body was hidden behind the door. Seeing all this, Noah chuckled a little and placed his packet of sanitary pads on her opened palm. After that, it turned.     

But before he could step forward, Emily called out to him in a sweet voice from behind. "Noah."     

He wondered what had happened and with that, he turned again. The bathroom door was already slightly open. But this time not only her hand but her head also was out. Her wet hair clung to her bare shoulders and upper arm. There were tiny drops of water on her beautiful face which further enhanced her beauty. Seeing her that way, he stiffened on the spot. His body began to heat up.     

But he immediately clenched his fists and closed his eyes to control his growing desire. She was confused by his actions and she called him again. "No." As soon as her words reached his ears, he opened his eyes and approached her.     

"Yes." He said.     

"I want my clothes." She said with a little embarrassment lowering her head.     

"Just one sec." He went to the closet.     

Although they never had in the house for the past six to seven months, he had already arranged everything she needed. After a while, he came to the bathroom door with a set of fresh clothes and handed them to her.     

As she was about to close the door after taking the set of clothes he placed his big palm on the door. She looked up at him in surprise. But before she could say anything, he pressed his lips to hers.     

For a moment she did not understand what had happened. And when she realized, her eyes widened automatically.     

Her hands began to tremble. Her grip began to loosen on the set of clothes. And the set of clothes slipped from her hand. But he was caught it before falling on the floor.     

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